Binding of angiotensin antagonists to rat liver and brain membranes measured ex vivo (original) (raw)

Blockade by Intravenous Losartan of at 1 Angiotensin II Receptors in Rat Brain, Kidney and Adrenals Demonstrated by in Vitro Autoradiography

Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 1994

1. The in vivo inhibition of angiotensin I1 (AII) receptor binding in the rat brain, kidney and adrenal was investigated after intravenous administration of the ATI-selective A11 receptor antagonist losartan. 2. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were administered intravenously either vehicle, or losartan at doses of 1,3 or 10 mg/ kg. Plasma samples were collected and tissues removed at I, 2,8 or 24 h after administration of the antagonist, The effects of losartan on A11 receptor binding were assessed by quantitative in vitro autoradiography. 3. Losartan significantly increased plasma renin activity (PRA) by six-fold and nine-fold at doses of 1 and 10 mg/kg, respectively (P<0.05). Plasma losartan concentrations rose from 0.83 pg/ mL at 1 mg/ kg to 46.5 pg/ mL at 10 mg/ kg 1 h after administration of the drug. Plasma renin activity returned to control, whilst losartan was undetectable 24 h after injection of the antagonist. 4. In the brain, losartan produced a dose-dependent inhibition of A11 receptor binding to the brain structures which express exclusively, or predominantly, AT1 receptors both outside and within the blood brain barrier. By contrast, losartan did not affect binding to the nuclei which contain exclusively, or predominantly, AT2 receptors. 5. In the kidney, losartan blocked A11 receptor binding to all anatomical sites in a dosedependent manner. The inhibition peaked at 1 h and persisted beyond 24 h despite the fact that PRA had returned to control, and losartan was not detectable in the circulation. In the adrenal gland, where ATI and AT2 receptors occur in both the cortex and medulla, losartan caused partial inhibition at both regions. 6. These results indicate that losartan, administered intravenously at these doses, and/or its active metabolites, partially penetrate the blood brain barrier to selectively inhibit central ATI receptors, and exert selective and prolonged blockade of ATI receptors in peripheral target tissues.

A peripherally administered, centrally acting angiotensin II AT2 antagonist selectively increases brain AT1 receptors and decreases brain tyrosine hydroxylase transcription, pituitary vasopressin and ACTH

Brain Research, 2009

The physiological actions of brain Angiotensin II AT 2 receptors and their relationship to Angiotensin II AT 1 receptors remain controversial. To further clarify their role, we determined to what extent systemic administration of an AT 2 receptor antagonist affected AT 2 receptor binding within the brain and the expression of AT 1 receptors. For this purpose, we subcutaneously administered the AT 2 receptor antagonist PD123319 (1 mg/kg/day) to adult male rats for two weeks via osmotic minipumps. We also studied the content of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone and vasopressin, representative of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation, and the tyrosine hydroxylase gene expression in the locus coeruleus as a measure of central norepinephrine function. We found significant decreases in AT 2 receptor binding in brain areas inside the blood brain barrier, the inferior olive and the locus coeruleus. AT 2 receptor blockade increased AT 1 receptor binding and mRNA expression not only in the subfornical organ and the median eminence, situated outside the blood brain barrier, but also in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, located inside the blood brain barrier. These changes paralleled decreased expression of tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA in the locus coeruleus and decreased pituitary adrenocorticotropic and vasopressin content. Our results demonstrate that sustained peripheral administration of an AT 2 antagonist decreases binding to brain AT 2 receptors, indicating that this drug is a useful tool for the study of their central role. AT 2 receptor activity inhibition up-regulates AT 1 receptor expression in specific brain areas. Blockade of brain AT 2 receptors is compatible with enhanced hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and decreased central sympathetic system activity.

