How close can an inhomogeneous universe mimic the concordance model? (original) (raw)

An alternative to the cosmological ``concordance model

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2003

Precision measurements of the cosmic microwave background by WMAP are believed to have established a flat Λ-dominated universe, seeded by nearly scale-invariant adiabatic primordial fluctuations. However by relaxing the hypothesis that the fluctuation spectrum can be described by a single power law, we demonstrate that an Einstein-de Sitter universe with zero cosmological constant can fit the data as well as the best concordance model. Moreover unlike a Λ-dominated universe, such an universe has no strong integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect, so is in better agreement with the low quadrupole seen by WMAP. The main problem is that the Hubble constant is required to be rather low: H0 46 km/s/Mpc; we discuss whether this can be consistent with observations. Furthermore for universes consisting only of baryons and cold dark matter, the amplitude of matter fluctuations on cluster scales is too high, a problem which seems generic. However, an additional small contribution (ΩX ∼ 0.1) of matter which does not cluster on small scales, e.g. relic neutrinos with mass of order eV or a 'quintessence' with w ∼ 0, can alleviate this problem. Such models provide a satisfying description of the power spectrum derived from the 2dF galaxy redshift survey and from observations of the Ly-α forest. We conclude that Einstein-de Sitter models can indeed accommodate all data on the large scale structure of the Universe, hence the Hubble diagram of distant Type Ia supernovae remains the only direct evidence for a non-zero cosmological constant.

Simple inhomogeneous cosmological (toy) models

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2016

Based on the Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) metric we consider two flat inhomogeneous big-bang models. We aim at clarifying, as far as possible analytically, basic features of the dynamics of the simplest inhomogeneous models and to point out the potential usefulness of exact inhomogeneous solutions as generalizations of the homogeneous configurations of the cosmological standard model. We discuss explicitly partial successes but also potential pitfalls of these simplest models. Although primarily seen as toy models, the relevant free parameters are fixed by best-fit values using the Joint Light-curve Analysis (JLA)-sample data. On the basis of a likelihood analysis we find that a local hump with an extension of almost 2 Gpc provides a better description of the observations than a local void for which we obtain a best-fit scale of about 30 Mpc. Future redshift-drift measurements are discussed as a promising tool to discriminate between inhomogeneous configurations and the ΛCDM model.

A cosmological concordance model with dynamical vacuum term

Physics Letters B, 2012

We demonstrate that creation of dark-matter particles at a constant rate implies the existence of a cosmological term that decays linearly with the Hubble rate. We discuss the cosmological model that arises in this context and test it against observations of the first acoustic peak in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy spectrum, the Hubble diagram for supernovas of type Ia (SNIa), the distance scale of baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAO) and the distribution of large scale structures (LSS). We show that a good concordance is obtained, albeit with a higher value of the present matter abundance than in the ΛCDM model. We also comment on general features of the CMB anisotropy spectrum and on the cosmic coincidence problem.

Inhomogeneity effects in cosmology

Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2011

This paper looks at how inhomogeneous spacetime models may be significant for cosmology. First it addresses how the averaging process may affect large-scale dynamics, with backreaction effects leading to effective contributions to the averaged energy–momentum tensor. Second, it considers how local inhomogeneities may affect cosmological observations in cosmology, possibly significantly affecting the concordance model parameters. Third, it presents the possibility that the universe is spatially inhomogeneous on Hubble scales, with a violation of the Copernican principle leading to an apparent acceleration of the universe. This could perhaps even remove the need for the postulate of dark energy.

The Copernican principle in light of the latest cosmological data


We pursue a program to confront observations with inhomogeneous extensions of the FLRW metric. The main idea is to test the Copernican principle rather than assuming it a priori. We consider the ΛCDM model endowed with a spherical ΛLTB inhomogeneity around us, that is, we assume isotropy and test the hypothesis of homogeneity. We confront the ΛLTB model with the latest available data from CMB, BAO, type Ia supernovae, local H0, cosmic chronometers, Compton y-distortion and kinetic Sunyaev–Zeldovich effect. We find that these data can constrain tightly this extra inhomogeneity, almost to the cosmic variance level: on scales & 100 Mpc structures can have a small non-Copernican effective contrast of just δL ∼ 0.01. Furthermore, the constraints on the standard ΛCDM parameters are not weakened after marginalizing over the parameters that model the local structure, to which we assign ignorance priors. In other words, dropping the Copernican principle assumption does not imply worse constr...

Observational constraints on inhomogeneous cosmological models without dark energy

Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2011

It has been proposed that the observed dark energy can be explained away by the effect of large-scale nonlinear inhomogeneities. In the present paper we discuss how observations constrain cosmological models featuring large voids. We start by considering Copernican models, in which the observer is not occupying a special position and homogeneity is preserved on a very large scale. We show how these models, at least in their current realizations, are constrained to give small, but perhaps not negligible in certain contexts, corrections to the cosmological observables. We then examine non-Copernican models, in which the observer is close to the center of a very large void. These models can give large corrections to the observables which mimic an accelerated FLRW model. We carefully discuss the main observables and tests able to exclude them. PACS numbers: 95.36.+x, 98.62.Sb, 98.65.Dx, 98.80.Es ‡ A subtlety is that the average density has to be defined with a volume element which does not include the curvature term (see the discussion about the effective mass function F (r) in Appendix A and also Ref. ) .

An inhomogeneous model universe behaving homogeneously

General Relativity and Gravitation, 2008

We present a new model universe based on the junction of FRW to flat Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) solutions of Einstein equations along our past light cone, bringing structures within the FRW models. The model is assumed globally to be homogeneous, i.e. the cosmological principle is valid. Local inhomogeneities within the past light cone are modeled as a flat LTB, whereas those outside the light cone are assumed to be smoothed out and represented by a FRW model. The model is singularity free, always FRW far from the observer along the past light cone, gives way to a different luminosity distance relation as for the CDM/FRW models, a negative deceleration parameter near the observer, and correct linear and non-linear density contrast. As a whole, the model behaves like a FRW model on the past light cone with a special behavior of the scale factor, Hubble and deceleration parameter, mimicking dark energy.