Species relationships in CuCumis (original) (raw)
Related papers
The Nucleus, 2011
Interrelationships between the wild and cultivated species of Cucumis L. and their F 1 hybrid was analyzed based on morphological, crossability, chromosome pairing behaviour and seed-protein profiles. Morphologically the wild species, C. pubescens Willd., was found to be distinct from the cultivated taxa C. melo var. melo L. Hybridization studies using the cultivated variety, C. melo and the wild taxa, C. pubescens revealed that the two species of Cucumis were cross compatible. Most of the morphological characters of the F 1 hybrid were intermediate to that of their parents. Fertile hybrid with normal bivalents (n=12) indicated genomic relationships between the wild and cultivated taxa. Seed protein profile revealed that banding pattern of parents and hybrid were closely related, thereby corroborates the close morphological and cytogenetical affinities of the wild and cultivated taxa. The study suggests the possibility to transfer some of the agriculturally important characters of the wild to the popular cultivated varieties through hybridization.
Development and Characterization of Intraspecific Hybrids Derived from Cucumis
An intraspecific hybridization programme among Cucumis species involving eight genetically diverse parents of C. melo L. varietal group viz., IC-0599709, Punjab Sunehri, Pusa Madhuras, Kashi Madhu (C. melo L.), AHK-119 (C. melo var. callosus), AHLM-2 (C. melo var. utilissimus), AHS-82 (C. melo var. momordica) and Arya-1 (C. melo var. chate) were undertaken. Among the dessertic F1 hybrids, IC-0599709 × Punjab Sunehri resulted best with respect to first fruit harvest (73.33 days), fruit weight (938.00 g), fruit diameter (11.90 cm), flesh thickness (3.07 cm), total soluble solids (9.73%) and flesh colour (salmon orange). F2 population of AHK-119 × Kashi Madhu produced maximum number of marketable fruits per plant (11.2) weighing 350.00 g in 86.1 days. It was also found to be tolerant to high temperature. The F2 population of AHK-119 × Kashi Madhu were found to be tolerant to high temperature. The existing variability among the parents, intra-specific crosses and segregating generations...
Development and characterization of intraspecific hybrids derived from Cucumis melo L
Bangladesh Journal of Botany
An intraspecific hybridization programme among Cucumis species involving eight genetically diverse parents of C. melo L. varietal group viz., IC-0599709, Punjab Sunehri, Pusa Madhuras, Kashi Madhu (C. melo L.), AHK-119 (C. melo var. callosus), AHLM-2 (C. melo var. utilissimus), AHS-82 (C. melo var. momordica) and Arya-1 (C. melo var. chate) were undertaken. Among the dessertic F1 hybrids, IC-0599709 × Punjab Sunehri resulted best with respect to first fruit harvest (73.33 days), fruit weight (938.00 g), fruit diameter (11.90 cm), flesh thickness (3.07 cm), total soluble solids (9.73%) and flesh colour (salmon orange). F2 population of AHK-119 × Kashi Madhu produced maximum number of marketable fruits per plant (11.2) weighing 350.00 g in 86.1 days. It was also found to be tolerant to high temperature. The F2 population of AHK-119 × Kashi Madhu were found to be tolerant to high temperature. The existing variability among the parents, intra-specific crosses and segregating generations...
In this research, 44 genotypes with two checks Pant Khira-1 and Pointsette of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) were studied that were collected from different geographical regions. The experiment was conducted as a randomized block design (RBD) with three replications in open field condition. Average distance of inter and intra centroids cluster analysis was done to study the divergence in genotypes including checks in respect of various economic traits. The genotypes were grouped into seven non overlapping clusters. The averages inter and intra cluster distances have been presented. The distribution patterns of genotypes of cucumber into seven clusters have been analyzed. Data was collected on morphological features, yield and components of yield of cucumber which include: days to first male flowers, node number to first male flower, days to first female flowers, node number to first female flower, internodal length, days to first fruit harvest, number of fruits per plant, fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit weight, test weight, seed index, primary branches per plant, plant height and yield. The genotypic coefficients were higher in the magnitudes relative to corresponding estimates of phenotypic coefficients, which indicated high heritability of the traits under study. Number of fruits per plant (0.860**) showed positive significant correlation with yield in highly significant positive correlation, the values of direct and indirect contribution of different traits toward yield revealed the maximum direct effect of number of fruits per plant (0.837) and maximum positive indirect effect of number of fruits per plant (0.110). Therefore, Selection of superior genotypes in view point of desirable morphologic traits, with high genetic distance could be selected for hybridization programs and recognition of best genotypes for different traits to produce new elite hybrids in cucumber.
A molecular cytogenetic survey of Cucumis sativus L. revealed a chromosomal polymorphism among 2 European pickling cultivars of 'Borszczagowski' and 'Monastyrski', and one Japanese cultivar of 'Zibai' by fluorescent banding method with chromomycin A 3 (CMA) and 4Ј,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with the probes of 5S, 45S rDNA and telomere repeat sequences. Heterochromatic banding polymorphism was found in some chromosomes with CMA and DAPI staining, whereas no chromosomal polymorphism was found in FISH. Thus, the FISH allowed us to identify all of homologous chromosomes in each cucumber cultivars, while CMA and DAPI banding showed an easy detection of the polymorphism in cucumber chromosomes, even in close related cultivars between European pickling cultivars.
