Performacne evaluation of chrome ore beneficiation plant for reducing silica from concentrate (original) (raw)

Process improvements in an operating plant are always challenging. Mineral beneficiation plants based on gravity concentration techniques need continuous evaluation and monitoring of its processes for getting maximum recovery and better grades. But, in an operating plant it is very difficult to control all the parameters due to numerous reasons such as unsteady operation, fluctuation in the quality of run-off-mine ore, overall flow rate etc. For better understanding of the beneficiation circuit, it is necessary to evaluate the critical operating parameters which affect the performance in terms of grade, recovery and throughput including losses of valuable materials into tailing. Accurate data collection and proper data interpretation followed by making necessary change which is implementable in an operating plant play very critical role in performance of the circuit. In case of gravity operated beneficiation circuits of chrome ores where the quality of the feed and physical parameters varies continuously, the operators are required to modify the critical operating process parameters on continuous basis which is very difficult and tiresome. There are many causes of the data variability, including both error (sampling and assay), and real variation in performance due to changes in ore mineralogy, operating conditions and other factors. In this article, attempts made to evaluate the performance of ultra-fine beneficiation circuit in terms of silica reduction in the concentrate of chrome ore beneficiation plant (COB), India are discussed. The approach adopted and practical problems encountered during the study were also discussed. Results obtained from plant audit based on the above methodology has shown that SiO2 content in the concentrate can be reduced to <4%.