Supporting students to reason about the relative size of proper and improper fractions (original) (raw)
Related papers
Reaching back to advance forward: towards a 21st century approach to learning and teaching fractions
Perspectiva, 2018
Besides their usefulness in practical, everyday activities, understanding fractions and operations on fractions underpins the development of proportional reasoning and is critical for learning higher mathematics such as algebra, probability, and calculus and for success in science and engineering. Nevertheless, fractions remain a problematic curricular area in which teachers and students poorly understand and perform. I propose to review literature to understand causes of learners’ conceptual difficulties with fractions and propose an underexplored an instructional scheme based on an epistemological and pedagogical approach informed by theoretical ideas of Vygotsky and Gattegno. Based on work with teachers, I will detail the phases of the instructional scheme and their theoretical and empirical evidence. Results will illustrate how teachers engage learners with manipulatives in the instructional scheme to enable students to construct mathematically sound and robust procedures for op...
Teaching fractions for understanding: addressing interrelated concepts
Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2017
The concept of fractions is perceived as one of the most difficult areas in school mathematics to learn and teach. The most frequently mentioned factors contributing to the complexity is fractions having five interrelated constructs: part-whole, ratio, operator, quotient, and measure. In this study, we used this framework to investigate the practices in a New Zealand Year 7 classroom. Video recordings and transcribed audio recordings were analysed through the lenses of the five integrated concepts of fraction. The findings showed that students often initiated unexpected uses of fractions as quotient and as operator, drawing on part whole understanding when solving fraction problems
Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 2023
The idea of magnitude is central to understanding fractional numbers. To investigate this relationship, we implemented a design research project in an urban school in the northeast of the US to examine the potential of a measuring perspective and the mathematical notion of fraction-ofquantity to enhance second-grade students' conceptual understanding of fraction magnitude. We used ideas from the history of mathematics and mathematics education within a culturalhistorical framework to define fractions and construct tasks. The research team consisted of a university professor, two doctoral students, one of whom was an administrator of the municipal board of education, eight elementary school teachers, and a parent. The research sessions involved 35 students divided into two classes, meeting one hour per session twice a week for 12 weeks or 24 hours. The students manipulated non-symbolic or non-numeric manipulatives (Cuisenaire rods) and learned to talk about specific relations they perceived among them. Through physical manipulations and discourse, students developed the idea that a fraction reports a multiplicative comparison between two commensurable quantities of the same kind. Our results indicate that second-grade students appropriated the concept of the magnitude of fractions-ofquantity and, based on mental manipulations of evoked non-numeric images, constructed symbolic expressions involving fractional comparisons.
Drawing on a Theoretical Model to Study Students’ Understandings of Fractions
Educational Studies in Mathematics, 2007
Teaching and learning fractions has traditionally been one of the most problematic areas in primary school mathematics. Several studies have suggested that one of the main factors contributing to this complexity is that fractions comprise a multifaceted notion encompassing five interrelated subconstructs (i.e., part-whole, ratio, operator, quotient, and measure). Kieren was the first to establish that the concept of fractions is not a single construct, but consists of several interrelated subconstructs. Later on, in the early 1980s, Behr et al. built on Kieren’s conceptualization and suggested a theoretical model linking the five subconstructs of fractions to the operations of fractions, fraction equivalence, and problem solving. In the present study we used this theoretical model as a reference point to investigate students’ constructions of the different subconstructs of fractions. In particular, using structural equation modeling techniques to analyze data of 646 fifth and sixth graders’ performance on fractions, we examined the associations among the different subconstructs of fractions as well as the extent to which these subconstructs explain students’ performance on fraction operations and fraction equivalence. To a great extent, the data provided support to the associations included in the model, although, they also suggested some additional associations between the notions of the model. We discuss these findings taking into consideration the context in which the study was conducted and we provide implications for the teaching of fractions and suggestions for further research.
Tracing fourth graders’ learning of fractions: early episodes from a year-long teaching experiment
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 2003
Considerable and significant research 1 has been conducted focusing on what students know about fraction ideas. 2 However, much of the research looks at student understanding following some instruction. The research 3 reported in this paper differs from other studies in three significant ways: (1) the students were 9-and 10-year-old fourth graders; (2) they had not yet had an introduction to operational rules and definitions about fractions; and (3) the research design emphasized a student-centered approach. The research is based on the view that given particular conditions in which students are invited to work together and conduct thoughtful investigations with appropriate materials, they can build fundamental mathematical ideas.
Successes and obstacles in the development of grade 6 learners’ conceptions of fractions
This paper reports on the development of some Grade 6 learners' conceptions of fractions during a yearlong intervention programme consisting of specially designed materials and a particular approach to learning and teaching mathematics. We highlight some gains in understanding, but also difficulties encountered in implementing the programme and suggest possible reasons for these difficulties.
Levels of students’ “conception” of fractions
Educational Studies in Mathematics
In this paper, we examine sixth grade students’ degree of conceptualization of fractions. A specially developed test aimed to measure students’ understanding of fractions along the three stages proposed by Sfard (1991) was administered to 321 sixth grade students. The Rasch model was applied to specify the reliability of the test across the sample and cluster analysis to locate groups by facility level. The analysis revealed six such levels. The characteristics of each level were specified according to Sfard’s framework and the results of the fraction test. Based on our findings, we draw implications for the learning and teaching of fractions and provide suggestions for future research.
We present the results of an in-depth qualitative study that examined ninth graders' conceptual and procedural knowledge of fractions as well as their approach to mathematics learning, in particular fraction learning. We traced individual differences, even extreme, in the way that students combine the two kinds of knowledge. We also provide preliminary evidence indicating that students with strong conceptual fraction knowledge adopt a deep approach to mathematics learning (associated with the intention to understand), whereas students with poor conceptual fraction knowledge adopt a superficial approach (associated with the intention to reproduce). These findings suggest that students differ in the way they reason and learn about fractions in systematic ways and could be used to inform future quantitative studies.
Towards a framework for developing students' fraction proficiency
The importance of the knowledge of fractions in mathematical learning, coupled with the difficulties students have with them, has prompted researchers to focus on this particular area of mathematics. The term 'fraction proficiency' used in this article refers to a person's conceptual comprehension, procedural skills and the ability to approach daily situations involving fractions. In the area of fractions, there has been a call for more research to study how, and where, efforts should be focused in order to integrate the various aspects of fraction knowledge for students, and even for teachers, to help them develop proficiency in fractions. Thus, the article presents a theoretical synthesis of the specialized literature in the learning and teaching of fractions, with the aim of proposing a framework for developing students' fraction proficiency. The frameworks presented in the article may shed light upon the implications for the design of fraction instruction, which should focus on developing a multi-faceted knowledge of fractions, rather than simply isolating one facet from the others.