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi tarım ve doğa dergisi, 2020
For this purpose, 18 cucumber lines were evaluated for their genetic diversity using six morphological characterizations (plant morphology, plant length, length of leaf blade, fruit length, fruit diameter and fruit stem length) and eight AFLP markers. These AFLP primer combinations amplified well and also showed polymorphism. Thus, 1975 AFLP fragments were obtained and 1468 fragments were polymorphic (75.34%). Dendrograms were drawn using UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method) arithmetical averages and according to the UPGMA dendrogram, the cucumber accessions clustered into two main groups. The genetic distances of the dendrogram varied between 0.92 and 0.96. Cluster analysis based on morphological data discriminated all lines into three major clusters in UPGMA dendrogram. The similarity coefficient ranged between 0.888 and 0.982 indicating that the cucumber lines used in the study have a low level of genetic variation. Results obtained from the phylogenetic dendrogram by 8 pairs of AFLP primers were consistent with those from the UPGMA clustering analysis, which were in according with the morphological taxonomy on cucumber.
Genetic Studies for Different Seed Traits in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L)
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2017
The present investigation was carried out to study the mean performance, heterosis, combining ability and gene action for different seed traits viz., seed germination, seed vigour index-I, seed vigour index-II and fruit yield in 15 F 1 crosses, developed by crossing 6 genotypes during the year 2015. The seeds of all parents and their crosses, along with standard check (KH-1) were assessed for different seed traits (under laboratory conditions) and fruit yield (under open field conditions) during the year 2016. Experimental results revealed that genotypes PI-618860, Khira-75, UHF-CUC-1 and UHF-CUC-2 were found superior on the basis of mean performance, heterosis and general combining ability studies. The cross combinations viz., Khira-75 x PI-618860, Khira-75 x UHF-CUC-1, Khira-75 x UHF-CUC-2 and Khira-75 x PI-618860, UHF-CUC-1 x PI-618860, UHF-CUC-3 x Poinsette, UHF-CUC-3 x PI-618860 were found best on the basis of mean performance, heterosis and specific combining ability studies respectively. Further, Gene action studies indicated the predominant role of non-additive gene action for the control of all the traits under study; hence heterosis breeding can be utilized for the genetic improvement of seed vigour and yield traits in cucumber.
Morphologic and molecular assessments of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) landraces
Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2020
In this study, 90 locally grown cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) landraces were collected and morphologically characterized using 20 descriptors derived from UPOV (International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants). Genetic diversity and relationships of the genotypes were revealed using 20 sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) marker combinations. The discrimination power of each polymorphic marker (estimated by the polymorphism information content) ranged from 0.15 to 0.99 with an average of 0.73. Dice's similarity coefficient ranged between 0.00-1.00. The cluster analysis that was conducted using the unweighted pair group method of arithmetic averages (UPGMA) for both molecular and morphologic data showed that all of the genotypes fell into two main groups and many subdivisions. According to morphological data, fruit length, diameter and weight of the genotypes were determined between 6.5 - 32.5 cm, 25 - 52 mm and, 28 - 625 g respectively. It is clear fr...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) has a narrow genetic base compared to other Cucumis species. The genetic base of the cucumber can be improved by crossing two distantly related cultivars from different geographical locations. This study aimed to evaluate phenotypic variability and investigate genetic variation of F2 cucumber population using two retrotransposon-based markers, namely Inter Retrotransposon Amplified Polymorphism (IRAP) and Inter-SINE Amplified Polymorphism (ISAP). Two parental lines and the selected 59 genotypes from F2 population were subjected to PCR analysis for DNA profiling. The phenotypic variation of F2 genotypes revealed significant diversity in fruit weight, fruit diameter, fruit radian, pedicel length, fruit length, and fruit ratio (length-diameter). The genetic variation of the F2 hybrids was successfully detected and discriminated by IRAP and ISAP markers. Both IRAP and ISAP markers showed high heterozygosity ranged from 0.4021 to 0.4997, with an average of 0.4649 and moderate polymorphic information content ranged from 0.3489 to 0.3929 with an average of 0.3648. Cluster analysis showed that the F2 population and parental lines were grouped into two major clusters with a similarity coefficient ranged from 0.67 to 0.96. These findings imply that the F2 population is highly segregated and can be utilized to create new cultivars of cucumber.
Research Concerning Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L. Mill) Genetic Diversity
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj Napoca Agriculture, 2011
During the second part of the twentieth century the cultivated plants have been faced with genetic erosion, because of the expandinding industrial farming systems. The sustainable agriculture can not exist without a rich genetic diversity. After the United Nations Conference from Rio de Janeiro (1992), when the Convention on Biological Diversity was adopted, a series of acts and european references that protect agrobiodiversity had emerged. Between 2007 and 2010, at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine a program which aims to identify and conserve local vegetable varieties was conducted. Out of 290 cultivars, 171 (58.9%) were genuine local varieties. There were collected 12 cucumber cultivars from the following counties: Salaj (7), Cluj (3), Bistrita-Nasaud (1) and Satu-Mare (1). The morphologic caractheristics proved that all this 12 cultivars were authentic and valuable local varieties. The local varieties were agronomical, biological and biochemical characterized, both in field and laboratory. The seeds achieved from those 12 local varieties were preserved in the Suceava Gene Bank, from where stakeholders (farmers, agronomists, researchers) can obtain seeds.