The Quality of the Accounting in Formation Provided by the Financial Reporting - Factor for the Economic Growth and the Entities Competitiveness (original) (raw)
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Current trends of financial reporting in the European Union
The desire and the need to increase comparability between Member States in terms of accounting information contained in the financial statements resulted in an attempt to establish certain accounting standards that are valid in all EU Member States. These standards are willing to meet the needs of all types of entities regardless of their size and whether or not they are traded on financial markets and prepare consolidated financial statements.
The USV Annals of Economics and Public …, 2011
In the past five years, the basic national accounting rules (in addition to accounting law) bear the title phrase "in accordance with European Directives". In a careful analysis of both sets of regulations -National and Europeanmay find that many concepts, definitions, structure, classification and details are entered in the national legislation of international regulations and not European ones. It is the international accounting rules, known by the acronym IAS/IFRS. In addition, in the meanwhile, the European Directives have been amended, but were not taken all the updates made in national regulations. In this study, we plan to analyze in a critical manner, the three sets of regulations -National, European and International -to highlight the compliance or non-compliance with EU rules and interpret option for the European version or internationally.
SHS Web of Conferences, 2021
Research background: One of the most important features of the current development of the world economy is international integration, which is taking on global dimensions. Operations of transnational companies and the development of the global capital market brings the necessity of accounting harmonization. The goal of this is to ease the mutual observation, reporting, use and thus creation of a single, international accounting. Purpose of the article: The purpose of this article is to describe the current state of the process of harmonization during preparing the annual accounts in the Czech Republic and in selected countries of the European Union, with the analysis of impacts of change in the legislative framework to the obligations of entities in the area of preparation and publication of financial statements. Methods: Scientific procedures using theoretical methods were used in the paper, which include description, analysis, synthesis, comparison and evaluation, inclusive of pro...
Recent accounting development in Romania on the way to the European and global harmonization
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Integration of each state into the world economic flows requires certain adjustments in different fields of economic life. One of the fields where coordination and harmony are necessary is the field of financial reporting. The worldwide financial community recognizes the need for one set of accounting standards, with added transparency and comparability. A desire of all who prepare, audit or use financial statements is one set of high quality accounting standards used globally by all private or public entities. Having a single set of standards helps to ensure consistency of accounting and reporting among all countries, which results in better and more efficient financial analyses of entities. This will result in more efficient flows of capital because investors will not have to assign risk premiums to entities operating in countries with inconsistent or low quality accounting standards. Finally, it will reduce costs because accountants, auditors, financial analysts, investors, and regulators will no longer be converting or reconciling financial statements from one set of standards to another. International Financial Reporting Standards makes significant progress toward global recognition. For private sector, IASB issued IAS/IFRS and for public sector IFAC issued IPSAS/IPSFRS. Annual statements included explanatory notes with information regarding completion of the financial plan, difficulties leading to failures in the fulfillment, and predictions on the completion of the plan. Operating results were less important. Profit or loss statement was included as an appendix to the balance sheet. These statements were not publicly available but directed to the Ministry of Finance and regional statistical offices.
KNOWLEDGE International Journal, 2019
The subject of research in this work is the accounting of enterprises on a global scale. The subject of the article is to develop a global accounting framework for preparing and presenting the financial statements of business enterprises. The primary objective of the study is by analyzing the applicable accounting frameworks of IFRS, US and EU to derive the concept of financial reporting fundamentals. In the article is supported the thesis that the integration of different national accounting legislation and internationally applicable accounting frameworks is a theoretical and practical possible and feasible process at the center of which lies the deductive conceptual approach. The ultimate outcome of accounting integration will be reflected in the global adoption of the concept that financial reporting is a whole, comprehensive and complete process that aims to provide high quality information about the entity's business, the results achieved and the effectiveness of its operations, the changes in its cash flows and equity. The research approach is aimed at carrying out a structural analysis of the fundamental rules, norms and requirements of the conceptual frameworks of IFRS and the US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as well as the EU Accounting Regulations. On this basis, on the one hand, the basic similarities and resemblances of the accounting frameworks in question are systematized and, on the other hand, their most significant contradictions are summarized. An attempt has been made to outline the factors, conditions and circumstances that have led to the establishment and adoption of different concepts in the accounting and presentation of financial statements of business enterprises. The article presents the role and importance of the processes of harmonization, convergence and adaptation of accounting rules as part of the evolutionary development of financial reporting. The author draws special attention to the fact that the integration of financial reporting should not be absolutized. Accounting globalization implies that, at global level, basic concepts, principles, rules and bases of accounting and presentation of aggregated accounting information are adopted in the financial statements of enterprises but at the same time hierarchically subject to specific rules and norms corresponding to the local , national and regional specificities. Although a global consensus has been reached on the purpose of financial reporting, at an individual enterprise level, accounting needs to meet the objectives, requirements and needs of both the owners of the capital and the external users of the summarized accounting information. In this regard, the European Union's experience with the enterprise categorization approach and, for each category, the applicable accounting basis and the minimum requirements for the content and structure of the financial statements can be successfully used internationally.
