Neuropeptide Receptors as Possible Targets for Development of Insect Pest Control Agents (original) (raw)
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Insect Neuropeptides and their Potential Application for Pest Control
Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 2006
Our current knowledge regarding primary structure, synthesis, release, receptor-binding, structureactivity relationship and mode of action of insect neuropeptides has increased dramatically during the past decade. Thanks to the development of insect neuroendocrinology-in parallel to this-an even increasing need for modern, yet environmentally sound strategies of plant protection has arisen, becoming a driving force for insect physiologists to concentrate their efforts to combat pests more efficiently. The ultimate aim of these researchers is, however, not the total eradication of harmful insects, but rather, selective targeting by using species-or groupspecific control strategies which can only be achieved by taking note of recent results in insect physiology, endocrinology, biochemistry and ecology. The rationale behind this approach is, that, since neuropeptides regulate key biological processes, these "special agents" or their synthetic analogues, mimetics, agonists or antagonists may be effective tools in combating insect pests in an environmentally more sound manner than with conventional pesticides. In this review, taking into account possible practical aspects, some representative insect neuropeptides/groups have been selected, which may be important due to their characteristic structure and/or physiological action, and could be used for the design of novel, safe and selective compounds to control pests.
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2019
Neuropeptides are produced in the cell body of neuron and released into the haemolymph which regulate major biochemical , physiological and behavioural activities in insects. Proctolin was the first neuropeptide isolated from Periplanta americana L. during 1975. Modifying the normal function of G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) by blocking or over stimulating its action may either results in the pest death or its normal functions gets disrupted. The novel insect control agents are also developed based on backbone cyclic (BBC) peptidomimetic antagonists of insect-neuropeptides. In this review, backbone cyclic PK⁄ PBAN neuropeptide antagonist (BBC-25) is discussed. The databases for neuropeptides are DINeR, NeuropPedia, NeuroPep, NeuroPID, NeuroPred and NeuroPP. NeuroPIpred is a tool to predict, design and scan insect neuropeptides. The research in the field of neuroendocrinology is still limited, hence the fundamental studies on the neuropeptides as a novel insecticidal agent is vital for the development to proceed in future.
Advances in the application of neuropeptides in insect control
Crop Protection, 2000
The development of a new approach for the generation of a novel type of putative insect control agents based on backbone cyclic peptidomimetic antagonists of insect-neuropeptides is reported. The approach, termed the backbone cyclic neuropeptide based on antagonist (BBC-NBA) was applied to the insect pyrokinin/pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) family as a model, and led to the discovery of a potent linear lead antagonist and several highly potent, metabolically stable BBC peptidomimetic antagonists, devoid of agonistic activity, which inhibited in vivo PBAN-mediated activities in moths.
Insect Neuropeptides and Their Receptors
Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, 1997
Diversification of messenger and receptor molecules is the result of evolution; howeve~the principles of intercellular signaling mechanisms are very similar in all metazoans. Recent discoveries of insect peptides provide new leads for applications in medicine and agriculture.
Farmers choose chemical insecticides due to its rapid knockdown effect on insect-pests. Ultimately, there is increased incidence of pest resurgence, appearance of resistant pest species and residual problem of pesticides. According to the demand of present situation, one such ecofriendly approach is use of insect neuropeptides and their receptors. Neuropeptides initiate their biological effects by binding to different receptors like G-Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs). The insect's major processes viz., behavioural and physiological are being modulated by neuropeptides and GPCRs. In insects, various processes like growth and development, reproduction, energy metabolism and behavioural activities like mating, oviposition, etc. are controlled by neuropeptides and GPCRs. Neuropeptides have been categorized into different groups according to their function such as Diuretic hormone (DH), Adipokinetic hormone (AKH), Eclosion hormone (EH), Pheromone Biosynthesis Activating Neuropeptides (PBAN), Allatotropins (ATT) and Allostatins (AST). Neuropeptides can be used in pest control strategy by developing neuropeptide-based insecticides which are target specific and ecofriendly.