Characterization and development of angiotensin II receptor subtypes (AT1 and AT2) in rat brain

American Journal of Physiology-regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 1991

Characterization and development of angiotensin II receptor subtypes (AT1 and AT,) in rat brain. Am. J. Physiol. 261 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 30): R209-R216, 1991.-Angiotensin II receptor subtypes (AT1 and AT,) were characterized in rat brain by displacement with the specific angiotensin antagonists Du Pont 753 and CGP 42112A, respectively, and quantitative autoradiography. Young (2-wk-old) rats expressed AT1 receptors in selected limbic system areas, structures involved in cardiovascular and fluid regulation, parts of the hippocampal formation, and the choroid plexus. In young rats, AT, receptors were concentrated in areas involved in control and learning of motor activity, sensory areas, and selected limbic system structures. The cingulate cortex, the molecular layer of the cerebellar cortex, and the superior colliculus contained both ATI and AT, receptors. The number of ATI receptors in most areas of adult (&wk-old) rats was similar to or even higher than that present in young rats. Conversely, AT, receptors were always much lower in number in adult animals, and in some areas they were undetectable in adults. Their differential localization and development suggest different functions for the specific angiotensin II receptor subtypes. angiotensin receptor subtypes; Du Pont 753; CGP 42112A; renin-angiotensin system; receptor development IN ADULT RATS, the brain angiotensin II (ANG II) system, including specific ANG II receptors located in very select areas, is involved in the central regulation of cardiovascular function, drinking and fluid metabolism, salt appetite, vasopressin release, and stress (4, 5, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24). Peripherally formed ANG II, present in the has been proposed on the basis of the response of smooth muscle to ANG II synthetic analogues (19). More recently, terized two subtypes in peripheral of ANG II receptors were charactissues on the basis of their sensitivity to reducing agents (7, 10-12) and their displacement with newly developed specific ANG II antagonists (6, 8, 9, 30). AT, receptors are sensitive to the reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT) (7,9-12) and to displacement by the selective ANG II antagonist Du Pont 753 (8, 9). ANG II binding to the AT, receptors is resistant to DTT and selectively displaced by the ANG II-receptor antagonist CGP 42112A (30). Q uantitative autoradiography and displacement with the selective ANG II-receptor antagonists revealed that the rat brain contains AT1 receptors lot ular nucleus ated in the s , nucleus of ubfornical organ, pa the solitary tract, raven and tricarea postrema and AT, receptors localized in the inferior olive (27). The characteristics of the brain AT1 and AT2 receptors was similar to those described in peripheral organs (27). We have in the inferior recently shown by autoradiography that, olive, parasolitary and hypoglossal nuclei, and cerebellar cortex, the brain of young rats expresses more ANG II receptors than that of adult animals (28) and that, in the inferior olive of young and adult rats, the binding is insensitive to DTT (29). These observations suggested that young rats may express more AT, receptors than their adult controls. To determine the detailed developmental pattern of the receptor subtypes throughout the brain, we studied all areas containing significant numbers of ANG II receptors and compared their distribution and sensitivity to selected ANG II general circulation, binds to brain ANG II receptors antagonists in young (2-wk-o located in circumventricular organs outside the blood-rats. brain barrier (16, 21, 22) and contributes to the central regulation of cardiovascular function and fluid homeo-MATERIALS AND METHODS

Angiotensin II Receptor Subtypes in Rat Brain

Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 1991

1. Angiotensin I1 (AII) receptor binding was localized in the rat brain by in vitro autoradiography using the antagonist analogue, 1251-[Sar1,11e8] AII. A11 receptor binding was then differentiated into type I and type I1 subtypes by displacement with unlabelled non-peptide antagonists specific for A11 subtypes. 2. Type I binding was determined as that inhibited by Dup753 (10 pmol/L) and type I1 binding as that inhibited by XD329-1 (10 pmol/ L). The reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT) decreased the binding to type I receptors and enhanced the binding to type I1 receptors. 3. Structures such as the vascular organ of the lamina terminalis, subfornical organ, median preoptic nucleus, area postrema, nucleus of the solitary tract, which are known to be related to some central actions of AII, contain exclusively type I A11 receptors. 4. In contrast, the locus coeruleus, ventral and dorsal parts of lateral septum, superior colliculus, subthalamic nucleus, some nuclei of the thalamus, and the nuclei of the inferior olive contain predominantly type I1 A11 receptors. 5. These results reveal important pharmacological heterogeneity of brain A11 receptors which suggest different regional functions and are relevant to the central actions of emerging classes of new non-peptide A11 receptor antagonists.

