Evaluation of the cytotoxicity of 10 chemicals in human and rat hepatocytes and in cell lines: Correlation between in vitro data and human lethal concentration (original) (raw)
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Toxicology in Vitro, 1992
The cytotoxic effect of the first 10 chemicals on the MEIC list (evaluated in the Multicentre Evaluation of In Vitro Cytotoxicity organized by the Scandinavian Society of Cell Toxicology) was evaluated on human and rat cultured hepatocytes and in the non-hepatic murine 3T3 cell line. The MTT test was used as an endpoint to evaluate cytotoxicity after 24 hr of exposure to the chemicals. The predictability of human toxicity using human hepatocytes was analysed and compared with the results using rodent cell culture systems and rat and mouse LDs0 tests. Ferrous sulphate, diazepam and isopropyl alcohol produced about the same toxicity in all three cell culture models; paracetamol and acetylsalicylic acid were more toxic to human and rat hepatocytes than to mouse 3T3 cells; amitriptyline, ethylene glycol, methanol and ethanol were more toxic to human hepatocytes than to rodent cells. Digoxin was the most cytotoxic chemical to human hepatocytes (IC50, 4.9 nM), the alcoholic compounds (isopropanol, ethylene glycol, ethanol and methanol) were the least toxic (IC5o, 125-819mM) and paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid, ferrous sulphate, diazepam and amitriptyline showed intermediate cytotoxicities (IC5o, 0.05~5 mM). The data suggest that for these 10 chemicals, acute toxicity in humans was more accurately predicted using human hepatocytes than using rat hepatocytes or mouse non-hepatic 3T3 cells.
Comparison of in vivo acute lethal potency and in vitro cytotoxicity of 48 chemicals
Cell Biology and Toxicology, 1992
The cytotoxicity of 48 compounds included in the MEIC (Multicenter Evaluation of In Vitro Cytotoxicity) list was determined in cultures of rat hepatocytes, McCoy, and MDBK cells. The average minimum concentration of each compound inducing cytotoxicity was measured in each cell type. The cytotoxicity values were then compared with published oral LD50 values for rats and mice. The logarithmic transformation of in vivo toxic doses and the corresponding in vitro cytotoxic concentrations showed a statistically significant correlation between the in vitro and in vivo values. The results show that an accurate in vivo LD50 dose could be predicted from in vitro data for at least 75% of the selected compounds. It is hoped that this finding will not only stimulate others to pursue in vitro technique but will eventually lead to elimination of the in vivo LD50 test.
A multicentre study of acute in vitro cytotoxicity in rat liver cells
Toxicology in Vitro, 1991
Abstraet--A multicentre validation study of the acute in vitro cytotoxicity of drugs involving six French laboratories from INSERM or pharmaceutical companies has been carried out. Thirty liquid or solid chemicals such as antibiotics, anticancer drugs and solvents were selected and incubated for 20 hr with normal rat hepatocytes and FaO hepatoma cells. Miniaturized and automated methods were defined for the evaluation of cytotoxic effects. Four endpoints were evaluated: the ratio of extracellular lactate dehydrogenase to total lactate dehydrogenase, total cellular protein content, reduction of a tetrazolium salt, and neutral red uptake. For each test ICs0 values were calculated. A good interlaboratory reproducibility was demonstrated. The neutral red assay was found to be the most sensitive and the least reproducible endpoint. More compounds were shown to be cytotoxic to hepatocytes than to hepatoma cells (18 v. 12). On the basis of the ICs0 values a few compounds were found to be much less cytotoxic than predicted from in vivo data, suggesting that a simple experimental protocol and non-specific cytotoxicity parameters are not sufficient to test certain drug families. However, such methods appear to provide a useful means of defining the concentration range of the drug that will be selected for further analysis using more specific tests.
In vitro cytotoxicity tests for the prediction of acute toxicity in vivo
Toxicology in Vitro, 1994
Investigations of the use of in vitro cytotoxicity tests for the prediction of acute toxicity in vivo have been reviewed with particular emphasis on those studies that have been published during the past 5 years. Numerous cell types, endpoints and exposure periods have been used in cytotoxicity tests, although these appear generally to have little effect on the resulting correlation between in vitro IC50 values and in vivo LDs0 values. The in vitro data correlate better with rodent parenteral (ip or iv) LDs0 values than with oral LDs0 values due to kinetic considerations. For certain groups of related chemicals (e.g. antitumour compounds, metal salts), and for some sets of unrelated chemicals, the in vitro data correlate very well with LD50 values. However, while cytotoxicity tests are useful for screening chemicals for their intrinsic and relative toxicities, it is impossible to tell whether predictions based on cytotoxicity data alone would be sufficiently accurate for labelling and classifying a new chemical according to its likely acute toxicity in vivo. The in vitro endpoints need to be of greater relevance to the possible mechanisms of chemically-induced acute toxicity in vivo than most of those that are used at present.