Advances in Insect Physiology, 2014
In metazoans, neuronal and endocrine communication is based on the release of extracellular signaling molecules that are recognized in a physiological concentration range by specific receptor proteins present in the target cells. These receptors will elicit a cellular response upon activation by their physiological agonist. A highly diverse repertoire of naturally occurring receptor agonists has already been discovered. Peptides, proteins and biogenic amines constitute the most diverse agonist classes. Most of these interact with G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), the largest category of signal transducing receptors that controls virtually every physiological process in metazoans. For more than two decades, insect GPCRs have been hailed for their potentially excellent aptitude to serve as pharmacological targets for the development of novel products for insect pest control. In this review, we will address this issue and enumerate reasons why it would be worth investing more in these targets. -HT 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) AKH adipokinetic hormone AR adrenergic receptor ARF ADP-ribosylation factor ARNO ARF nucleotide binding site opener AST allatostatin AT allatotropin ATL AT-like peptide ATR AT receptor BmNPV Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus CA corpora allata CC corpora cardiaca CCAP crustacean cardioactive peptide CCK cholecystokinin CRF corticotrophin releasing factor CRF/DH CRF-like diuretic hormone CT/DH calcitonin-like diuretic hormone DLGR Drosophila melanogaster leucine-rich repeats containing GPCR E ecdysone ECL extracellular loop EH eclosion hormone ERK extracellular signal-regulated kinase ETH ecdysis-triggering hormone FOXO forkhead transcription factor GTPase activating protein GIT GRK-interacting protein GnRH gonadotropin-releasing hormone Grb2 growth factor receptor bound protein-2 GRK GPCR kinase ICL intracellular loop ILP insulin-like peptide InR insulin receptor IRP insulin-related peptide JH juvenile hormone MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase MIP myoinhibiting peptide NPF neuropeptide F NPY neuropeptide Y NSF N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein OMP ovary maturating parsin PBAN pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide PDF pigment dispersing factor PDK1 3-phospoinositide-dependent protein kinase PI3K phosphoinositide 3-kinase PK pyrokinin PKA cAMP-dependent protein kinase PKB protein kinase B PKC Ca 2+ -dependent protein kinase PTEN phosphatase and tensin homolog PTTH prothoracicotropic hormone RPCH red pigment concentrating hormone
Neuropeptide Signaling Systems - Potential Drug Targets for Parasite and Pest Control
Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2002
N europeptides play essential roles in many physiological systems in vertebrates and invertebrates. Peptides per se are difficult to use as therapeutic agents, as they are generally very unstable in biological fluid environments and cross biological membranes poorly. Recognition that nonpeptide ligands for peptide receptors have clinical utility came from the discovery that opiates (such as morphine) act by binding to G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) for which the endogenous ligands are a family of neuropeptides (enkephalins and endorphins). Basic research has revealed a very large number of distinct neuropeptides that influence virtually every aspect of mammalian physiology and considerable effort has been expended in the pursuit of new drugs that act through peptidergic signaling systems. Although useful drugs have been found to affect various aspects of neuropeptide biology, most work has been devoted to the discovery of nonpeptide ligands that act as agonists or antagonists at peptidergic GPCRs. Similar opportunities are apparent for the discovery of nonpeptide ligands that act on invertebrate GPCRs. A consideration of the knowledge gained from the process as conducted for mammalian peptidergic systems can inform and illuminate promising strategies for the discovery of new drugs for the treatment and control of pests and parasites.