Angiotensin II receptor subtypes in rat brain: dithiothreitol inhibits ligand binding to All-1 and enhances binding to All-2

Brain Research, 1991

Angiotensin II (AII) receptor subtypes have been proposed on the basis of the selectivity of non-peptide AII antagonists. In the present study, the sulfhydryl reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT) was found to reduce binding to the AII-1 receptor while enhancing binding at the AII-2 site. The neuroanatomical distribution of these effects were consistent with the distribution of AII-1 and AII-2 receptors, respectively. These data indicate that AII receptor subtypes in the brain can be differentiated by both biochemical and pharmacological means.

The Ninth International Symposium on Vascular Neuroeffector Mechanisms. Porto, Portugal, August 2?5, 1998. Satellite Symposium of the 13th International Congress of Pharmacology. M�nchen, Germany, July 26?31, 1998

Cardiovascular Drug Reviews, 1998

The Vascular Neuroeffector Mechanisms Symposia are held as satellite symposia of the International Congresses of Pharmacology. The present symposium consisted of poster presentations and the following five sessions of oral communications: Adrenoceptors (chaired by R. Ruff010 and 0. E. Brodde), Endothelium and Vascular Wall Physiology (R. F. Furchgott and S. Guimariies), New Trends in Cardiovascular Research (J. Bevan), Cotransmission (K. Starke and T. C. Cunnane), and Modulation of Neurotransmitter Release in the Cardiovascular System (M. Gothert). The meeting was attended by about 150 participants who listened to 32 lectures and discussed 72 posters. This article summarizes the scientific highlights.

Pharmacological profile of GR117289 in vitro: a novel, potent and specific non-peptide angiotensin AT1 receptor antagonist

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1992

1 This paper describes the effects of GRI17289 (1-[[3-bromo-2-[2-(lH-tetrazol-5-yl)phenyl]-5-benzofuranyl]methyl]-2-butyl-4-chloro-lH-imidazole-5-carboxylic acid) at angiotensin receptors and binding sites in rabbit aorta, rat liver and bovine cerebellum preparations in vitro. 2 In rabbit isolated aortic strips, GRI 17289 (0.3, 1 and 3 nM) caused a concentration-related, insurmountable suppression of the concentration-response curve to angiotensin II (All). When the contact time was increased, a greater degree of antagonism of All was observed, suggesting that GRi17289 is slow to reach equilibrium. A pKB of 9.8±0.1 was calculated for GRI17289 after 3h incubation. GR1 17289 (1 tiM) did not affect contractile responses to phenylephrine or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in the rabbit aorta. 3 GRI 17289 (1 nM) alone caused a marked suppression and a slight rightward displacement of the All concentration-response curve. Co-incubation with the competitive, surmountable AT, receptor antagonist, losartan (10 nM, 100 nm and 1 ,LM), resulted in a concentration-related upward and rightward displacement of the concentration-response curve to subsequently administered All. In separate experiments in which preparations were pre-incubated with GR1 17289 (1 nM), subsequent addition of losartan (1 JLM) for 2, 15 or 45 min caused a further, but similar, rightward displacement of the concentration-response curve to subsequently administered All with a time-dependent increase in the maximum response. 4 Suppression of All-induced contractile responses, caused by superfusion with GRI17289 (0.3, 1 or 3 nM) was not reversed by continuously washing the tissues for 3 h; in fact, the potency of GRI 17289 was slightly enhanced after this period. 5 In rat liver membranes, GRI17289 was a potent competitor with [3H]-AII for AT, binding sites (pKi = 8.7 ± 0.1) but in bovine cerebellum membranes, it was a very weak competitor for AT2 binding sites (pKi<6). Pre-incubation of rat liver membranes with GRI17289 had little effect on its affinity (pKi = 9.1 ± 0.21), but increasing the concentration of bovine serum albumen in the assay buffer from 0.001% to 0.1% w/v decreased affinity (pKi= 7.5 ± 0.1).