Toxicology in Vitro, 2001
Within the framework of the EDIT (Evaluation guided Development of In vitro Toxicity and toxicokinetic tests) programme, the long-term cytotoxicity of 27 chemicals was investigated on Hep G2 cells. The ®rst step in the experiments was to determine the PI50 24h of the chemicals. This is the concentration of compound needed to reduce the total protein content by 50% after 24 h of treatment. In the long-term experiments the chemicals were tested in six dierent concentrations, using the PI50 24h as maximum concentration. The cells were treated twice a week with the same concentration of test compound and were trypsinised and counted once a week (dynamic culture). The number of cells was compared to the number of cells of the control. Three major long-term cytotoxicity patterns could be distinguished. After 6 weeks, the EC50 6w s were determined. This is the concentration of compound needed to reduce the number of cells by 50% after 6 weeks of treatment. These values were compared with the PI50 24h. A good correlation was found for the 27 chemicals (r 2 =0.860). After 6 weeks, the concentration of test compound needed to reduce the total cell protein content by 50% after 24 h after 6 weeks of pretreatment of the cells with a particular concentration of test compound was measured: the PI50 24h-6w. For the majority of compounds there is no dierence between the PI50 24h and the PI50 24h-6w. For ethanol, arsenic (III) oxide, verapamil hydrochloride and orphenadrine, the PI50 24h-6w increased in comparison to the PI50 24h. For some compounds a doseresponse was observed, indicating that the cells have become more resistant or more sensitive. Linear regression analysis revealed a good correlation (r 2 =0.709) between the EC50 6w and the human acute toxicity. All these data indicate that a good alternative test may be found for predicting the long-term human toxicity.
Toxicology in Vitro, 2006
The cytotoxicity profile of various chemical entities was evaluated using two in vitro hepatocyte models. Liverbeads® is a cryopreserved model consisting of primary hepatocytes entrapped in alginate beads. WIF-B9 is a hybrid cell line obtained by fusion of rat hepatoma (Fao) and human fibroblasts (WI38). Various reference hepatotoxicants were tested and ranked according to their equivalent concentration 50 (EC50) for various biochemical endpoints (lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, 3-(4,5 dimethylthiazol 2yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H tetrazolium bromure (MTT) activity, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and glutathione (GSH) levels). The ranking obtained was comparable in both models and consistent with previously published results on hepatocyte monolayers. Ketoconazole, erythromycin estolate, retinoic acid, telithromycin and α-naphthyl-isothiocyanate were among the most toxic chemicals in both models, with an EC50 < 200 μM. Troleandomycin, spiramycin, erythromycin, diclofenac, taurodeoxycholate, warfarin, galactosamine, valproic acid and isoniazid were found to be less toxic. Few marked differences, potentially linked to metabolism pathways, were observed between EC50s in the two models for compounds such as cyclosporine A (10 and >831 μM) and warfarin (5904 and 1489 μM) in WIF-B9 and Liverbeads®, respectively. The results obtained indicate that Liverbeads® and WIF-B9 cells are reliable in vitro models to evaluate the hepatotoxic potential of a wide range of chemicals, irrespective of structure and pharmaceutical class.
Preliminary results from the Scandinavian multicentre evaluation of in vitro cytotoxicity (MEIC)
Toxicology in Vitro, 1990
The multicentre evaluation study of in vitro cytotoxicity tests (MEIC) is organized by the Scandinavian Society of Cell Toxicology. All interested laboratories are invited to test a published list of 50 reference chemicals in their various in vitro assays with a bearing on general toxicity. Submitted results will be centrally evaluated for their relevance to human toxicity, including a comparison with the efficiency of conventional animal tests. This brief communication presents the very first preliminary results of the study, that is, prediction of human acute lethal toxicity for the first 10 MEIC chemicals by all the results submitted to date, that is, five in vitro cytotoxicity assays. As a baseline for judging the efficiency of the cytotoxicity tests, rat and mouse LDs0 values were compared with human acute lethal dosage of the chemicals. Rat LDs0 prediction was relatively poor, but mouse LDs0 values correctly predicted the human lethal dose for six out of the 10 substances. A multivariate method of comparison including all cytotoxicity test results, predicted human lethal blood concentrations as well as the mouse LDs0 prediction of dosage.
Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of five in primary cultures of rat and human hepatocytes
Mutation Research Letters, 1994
Five n-alkanals were examined for cytotoxicity, as evaluated by the trypan blue exclusion test, and for genotoxicity, as evaluated by the induction of unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS), in primary cultures of rat and human hepatocytes. After 20 h exposure, cytotoxicity was similar in cells of the two species, and increased with the length of the carbon chain. In rat hepatocytes, propanal (10-100 mM), butanal (10-100 mM), pentanal (3-30 mM) and hexanal (3-30 mM) induced a modest but significant and dose-dependent increase of net nuclear grain counts, while in human hepatocytes this effect was not detected. Nonanal (3-30 mM), which showed the highest cytotoxic effect, failed to induce UDS in both cell types. These results seem to suggest that at the concentrations which are presumably attained after ingestion with food or generated by lipid peroxidation processes the five n-alkanals tested are presumably unable to induce genotoxic effects in the human liver.
Chemicals/drugs-hepatotoxicants: An overview
Hepatotoxicity is mainly caused by the inorganic compounds, organic agents and synthetic drugs. These inorganic compounds, organic agents and synthetic drugs which undergo metabolism in the liver and produces free radicals in the liver which causes liver damage. Drugs such as Statins, Methotrexate, Paracetamol, Alcohol etc are some common hepatotoxic agents. Approximately 75% of idiosyncratic drug reactions results in liver transplantation or death. These hepatotoxic drugs mainly increase the transaminase liver enzyme i.e. SGOT, SGPT and ALP level which is very much effective marker of liver disease. This review throws light on various drugs which induce hepatotoxicity with the overview of their common mechanism.