Computational Discovery of Gene Regulatory Binding Motifs: A Bayesian Perspective (original) (raw)

BioOptimizer: a Bayesian scoring function approach to motif discovery

Bioinformatics, 2004

Motivation: Transcription factors (TFs) bind directly to short segments on the genome, often within hundreds to thousands of base pairs upstream of gene transcription start sites, to regulate gene expression. The experimental determination of TFs binding sites is expensive and time-consuming. Many motif-finding programs have been developed, but no program is clearly superior in all situations. Practitioners often find it difficult to judge which of the motifs predicted by these algorithms are more likely to be biologically relevant. Results: We derive a comprehensive scoring function based on a full Bayesian model that can handle unknown site abundance, unknown motif width and two-block motifs with variablelength gaps. An algorithm called BioOptimizer is proposed to optimize this scoring function so as to reduce noise in the motif signal found by any motif-finding program. The accuracy of BioOptimizer, which can be used in conjunction with several existing programs, is shown to be superior to using any of these motif-finding programs alone when evaluated by both simulation studies and application to sets of co-regulated genes in bacteria. In addition, this scoring function formulation enables us to compare objectively different predicted motifs and select the optimal ones, effectively combining the strengths of existing programs.

Bayesian modeling and inference for sequence motif discovery


Motif discovery, which focuses on locating short sequence patterns associated with the regulation of genes in a species, leads to a class of statistical miss- ing data problems. These problems are discussed rst with reference to a hypothetical model, which serves as a point of departure for more realistic versions of the model. Some general results relating to modeling and

BayesMD: flexible biological modeling for motif discovery


We present BayesMD, a Bayesian Motif Discovery model with several new features. Three different types of biological a priori knowledge are built into the framework in a modular fashion. A mixture of Dirichlets is used as prior over nucleotide probabilities in binding sites. It is trained on transcription factor (TF) databases in order to extract the typical properties of TF binding sites. In a similar fashion we train organism-specific priors for the background sequences. Lastly, we use a prior over the position of binding sites.

A Bayesian approach to joint modeling of protein–DNA binding, gene expression and sequence data

Statistics in Medicine, 2009

The genome-wide DNA-protein binding data, DNA sequence data and gene expression data represent complementary means to deciphering global and local transcriptional regulatory circuits. Combining these different types of data can not only improve the statistical power, but also provide a more comprehensive picture of gene regulation. In this paper, we propose a novel statistical model to augment proteinDNA binding data with gene expression and DNA sequence data when available. We specify a hierarchical Bayes model and use Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations to draw inferences. Both simulation studies and an analysis of an experimental dataset show that the proposed joint modeling method can significantly improve the specificity and sensitivity of identifying target genes as compared to conventional approaches relying on a single data source.

A Monte Carlo-based framework enhances the discovery and interpretation of regulatory sequence motifs

Background: Discovery of functionally significant short, statistically overrepresented subsequence patterns (motifs) in a set of sequences is a challenging problem in bioinformatics. Oftentimes, not all sequences in the set contain a motif. These non-motif-containing sequences complicate the algorithmic discovery of motifs. Filtering the non-motif-containing sequences from the larger set of sequences while simultaneously determining the identity of the motif is, therefore, desirable and a non-trivial problem in motif discovery research. Results: We describe MotifCatcher, a framework that extends the sensitivity of existing motif-finding tools by employing random sampling to effectively remove non-motif-containing sequences from the motif search. We developed two implementations of our algorithm; each built around a commonly used motif-finding tool, and applied our algorithm to three diverse chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) data sets. In each case, the motif finder with the MotifCatcher extension demonstrated improved sensitivity over the motif finder alone. Our approach organizes candidate functionally significant discovered motifs into a tree, which allowed us to make additional insights. In all cases, we were able to support our findings with experimental work from the literature.

