Intercultural Sensitivity in Today’s Global Classes: Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions (original) (raw)
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Intercultural Education Vol. 20, No. 3, 267–276, 2009
The aim of the present study was to assess the cultural sensitivity of a sample of Greek University Elementary education students using an adjusted version of Chen and Starosta’s Intercultural Sensitivity Scale, which is based on Bennett’s Inventory on Intercultural Sensitivity. Results show that Greek student intercultural sensitivity is already high, but that they feel they are not well enough prepared by their training for future educational work that might demand intercultural sensitivity. Keywords: intercultural communication; intercultural sensitivity measures (assessment); teacher higher education; multicultural research; reliability
Pre-service teacher intercultural sensitivity assessment as a basis for addressing multiculturalism
Intercultural Education, 2009
The aim of the present study was to assess the cultural sensitivity of a sample of Greek University Elementary education students using an adjusted version of Chen and Starosta’s Intercultural Sensitivity Scale, which is based on Bennett’s Inventory on Intercultural Sensitivity. Results show that Greek student intercultural sensitivity is already high, but that they feel they are not well enough prepared by their training for future educational work that might demand intercultural sensitivity. Keywords: intercultural communication; intercultural sensitivity measures (assessment); teacher higher education; multicultural research; reliability
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
In response to the cultural diversity in Indonesia, multicultural education is required to provide the students with a proper level of intercultural sensitivity. However, to prepare for an ideal multicultural education for future generations, teachers must undoubtedly master intercultural sensitivity, even since they are still studying in university, as prospective teachers. Therefore, this study aimed to quantitatively investigate the intercultural sensitivity of prospective teachers at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang and IAIN Curup. As a result, the portrait of prospective teachers’ intercultural sensitivity could be used as references in developing their characters as prospective multicultural educators. The respondents of this study were 1,000 prospective teachers at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang and 800 prospective teachers at IAIN Curup. The data were garnered using a structured questionnaire to obtain accurate percentages of the intercultural sensitivity level of prospective teachers. ...
Intercultural Sensitivity of Future Primary School Teachers
Future teachers are expected to be interculturally sensitive and competent in order to be able to meet the needs of students from different ethnic backgrounds, as well as to teach students for living and working in a modern multicultural community. The overall goal of this research was to determine the level of intercultural sensitivity with university students, future teachers. The specific goal of the research was to determine variables that could be considered as predictors of intercultural sensitivity. We tried to realise these goals through regressive analysis, where the intercultural sensitivity index was a criterion variable, and the sequence of 12 variables had the status of predictor variables. The research encompassed 192 students of the Teachers College (79.7% girls and 20.3% boys). The obtained results show that the general level of intercultural sensitivity of future teachers in Serbia is satisfactory. The majority of students attending the Teachers College show high (58.7%) or very high (36%) level of intercultural sensitivity. It was established that important predictors of intercultural sensitivity were the year of study, contacts with people from other cultures and gender. The finding that the final year students of the Teachers College have higher level of intercultural sensitivity is encouraging, since it indirectly points to the quality of pre-service education of teachers in Serbia. Furthermore, the research results confirm the fact that residing in multiethnic and multicultural communities is a necessary but not a sufficient precondition for the development of intercultural sensitivity. Interaction and contacts between members of different cultures are necessary for developing intercultural sensitivity.
Pre-service English teachers’ intercultural sensitivity
International Journal of Human Sciences, 2013
Globalisation has helped the number of people to be cognizant of the importance of foreign language teaching and learning. As it is almost impossible to separate culture from language and the familiarization of diverse cultures from language do not help students for the real life because people from diverse cultural backgrounds use language differently, Kramsch (1993:258) holds that the aim of language learning is "cultivating international understanding, responsibility, and effective participation in a global age". The purpose of this article is to explore the intercultural sensitivity among teacher trainees. For this purpose two scales were administered to the pre-service teachers to see to what extent they have intercultural sensitivity and how they see culture teaching in the curriculum. The results yield that Turkish teacher trainees integrate language teaching objectives with culture teaching and they prioritize the attitudinal knowledge, showing tolerance and sympathy for the others.