Neuropeptides in interneurons of the insect brain
Cell and Tissue Research, 2006
A large number of neuropeptides has been identified in the brain of insects. At least 35 neuropeptide precursor genes have been characterized in Drosophila melanogaster, some of which encode multiple peptides. Additional neuropeptides have been found in other insect species. With a few notable exceptions, most of the neuropeptides have been demonstrated in brain interneurons of various types. The products of each neuropeptide precursor seem to be co-expressed, and each precursor displays a unique neuronal distribution pattern. Commonly, each type of neuropeptide is localized to a relatively small number of neurons. We describe the distribution of neuropeptides in brain interneurons of a few well-studied insect species. Emphasis has been placed upon interneurons innervating specific brain areas, such as the optic lobes, accessory medulla, antennal lobes, central body, and mushroom bodies. The functional roles of some neuropeptides and their receptors have been investigated in D. melanogaster by molecular genetics techniques. In addition, behavioral and electrophysiological assays have addressed neuropeptide functions in the cockroach Leucophaea maderae. Thus, the involvement of brain neuropeptides in circadian clock function, olfactory processing, various aspects of feeding behavior, and learning and memory are highlighted in this review. Studies so far indicate that neuropeptides can play a multitude of functional roles in the brain and that even single neuropeptides are likely to be multifunctional. Keywords Insect brain. Neuropeptide. G-protein-coupled receptor. Drosophila melanogaster. Schistocerca gregaria. Leucophaea maderae (Insecta) The original research in the authors' laboratories was supported by DFG grants HO 950/14 and 950/16 (U.H.) and Swedish Research Council grant VR 621-2004-3715 (D.R.N).
More than two decades of research on insect neuropeptide GPCRs: an overview
Frontiers in endocrinology, 2012
This review focuses on the state of the art on neuropeptide receptors in insects. Most of these receptors are G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and are involved in the regulation of virtually all physiological processes during an insect's life. More than 20 years ago a milestone in invertebrate endocrinology was achieved with the characterization of the first insect neuropeptide receptor, i.e., the Drosophila tachykinin-like receptor. However, it took until the release of the Drosophila genome in 2000 that research on neuropeptide receptors boosted. In the last decade a plethora of genomic information of other insect species also became available, leading to a better insight in the functions and evolution of the neuropeptide signaling systems and their intracellular pathways. It became clear that some of these systems are conserved among all insect species, indicating that they fulfill crucial roles in their physiological processes. Meanwhile, other signaling systems seem to b...
Ecobiotech, 2018
Ильясов Р.А., Хан Г.Ю., Сонг Д.Х., Лим С.Х., Квон Х.В. Особенности биосинтеза нейропептидов насекомых. Экобиотех, 2018, Т. 1, № 1, С. 52-62. DOI: 10.31163/2618-964X-2018-1-1-52-61. Ilyasov R.A., Han G.Y., Song J.H., Lim S.H., Kwon H.W. Features of the insects neuropeptides biosynthesis. Ecobiotech, 2018, V. 1, No. 1, P. 52-62. DOI: 10.31163/2618-964X-2018-1-1-52-61. Аннотация В статье рассмотрены современные данные о классификации, строении, функциях и распространении нейропептидов у насекомых. Также в статье описываются особенности биосинтеза, процессинга и экспрессии нейропептидов насекомых. Вся доступная современная информация о нейропептидах насекомых и их GPCR (G protein– coupled receptors) рецепторах депонирована в специализированную базу данных нейропептидов насекомых DINeR (Database for Insect Neuropeptide Research). Возможно, что достижения в исследованиях нейропептидов могут быть использованы для создания высокоактивных и экологически безопасных лекарств для полезных насекомых и средств борьбы с насекомыми- вредителями и переносчиками болезней. Abstract In this paper, current data on the classification, structure, functions, and distribution of neuropeptides in insects have reviewed. Also, the article describes the features of biosynthesis, processing and expression of insect neuropeptides. All available up-to-date information on insect neuropeptides and their G protein–coupled receptors (GPCR) deposited into the specialized database of insect neuropeptides DINeR (Database for Insect Neuropeptide Research). Perhaps the advances in of neuropeptide researches can be used to create highly active and ecologically safe drugs for beneficial insects and means of struggle against pest and disease vectors.