Solution of the time-dependent Liouville-von Neumann equation: dissipative evolution (original) (raw)
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Time-dependent solution of the Liouville-von Neumann equation: non-dissipative evolution
Computer Physics Communications, 1991
A mathematical and numerical framework has been worked out to represent the density operator in phase space and to propagate it in time under dissipative conditions. The representation of the density operator is based on the Fourier pseudospectral method which allows a description both in configuration as well as in momentum space. A new propagation scheme which treats the complex eigenvalue structure of the dissipative ate modern computer architecture such as parallelism and vectorization. Comparing the results to closed-form solutions exponentially fast convergence characteristics in phase space as well as in the time propagation is demonstrated. As an example of its usefulness, thenew method has beensuccessfully applied todissipationunderthe constraint ofselection rules. Mare specifically, a harmonic oscillator which relaxes to equilibrium under the constraint of second-order coupling to the bath was studied. The results of the calculation were compared to a mean field approximation developed for this problem. It has been found that this approximation does not capture the essence of the relaxation process. In conclusion, the new method presented is a conceptual tool to model multi-dimensional quantum physical systems which exhibit both relaxation as well as oscillation in an efficient, accurate and convenient manner. ~ ._" n~LI:.L:_. r .A I**' 1ur r " m t >~o~r L~ L L Y
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Quantum simulation of dissipation for Maxwell equations in dispersive media
arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
The dissipative character of an electromagnetic medium breaks the unitary evolution structure that is present in lossless, dispersive optical media. In dispersive media, dissipation appears in the Schrödinger representation of classical Maxwell equations as a sparse diagonal operator occupying an r-dimensional subspace. A first order Suzuki-Trotter approximation for the evolution operator enables us to isolate the non-unitary operators (associated with dissipation) from the unitary operators (associated with lossless media). The unitary operators can be implemented through qubit lattice algorithm (QLA) on n qubits, based on the discretization and the dimensionality of the pertinent fields. However, the non-unitary-dissipative part poses a challenge both physically and computationally on how it should be implemented on a quantum computer. In this paper, two probabilistic dilation algorithms are considered for handling the dissipative operators. The first algorithm is based on treating the classical dissipation as a linear amplitude damping-type completely positive trace preserving (CPTP) quantum channel where an unspecified environment interacts with the system of interest and produces the non-unitary evolution. Therefore, the combined system-environment is now closed, and must undergo unitary evolution in the dilated space. The unspecified environment can be modeled by just one ancillary qubit, resulting in an implementation scaling of O(2 n−1 n 2) elementary gates for the total system-environment unitary evolution operator. The second algorithm approximates the non-unitary operators by the Linear Combination of Unitaries (LCU). On exploiting the diagonal structure of the dissipation, we obtain an optimized representation of the non-unitary part, which requires O(2 n) elementary gates. Applying the LCU method for a simple dielectric medium with homogeneous dissipation rate, the implementation scaling can be further reduced into O[poly(n)] basic gates. For the particular case of weak dissipation we show that our proposed postselective dilation algorithms can efficiently delve into the transient evolution dynamics of dissipative systems by calculating the respective implementation circuit depth. A connection of our results with the non-linear-in-normalization-only (NINO) quantum channels is also presented.
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The harmonic oscillator with dissipation within the theory of open quantum systems
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International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 1996
m Ultrafast dissipative dynamics of vibrational degrees of freedom in molecular systems in the condensed phase are studied here. Assuming that the total system is separable into a relevant part and a reservoir, the dynamics of the relevant part can be described by means of a reduced statistical density operator. For a weak or intermediate coupling between the relevant part and the reservoir, it is possible to derive a second-order master equation for this operator. Using a representation of the reduced statistical operator in an appropriate molecular basis set, vibrational dynamics in a variety of potential energy surfaces can be studied. In the numerical calculations, we focus on the dissipative dynamics under the influence of external laser fields. In the first example, vibrational wave-packet dynamics and time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy of molecular systems with nonadiabatically coupled excited-state potential energy surfaces is presented. In the second part, we show how an intense laser field modifies the wavepacket motion onto two radiatively coupled potential energy surfaces. Finally, the controlled preparation of definite vibrational states in a triatomic molecule with infrared laser pulses is considered taking relaxation and dephasing processes into account. 0 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Dynamics of complex quantum systems: dissipation and kinetic equations
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2001
We present a microscopic approach to quantum dissipation and sketch the derivation of the kinetic equation describing the evolution of a simple quantum system in interaction with a complex quantum system. A typical quantum complex system is modeled by means of parametric banded random matrices coupled to the subsystem of interest. We do not assume the weak coupling limit and allow for an independent dynamics of the "reservoir". We discuss the reasons for having a new theoretical approach and the new elements introduced by us. The present approach incorporates known limits and previous results, but at the same time includes new cases, previously never derived on a microscopic level. We briefly discuss the kinetic equation and its solution for a particle in the absence of an external field.
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2011
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Quantum Liouville-space trajectories for dissipative systems
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