Genetic and phenotypic divergence in an island bird: isolation by distance, by colonization or by adaptation?

Molecular ecology, 2014

Discerning the relative roles of adaptive and nonadaptive processes in generating differences among populations and species, as well as how these processes interact, is a fundamental aim in biology. Both genetic and phenotypic divergence across populations can be the product of limited dispersal and gradual genetic drift across populations (isolation by distance), of colonization history and founder effects (isolation by colonization) or of adaptation to different environments preventing migration between populations (isolation by adaptation). Here, we attempt to differentiate between these processes using island populations of Berthelot's pipit (Anthus berthelotii), a passerine bird endemic to three Atlantic archipelagos. Using microsatellite markers and approximate Bayesian computation, we reveal that the northward colonization of this species ca. 8500 years ago resulted in genetic bottlenecks in the colonized archipelagos. We then show that high levels of genetic structure ex...

The geographic scale of diversification on islands: genetic and morphological divergence at a very small spatial scale in the Mascarene grey white-eye (Aves: Zosterops borbonicus

BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2010

Background: Oceanic islands provide unique scenarios for studying the roles of geography and ecology in driving population divergence and speciation. Assessing the relative importance of selective and neutral factors in driving population divergence is central to understanding how such divergence may lead to speciation in small oceanic islands, where opportunities for gene flow and population mixing are potentially high. Here we report a case of genetic and morphological structure in the Mascarene grey white-eye (Zosterops borbonicus) a species that shows a striking, geographically structured plumage polymorphism on the topographically and ecologically complex island of RĂ©union, yet is monotypic on the relatively uniform neighbouring island of Mauritius.

Slower Tempo of Microevolution in Island Birds: Implications for Conservation Biology

Evolution, 2009

Whether microevolution on small islands differs from that on larger landmasses is a key question in biology with substantial implications for species conservation. However, due to the difficulties faced in producing adequately replicated samples and in controlling for confounding variables, prior attempts to examine evolutionary questions relating to habitat area and population size have produced equivocal results. Here we show, using experimental design criteria that reduce the potential for such confounding, that bird species on larger landmasses have higher rates of molecular evolution. The study involves a global dataset of 48 independent contrasts for the cytochrome b gene encompassing all possible paired sister species comparisons (from seven orders and 17 families) that were available at the time of dataset assembly. A more rapid evolutionary tempo in larger areas has important ramifications for biodiversity conservation because it indicates a new imperative, beyond that of simply maintaining preexisting genetic diversity, for securing large areas for threatened species. This result suggests that the trend of confining species to limited refugia is likely to be slowing the tempo of microevolution. That effect might constrain the potential for adaptive shifts in response to changing environments such as those associated with global warming.

The Adaptive Significance of Some Size Trends in Island Birds

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Songbirds with recently (i.e., early Holocene) founded populations are suitable models for studying incipient differentiation in oceanic islands. On such systems each colonization event represents a different evolutionary episode that can be studied by addressing sets of diverging phenotypic and genetic traits. We investigate the process of early differentiation in the spectacled warbler (Sylvia conspicillata) in 14 populations separated by sea barriers from three Atlantic archipelagos and from continental regions spanning from tropical to temperate latitudes. Our approach involved the study of sexual acoustic signals, morphology, and genetic data. Mitochondrial DNA did not provide clear population structure. However, microsatellites analyses consistently identified two genetic groups, albeit without correspondence to subspecies classification and little correspondence to geography. Coalescent analyses showed significant evidence for gene flow between the two genetic groups. Discriminant analyses could not correctly assign morphological or acoustic traits to source populations. Therefore, although theory predicting that in isolated populations genetic, morphological, or acoustic traits can lead to radiation, we have strikingly failed to document differentiation on these attributes in a resident passerine throughout three oceanic archipelagos. K E Y W O R D S : Avian evolution, gene flow, lack of diversification, Macaronesia, oceanic islands.

Quantitative Analysis of Morphometric Data of Pre-modern Birds: Phylogenetic Versus Ecological Signal


Birds are one of the most diverse clades of extant terrestrial vertebrates, a diversity that first arose during the Mesozoic as a multitude of lineages of pre-neornithine (stem) birds appeared but did not survive into the Cenozoic Era. Modern birds (Neornithes) inhabit an extensive array of ecologically distinct habitats and have specific and varied foraging strategies. Likewise, the morphological disparity among Mesozoic lineages appears to underscore a significant degree of ecological diversity, yet attempts to determine lineage-specific ecologies have mainly been limited to superficial narratives. In recent years, numerous studies have used various morphometric proxies to interpret the paleoecology of Mesozoic bird lineages, but largely without evaluating the interplay between ecological and phylogenetic signals. Moreover, most studies of this sort transform the original data into logarithms to control dimensionality, underestimating the biases induced upon such transformations. ...

Macroevolution of life-history traits in passerine birds: adaptation and phylogenetic inertia

We used a recent passerine phylogeny and comparative method to evaluate the macroevolution of body and egg mass, incubation and fledging periods, time to independence and time with parents of the main passerine lineages. We hypothesised that passerine reproductive traits are affected by adaptation to both past and present environmental factors and phenotypic attributes such as body mass. Our results suggest that the evolution of body and egg mass, time to independence, incubation and fledging times are affected by strong phylogenetic inertia and that these breeding traits are all affected by body mass. Time with parents, where major lineages exhibit their own fixed optima and body mass does not have an effect, and clutch size which is affected by body mass and additionally by climate regimes, do not exhibit any phylogenetic inertia.

Assessing multivariate constraints to evolution across ten long-term avian studies

PloS one, 2014

Background: In a rapidly changing world, it is of fundamental importance to understand processes constraining or facilitating adaptation through microevolution. As different traits of an organism covary, genetic correlations are expected to affect evolutionary trajectories. However, only limited empirical data are available.