Intercultural Sensitivity of Teachers
The aim of the empirical research, conducted in the primary schools in the city of Pula and decribed in the current paper, was to examine (1) whether or not the teachers were interculturally sensitive and, if yes, to what extent, and (2) whether or not the teachers’ intercultural sensitivity was affected by the factors, such as: their professional qualifications (class teaching – subject teaching), gender (male female), school location (central or branch school) and years of service (up to 10 years, 11-20 years, and more than 20 years). The Intercultural Sensitivity Scale – ISS by Chen and Starosta (2000) was used as a measuring instrument here. This scale measures the intercultural sensitivity by focusing on 24 dependent items (variables/statements) linked to 4 independent variables and, thus, defining examinees. The results, obtained through the frequency analysis and the Chi-square test, as well as through the analysis of some statistically relevant figures (significance level 5%...
Intercultural Sensitivity A Study of Pre-service English Language Teachers
Journal of Intercultural Communication
Since societies develop mutual aims and different societies perpetuate developing long-term economic, social and cultural relationships with other cultural groups and the global instability continues hitting the world, developing intercultural sensitivity becomes more and more important at all levels of the education, especially for those who will teach other languages. One of the major aspects of intercultural communication competence is intercultural sensitivity which has been gaining increasing attention in different disciplines. This paper focuses on the importance of intercultural sensitivity and shares the results of a study on the intercultural sensitivity of Turkish ELT major (English Language Teaching) pre-service teachers. For this purpose, 70 senior ELT major pre-service teachers completed an instrument comprising 5 factors with 24 items developed by Chen and Starosta (2000) for measuring intercultural sensitivity.
The intercultural sensitivity of student teachers in three cities
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 2009
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The aim of this study is to determine whether intercultural sensitivity levels vary among foreign language teacher candidates in terms of variables such as target language, year of study (grade), and gender in both intra and inters programs. Research sample consists of 1,049 Turkish freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior foreign language teacher candidates who are studying German, English and French Languages at two universities during the spring semester of 2015 to 2016 academic year. The research employs survey model, a quantitative research method which uses a positivist paradigm. Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (ISS) was used as data collection tool. All research data were subjected to inferential analysis via Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis H, Friedman Tests, and Kendall's tau_b correlation analysis in terms of participant related and environmental variables. Research findings revealed that inclusion of intercultural approach into foreign language teaching programs equipped Turkish foreign language teacher candidates with high level intercultural sensitivity. In this regard, it is of paramount significance to incorporate intercultural approach into the curricula of education faculties in order to have future foreign language teachers who can serve as intercultural models, negotiators, and mediators. Based on the need to reform general qualifications of teaching profession in accordance with contemporary requirements, the roles of intercultural model, negotiator, and mediator should also be added as part of the approach into the current conceptual framework of professional qualifications for foreign language teachers which is in a restructuring process.
European Journal of Education Studies, 2019
This study, which aims to reveal the views of Pre-service Teachers in Turkey about cultural sensitivity concepts defined as seeing the mother culture as superior to other cultures, ethnocentrism and respecting other cultures, was designed with a relational screening model among quantitative research methods. The study was conducted in the 2017-2018 academic year, and 512 students participated in the study voluntarily. The data collected through the personal information form, ethnocentrism and cultural sensitivity scales as a result of the analyses, it was found between the mean scores of ethnocentrism and cultural sensitivity differed significantly according to the students’ gender and having friends from different countries and/or cultures, and that cultural sensitivity differed significantly according to religiousness levels. While a negative, moderate and significant relationship was found between the views of Pre-service Teachers in Turkey about ethnocentrism and cultural sensit...