Diagnosis and Perspectives of Accounting in EU Countries
Annals of Dunarea de Jos University of Galati. Fascicle I. Economics and Applied Informatics, 2019
European Union, as you already know, is a framework for diversity. Furthermore, an exploratory point of view to trace the all 28 members of European Union in order to research all the accounting systems in place will be outdated due to harmonization attempts started in 2005. In these circumstances, it looks like more interesting to study, is the future of what will become the accounting science. Today, there is nothing than theories to predict the future of this field of science. After an exploratory digital search of all published literature regarding accounting as primary keyword, several conclusions, in our professional opinion, will be close enough, in the future decades.
The progressive globalization of the financial and capital markets, the elimination of the national frontiers, the intensification and increase of the international transactions' number, the spreading of the global companies, the increase of the global economy's integration degree and the awareness of the fact that the values recorded in the financial statements are influenced by the accounting language adopted for expressing them are, altogether, the main factors that have determined the EU to choose the accounting harmonization way in making the financial statements of the communitarian companies. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the analogies and differences existent between the national accounting legislation and the international accounting practices, insisting on the implementing difficulties of these standards, varying with the economic culture of certain states, among which Greece and Romania. In the idea of the accounting unification Greece was also interested, in the same measure as the other member countries, but the authors will insist on the repercussions these accounting standards' adoption had on the stakeholders categories, which were interested in the financial reports.
Obiectivul economiilor ţărilor şi maniera de operare a diverselor persoane juridice şi instituţii creează volumul şi importanţa informaţiei ca întreg. Diversitatea structurii informaţiei concepe metoda şi necesitatea distribuirii sale către cei care sunt interesaţi de ea. De aceea, apare întrebarea -cum să obţinem informaţia corectă? Pentru a-şi crea obiectivele şi sarcinile, consumatorii se grupează şi caută prin volumul de informaţii şi date orice le-ar putea permite o planificare mai bună şi crearea unui viitor mai sigur. Aşadar, directorii contabili percep asta foarte precis şi foarte atent, concep bilanţuri prin introducerea datelor şi informaţiilor financiare care formează principiile de bază din structura lor viitoare. Mai precis, crearea de declaraţii financiare asigură divulgarea informaţiilor contabile şi financiare pentru anumite tranzacţii comerciale şi acţiuni ale companiei într-o anumită perioadă. Cuvinte-cheie: informaţii contabile, declaraţii financiare, divulgare, consumatori, tranzacţii comerciale.
Quality of financial reporting: approaches to measuring
International Journal of Accounting and Economics Studies, 2015
Financial reporting must meet many criteria to be considered high quality because it is the quality of information that determines the viability of future strategic decisions. The article investigates the essence of the concept of "quality" and "quality of financial information", and defines indicators and criteria of the financial reporting quality. As for the quality of the financial reporting, it is found that the latter is a structured reflection of financial condition and financial results of the entity, therefore, can be regarded as a set of components: quality of the financial information; quality of presentation of the financial information. It was found that the quality of the reporting of financial information is evaluated using a system of indicators that are qualified by the Financial reporting framework as the qualitative characteristics of useful financial information and National Accounting Statement (standard) 1 as the qualitative characteristics of financial reporting. In terms of formalization (presentation within the legislation forms) of the financial information presentation in Ukraine, we can speak of quality only in respect of the notes to the financial statements. It has been established that quality assessment indicators of presenting the financial information in the notes may be: readability of the information, visualization of the representation. Research of the quality requirements for the financial statements (information) of the participating countries of the former Soviet Union has identified many variations, but the most commonly used features are relevance, reliability, comparability and understandability. It is indicated that most post-Soviet countries, including Ukraine, gradually bring its legislation on the regulation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS. But there are still many unresolved differences, chief among which are the qualitative characteristics of the financial statements that should provide the information needs of different user groups.
A Concept of Accounting Quality from Accounting Harmonisation Perspective
Economics and Business, 2016
The aim of this paper is to assess if and how a concept of accounting quality differs from perspectives of various types of organisations affected by the accounting harmonisation process. Accounting harmonisation is commonly associated with worldwide adoption of IFRS by public interest companies. However, in the EU this process is much broader and also involves efforts to harmonise accounting standards for non-listed companies and public sector organisations. Analysis of the previous scientific research revealed that accounting quality was commonly assessed from IFRS users’ perspective and approximated with the quality of financial statements. However, based on the interviews with experts of Lithuanian accounting market, the concept of accounting quality for small and medium companies and public sector institutions is ambiguous and still needs to be clarified. Definition of accounting quality only as the quality financial statements is too narrow as financial disclosure is not that ...