Reconstructed Intentions in Collaborative Problem Solving Dialogues Pamela W. Jordan Intelligent systems Program University of Pittsburgh (original) (raw)

Automatic intention recognition in conversation processing☆

Journal of Memory and Language, 2008

A fundamental assumption of many theories of conversation is that comprehension of a speaker's utterance involves 9 recognition of the speaker's intention in producing that remark. However, the nature of intention recognition is not 10 clear. One approach is to conceptualize a speaker's intention in terms of speech acts . Speech acts.

Elements of a plan-based theory of speech acts

Cognitive Science, 1979

This paper explores the truism hat people think about what hey say. It proposes that, to satisfy heir own goals, people often plan their speech acts to affect their listeners' beliefs, goals, and emotional states. Such language use can be modelled by viewing speech acts as operators in a planning system, thus allowing both physical and speech acts to be integrated into plans.Methodological issues of how speech acts should be defined in a plan-based theory are illustrated by defining operators for requesting and informing. Plans containing those operators are presented and comparisons are drawn with Searle's formulation. The operators are show to be inadequate since they cannot be composed to form questions (requests to inform) and multiparty requests (requests to request). By refining the operator definitions and by identifying some of the side effects of requesting, compositional adequacy is achieved. The solution leads to a metatheoretical principle for modelling speech acts as planning operators.

Indirect Speech Acts and Collaborativeness in Human-Machine Dialogue Systems


In human-machine dialogue systems, indirect and composite speech acts have to be treated in a proper way. First because they appears frequently in human-human dialogue, and then constitute an important aspect of spontaneous communication. Second because they are linked to collaborative aspects. We describe some complex speech acts phenomena and some methods for a system to treat them, with the

Recognizing intended meaning and speakers' plans

Proceedings of the Seventh International Joint …, 1981

Human conversational participants depend upon the ability of their partners to recognize their intentions, so that those partners may respond appropriately.

A Hybrid Architectural Approach to Understanding and Appropriately Generating Indirect Speech Acts

Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Current approaches to handling indirect speech acts (ISAs) do not account for their sociolinguistic underpinnings (i.e., politeness strategies). Deeper understanding and appropriate generation of indirect acts will require mechanisms that integrate natural language (NL) understanding and generation with social information about agent roles and obligations,which we introduce in this paper. Additionally, we tackle the problem of understanding and handling indirect answers that take the form of either speech acts or physical actions, which requires an inferential, plan-reasoning approach. In order to enable artificial agents to handle an even wider-variety of ISAs, we present a hybrid approach, utilizing both the idiomatic and inferential strategies. We then demonstrate our system successfully generating indirect requests and handling indirect answers, and discuss avenues of future research.

Prediction of dialogue acts on the basis of the previous act

Procesamiento del lenguaje natural, 2007

Resumen: En este trabajo se evalúa empíricamente el reconocimiento automático de actos de diálogo. Se usan datos provenientes de un corpus de diálogos con habla espontánea. En cada diálogo dos hablantes colaboran en el diseño de cocinas usando herramientas C.A.D.; uno de ellos desempeña el rol del Sistema y el otro el del Usuario. Los actos de diálogo se etiquetan con DIME-DAMSL, esquema que considera dos planos de expresión: obligaciones y common ground. La evaluación se realiza probando modelos clasificadores creados con algoritmos de aprendizaje máquina: uno para obligaciones y otro para common ground. El principal dato predictor analizado es el acto de diálogo correspondiente al enunciado inmediato anterior. Se pondera también la contribución de información adicional, como la entonación, etiquetada con INTSINT, la modalidad del enunciado, el rol del hablante y el tipo de acto de diálogo del plano complementario. Una aplicación práctica sería en sistemas de administración de diálogo.

The role of intentions in dialogue processing

Recent research in the formal modelling of dialogue has led to the 6 conclusion that bifurcations like language use versus language structure, compe-7 tence versus performance, grammatical versus psycholinguistic/pragmatic modes 8 of explanation are all based on an arbitrary and ultimately mistaken dichotomy, 9 one that obscures the unitary nature of the phenomena because it insists on a view 10 of grammar that ignores essential features of natural language (NL) processing.