Optical lattices with micromechanical mirrors (original) (raw)
Related papers
Hybrid atom-membrane optomechanics
We report on the realization of a hybrid optomechanical system in which ultracold atoms are coupled to a micromechanical membrane. The atoms are trapped in the intensity maxima of an optical standing wave formed by retroreflection of a laser beam from the membrane surface. Vibrations of the membrane displace the standing wave, thus coupling to the center-of-mass motion of the atomic ensemble. Conversely, atoms imprint their motion onto the laser light, thereby modulating the radiation pressure force on the membrane. In this way, the laser light mediates a long-distance coherent coupling between the two systems. When the trap frequency of the atoms is matched to the membrane frequency, we observe resonant energy transfer. Moreover, we demonstrate sympathetic damping of the membrane motion by coupling it to laser-cooled atoms. Theoretical investigations show that the coupling strength can be considerably enhanced by placing the membrane inside an optical cavity. This could lead to quantum coherent coupling and ground-state cooling of the membrane via a distant atomic ensemble.
Cavity-enhanced long-distance coupling of an atomic ensemble to a micromechanical membrane
Physical Review A, 2013
We discuss a hybrid quantum system where a dielectric membrane situated inside an optical cavity is coupled to a distant atomic ensemble trapped in an optical lattice. The coupling is mediated by the exchange of sideband photons of the lattice laser, and is enhanced by the cavity finesse as well as the square root of the number of atoms. In addition to observing coherent dynamics between the two systems, one can also switch on a tailored dissipation by laser cooling the atoms, thereby allowing for sympathetic cooling of the membrane. The resulting cooling scheme does not require resolved sideband conditions for the cavity, which relaxes a constraint present in standard optomechanical cavity cooling. We present a quantum mechanical treatment of this modular open system which takes into account the dominant imperfections, and identify optimal operation points for both coherent dynamics and sympathetic cooling. In particular, we find that ground state cooling of a cryogenically pre-cooled membrane is possible for realistic parameters.
Realization of an Optomechanical Interface Between Ultracold Atoms and a Membrane
Physical Review Letters, 2011
We have realized a hybrid optomechanical system by coupling ultracold atoms to a micromechanical membrane. The atoms are trapped in an optical lattice, which is formed by retro-reflection of a laser beam from the membrane surface. In this setup, the lattice laser light mediates an optomechanical coupling between membrane vibrations and atomic center-of-mass motion. We observe both the effect of the membrane vibrations onto the atoms as well as the backaction of the atomic motion onto the membrane. By coupling the membrane to laser-cooled atoms, we engineer the dissipation rate of the membrane. Our observations agree quantitatively with a simple model.
Triangular and honeycomb lattices of cold atoms in optical cavities
Physical Review A, 2015
We consider a two-dimensional homogeneous ensemble of cold bosonic atoms loaded inside two optical cavities and pumped by a far-detuned external laser field. We examine the conditions for these atoms to self-organize into triangular and honeycomb lattices as a result of superradiance. By collectively scattering the pump photons, the atoms feed the initially empty cavity modes. As a result, the superposition of the pump and cavity fields creates a space-periodic light-shift external potential and atoms self-organize into the potential wells of this optical lattice. Depending on the phase of the cavity fields with respect to the pump laser, these minima can either form a triangular or a hexagonal lattice. By numerically solving the dynamical equations of the coupled atom-cavity system, we have shown that the two stable atomic structures at long times are the triangular lattice and the honeycomb lattice with equally-populated sites. We have also studied how to drive atoms from one lattice structure to another by dynamically changing the phase of the cavity fields with respect to the pump laser.
Laser Cooling of a Micromechanical Membrane to the Quantum Backaction Limit
The radiation pressure of light can act to damp and cool the vibrational motion of a mechanical resonator, but even if the light field has no thermal component, shot noise still sets a limit on the minimum phonon occupation. In optomechanical sideband cooling in a cavity, the finite off-resonant Stokes scattering defined by the cavity linewidth combined with shot noise fluctuations dictates a quantum backaction limit, analogous to the Doppler limit of atomic laser cooling. In our work, we sideband cool a micromechanical membrane resonator to the quantum backaction limit. Monitoring the optical sidebands allows us to directly observe the mechanical object come to thermal equilibrium with the optical bath. This level of optomechanical coupling that overwhelms the intrinsic thermal decoherence was not reached in previous ground-state cooling demonstrations.