Bayesian Clustering of Transcription Factor Binding Motifs

Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2008

Genes are often regulated in living cells by proteins called transcription factors that bind directly to short segments of DNA in close proximity to specific genes. These binding sites have a conserved nucleotide appearance, which is called a motif. Several recent studies of transcriptional regulation require the reduction of a large collection of motifs into clusters based on the similarity of their nucleotide composition. We present a principled approach to this clustering problem based on a Bayesian hierarchical model that accounts for both within-and between-motif variability. We use a Dirichlet process prior distribution that allows the number of clusters to vary and we also present a novel generalization that allows the core width of each motif to vary. This clustering model is implemented, using a Gibbs sampling strategy, on several collections of transcription factor motif matrices. Our stochastic implementation allows us to examine the variability of our results in addition to focusing on a set of best clusters. Our clustering results identify several motif clusters that suggest that several transcription factor protein families are actually mixtures of several smaller groups of highly similar motifs, which provide substantially more refined information compared with the full set of motifs in the family. Our clusters provide a means by which to organize transcription factors based on binding motif similarities and can be used to reduce motif redundancy within large databases such as JASPAR and TRANSFAC, which aides the use of these databases for further motif discovery. Finally, our clustering procedure has been used in combination with discovery of evolutionarily conserved motifs to predict co-regulated genes. An alternative to our Dirichlet process prior distribution is presented that differs substantially in terms of a priori clustering characteristics, but shows no substantive difference in the clustering results for our dataset. Despite our specific application to transcription factor binding motifs, our Bayesian clustering model based on the Dirichlet process has several advantages over traditional clustering methods that could make our procedure appropriate and useful for many clustering applications.

Bayesian Centroid Estimation for Motif Discovery

PLoS ONE, 2013

Biological sequences may contain patterns that signal important biomolecular functions; a classical example is regulation of gene expression by transcription factors that bind to specific patterns in genomic promoter regions. In motif discovery we are given a set of sequences that share a common motif and aim to identify not only the motif composition, but also the binding sites in each sequence of the set. We propose a new centroid estimator that arises from a refined and meaningful loss function for binding site inference. We discuss the main advantages of centroid estimation for motif discovery, including computational convenience, and how its principled derivation offers further insights about the posterior distribution of binding site configurations. We also illustrate, using simulated and real datasets, that the centroid estimator can differ from the traditional maximum a posteriori or maximum likelihood estimators.

Optimized mixed Markov models for motif identification

BMC bioinformatics, 2006

Identifying functional elements, such as transcriptional factor binding sites, is a fundamental step in reconstructing gene regulatory networks and remains a challenging issue, largely due to limited availability of training samples. We introduce a novel and flexible model, the Optimized Mixture Markov model (OMiMa), and related methods to allow adjustment of model complexity for different motifs. In comparison with other leading methods, OMiMa can incorporate more than the NNSplice's pairwise dependencies; OMiMa avoids model over-fitting better than the Permuted Variable Length Markov Model (PVLMM); and OMiMa requires smaller training samples than the Maximum Entropy Model (MEM). Testing on both simulated and actual data (regulatory cis-elements and splice sites), we found OMiMa's performance superior to the other leading methods in terms of prediction accuracy, required size of training data or computational time. Our OMiMa system, to our knowledge, is the only motif findi...

Info-Gibbs: A Motif Discovery Algorithm That Directly Optimizes Information Content During Sampling

Bioinformatics, 2009

Motivation: Discovering cis-regulatory elements in genome sequence remains a challenging issue. Several methods rely on the optimization of some target scoring function. The information content (IC) or relative entropy of the motif has proven to be a good estimator of transcription factor DNA binding affinity. However, these information-based metrics are usually used as a posteriori statistics rather than during the motif search process itself. Results: We introduce here info-gibbs, a Gibbs sampling algorithm that efficiently optimizes the IC or the log-likelihood ratio (LLR) of the motif while keeping computation time low. The method compares well with existing methods like MEME, BioProspector, Gibbs or GAME on both synthetic and biological datasets. Our study shows that motif discovery techniques can be enhanced by directly focusing the search on the motif IC or the motif LLR. Availability: Contact: Supplementary inf...