D-modules on the affine Grassmannian and representations of affine Kac-Moody algebras (original) (raw)
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We propose a notion of algebra of twisted chiral differential operators over algebraic manifolds with vanishing 1st Pontrjagin class. We show that such algebras possess families of modules depending on infinitely many complex parameters, which we classify in terms of the corresponding algebra of twisted differential operators. If the underlying manifold is a flag manifold, our construction recovers modules over an affine Lie algebra parameterized by opers over the Langlands dual Lie algebra. The spaces of global sections of "smallest" such modules are irreducibleĝ-modules and all irreducible gintegrableĝ-modules at the critical level arise in this way. X ⊗H X , where H X is the algebra of differential polynomials on H 1 (X, Ω 1 X → Ω 2,cl X ). Apart from serving as a prototype, algebras of twisted differential operators are directly linked to algebras of twisted chiral differential operators via the notion of the Zhu algebra [Zhu], and this is another topic of the present paper. Zhu attached to each graded vertex algebra V an associative algebra, Zhu(V ). We show that the sheaf associated to the presheaf X ⊃ U → Zhu(D ch,tw X (U )) is precisely D tw X . Zhu(V ) controls representation theory of V , the subject to which we now turn.
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The linkage principle for restricted critical level representations of affine Kac–Moody algebras
Compositio Mathematica, 2012
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On Koszul duality for Kac-Moody groups
Representation Theory of the American Mathematical Society, 2013
For any Kac-Moody group G with Borel B, we give a monoidal equivalence between the derived category of B-equivariant mixed complexes on the flag variety G/B and (a certain completion of) the derived category of G ∨monodromic mixed complexes on the enhanced flag variety G ∨ /U ∨ , here G ∨ is the Langlands dual of G. We also prove variants of this equivalence, one of which is the equivalence between the derived category of U -equivariant mixed complexes on the partial flag variety G/P and a certain "Whittaker model" category of mixed complexes on G ∨ /B ∨ . In all these equivalences, intersection cohomology sheaves correspond to (free-monodromic) tilting sheaves. Our results generalize the Koszul duality patterns for reductive groups in [BGS96]. 1 2 ROMAN BEZRUKAVNIKOV AND ZHIWEI YUN 4.2. The Whittaker category 25 4.3. Convolution 27 4.4. Averaging functors 30 4.5. The functor V 35 4.6. The pro-sheaf P 37 4.7. Proof of Proposition 4.5.7 40 5. Equivalences 44 5.1. Langlands duality for Kac-Moody groups 44 5.2. Equivariant-monodromic duality 45 5.3. Koszul "self-duality" 50 5.4. Parabolic-Whittaker duality 54 5.5. "Paradromic-Whittavariant" duality 58 Appendix A. Completions of monodromic categories 60 A.1. Unipotently monodromic complexes 60 A.2. Pro-objects in a filtered triangulated category 62 A.3. The completion 69 A.4. The case of a trivial A-torsor 73 A.5. The mixed case 78 A.6. The stratified case 81 A.7. Free-monodromic tilting sheaves 83 Appendix B. Construction of DG models 84 B.1. A simple subcategory 85 B.2. The DG model 88 B.3. Functoriality of the DG model 91 B.4. Application to equivariant categories 92 B.5. Application to monodromic categories 93 Appendix C. Calculations for SL(2) 94 List of symbols 96 Acknowledgement 96 References 97 c instead of D b m ). A local system on G m with unipotent monodromy is given by a representation of the pro-quotient of π 1 (G m ⊗ kk ). Taking the logarithm of the unipotent monodromy, such a sheaf corresponds to a finite dimensional Q [[t]]module on which t acts nilpotently. Denote the category of such Q [[t]]-modules by Mod nil (Q [[t]]), then