Cavity quantum optomechanics of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice: Normal-mode splitting
We consider the dynamics of a movable mirror (cantilever) of a cavity coupled through radiation pressure to the light scattered from ultracold atoms in an optical lattice. Scattering from different atomic quantum states creates different quantum states of the scattered light, which can be distinguished by measurements of the displacement spectrum of the cantilever. We show that for large pump intensities the steady state displacement of the cantilever shows bistable behaviour. Due to atomic back-action, the displacement spectrum of the cantilever is modified and depends on the position of the condensate in the Brillouin zone. We further analyze the occurrence of splitting of the normal mode into three modes due to mixing of the mechanical motion with the fluctuations of the cavity field and the fluctuations of the condensate with finite atomic two-body interaction. The present system offers a novel scheme to coherently control ultracold atoms as well as cantilever dynamics.
Cold-Atom-Induced Control of an Optomechanical Device
Physical Review Letters, 2010
We consider an optical cavity with a light vibrating end-mirror and containing a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). The mediation of the cavity field induces a non-trivial interplay between the mirror and the collective oscillations of the intra-cavity atomic density. We explore the thermodynamical implications of this dynamics and highlight the possibilities for indirect diagnostic. The effects we discuss can be observed in a set-up that is well within reach of current experimental capabilities and is central in the quest for mesoscopic quantumness.
Driven-dissipative control of cold atoms in tilted optical lattices
Physical Review A, 2021
We present a sequence of driven-dissipative protocols for controlling cold atoms in tilted optical lattices. These experimentally accessible examples are templates that demonstrate how dissipation can be used to manipulate quantum many-body systems. We consider bosonic atoms trapped in a tilted optical lattice, immersed in a superfluid bath, and excited by coherent Raman lasers. With these ingredients, we are able to controllably transport atoms in the lattice and produce self-healing quantum states: a Mott insulator and the topologically ordered spin-1 AKLT state.
Quantum Micro-Mechanics with Ultracold Atoms
Pushing the Frontiers of Atomic Physics - Proceedings of the XXI International Conference on Atomic Physics, 2009
In many experiments isolated atoms and ions have been inserted into highfinesse optical resonators for the study of fundamental quantum optics and quantum information. Here, we introduce another application of such a system, as the realization of cavity optomechanics where the collective motion of an atomic ensemble serves the role of a moveable optical element in an optical resonator. Compared with other optomechanical systems, such as those incorporating nanofabricated cantilevers or the large cavity mirrors of gravitational observatories, our cold-atom realization offers direct access to the quantum regime. We describe experimental investigations of optomechanical effects, such as the bistability of collective atomic motion and the first quantification of measurement backaction for a macroscopic object, and discuss future directions for this nascent field.
Compression and localization of an atomic cloud in a time dependent optical lattice
Journal of Modern Optics, 2008
We analyze a method of compressing a cloud of cold atoms by dynamic control of a far off resonance optical lattice. We show that by reducing the lattice spacing either continuously or in discrete steps while cooling the atoms with optical molasses large compression factors can be achieved. Particle motion in the time dependent lattice is studied numerically using a three dimensional semiclassical model. Two experimentally realistic models are analyzed. In the first we continuously vary the lattice beam angles to compress atoms initially in a Gaussian distributed cloud with standard deviation of 250 µm into a single site of a two-dimensional lattice of area A ∼ 35 × 35 λ 2 , with λ the wavelength of the lattice beams. This results in an optical depth for an on-resonant probe beam > 80 which is an increase by a factor of about 1800 compared to the uncompressed cloud. In the second approach we use a discrete set of lattice beam angles to decrease the spatial scale of the cloud by a factor of 500, and localize a few atoms to a single lattice site with an area A < ∼ λ 2 .