Filsafat Tarbiyah Berbasis Kecerdasan Makrifat (original) (raw)

Filsafat Ilmu Berbasis Tauhid


Allah sumber segala sumber. Sumber ilmu itu dari Allah SWT. melalui perantaraan pena dengan cara membaca. Surah ini bukan hanya soal kehadiran Sang Pencipta, akan tetapi dalam konteks ini adalah bagaimana metodologi pengetahuan yang sangat dahsyat dan perlu dibangun.

Ilmu Tasawuf; Tarekat Menuju Kesufian


Tarekat merupakan jalan spiritual pada tasawuf yang dijalani oleh seorang sufi untuk mencapai puncak kedekatan dengan Allah. Melalui serangkaian praktik, disiplin, dan ajaran, tarekat membantu para pengikutnya membersihkan hati dan jiwa, serta mendekatkan diri kepada Allah melalui bimbingan seorang guru spiritual atau sering disebut mursyid.

Filsafat Ilmu Menurut al-Qur’an

ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman, 2014

Three decades ago, philosophy as an object of investigation was still unlawful religiously among the santris and even among some Muslim university students in Indonesia. That is no longer the case now. Following the coming of some open-minded religious discourses in the country especially that which was brought about by a well-known scholar named Harun Nasution, the study of philosophy became lawful and even promising. This paper speaks about this phenomenon by looking at the evolution of the study of philosophy –especially the philosophy of science- in the academic study in Indonesia. Within the framework of evolution theory, the paper also tries to discuss how the study of this science evolves from a sheer Western-based study to include the Qur’anic perspective of it. This paper itself is a study of the Qur’anic perspective concerning the philosophy of science. And by doing that, it tries to show that this kind of study has become a trend in academic circle in Indonesia.

Khazanah Filsafat Dalam Tradisi Islam


Penamaan filsafat telah menjadi perbincangan dikalangan ilmuan, terutama dikalangan orientalisme Barat sejak abad 19 lalu. Namun sebelum membahas polemik penamaan ini, kita perlu melihat makna “filsafat” itu sendiri. Sebab gagal paham dengan istilah ini, akan tambah kebingungan dalam memahmi istilah Filsafat Islam. Selain itu kita juga harus pandai dalam melihat sisi pandang etika dan filsafat yang telah dipaparkan oleh Syekh Yusuf.

Filsafat Dan Dakwah


Perkembangan zaman yang semakin hari semakin pesat telah menggiring manusia pada kehidupan yang kompleks sekaligus dihadapkan pada persoalan hidup yang juga kompleks. Terkait dengan persoalan dakwah, nampaknya tidak ketinggalan pula telah masuk pada problematika yang kompleks juga. Dimana para dai dituntut untuk tidak hanya mampu menyampaikan pesan-pesan ajaran agama ansicg, tapi lebih dari itu semua, para dai pun dituntut untuk mampu menyumbangkan pemikirannya dalam menyelesaikan persoalan-persoalan hidup dan kehidupan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat. Dalam konteks yang demikian, para dai dituntut untuk mampu berpikir keras dan radic (menyeluruh sampai ke akar persoalan). Dalam konteks berpikir ini maka para dai harus mampu berpikir kritis dan –memiliki ilmu berpikir (filsafat). Oleh sebab itu, para dai perlu menguasai ilMu filsafat dakwah agar dakwahnya bisa –selain menyelamatkan manusia dari kebodohan—juga dapat membantu manusia dari persoalan kehidupan yang membelitnya.


This article discusses the methodology of al-Marāghī interpretation, especially in a study about the ratio. Tafsir al-Marāghī has unique characteristics. This interpretation in the reviewer's favorite by using the adab al-ijtimā’ī method of interpretation, brief writing style, as well as terms that are easy to understand. Al-Marāghī intentionally omit discussion of non-essential, such as nahw-ṣarf aspects, so that the reader does not get stuck on the text but the context of interpretation. In the problem of ratio, al-Marāghī have a better opinion of the group of theologians developed in the community, according to al-Marāghī sense capable of distinguishing between God's promise to the promise of Satan, reason can also believes in the afterlife after this life, this second opinion is not appears on the opinion of theologians before al-Marāghī.

Pembelajaran Filsafat Berbasis Kearifan Lokal


One of the reasons why philosophy has been isolated from the public and daily life is that philosophical knowledge supporters tend to be unsophisticated in involving their self to the various problem of daily life discussion, even in the local, national, or global world level. It is in this isolation, the discussion topic of this paper has its meaning as a “sociology of philosophy” which supposes that the practical life is connected with the philosophical theses or just the opposite. We will analyze two problems of this topic; first, the system and model of learning the area of philosophical studies, and second, how to represent Pancasila as a part of citizen’s life which has function in conducting the stride of daily and political life in this country.

Pendekatan Filsafat terhadap Dakwah

This article analysis philosophical approaches to the study of dakwah. The writer identifies three main positions dealing with the relationship between philosophy and dakwah. These three positions are: (1) philosophy as the handmaid of dakwah; (2) philosophy as the analytic study of dakwah; and (3) the philosophy of science as a secondary reflection on the study of dakwah. As the handmaid, philosophy defenses religious convictions. Its program is to demonstrate rationally the existence of God. And the philosophy of science scrutinizes the nature of dakwah studies. Philosophy, as the analytic study, aims to analyse and clarify the nature and function of dakwah.