Exploitation of Germplasm for Plant Yield Improvement in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) OPEN ACCESS (original) (raw)



An experiment was conducted to evaluate the genetic diversity of Bt cotton germplasm through morphological and within-boll yield attributes at the experimental area of the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, during 201516 crop season. The experiment was carried out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with two replications. Genetic diversity assessment among 60 Bt cotton genotypes is studied using principle component analysis (PCA). The coefficient of variance, genetic advance, and heritability have been estimated for each trait. Analysis of variance showed the significant variation among the genotypes for all the traits under investigation. Highest heritability and genetic advance were recorded for bolls per plant and lint mass per boll. In PCA, first five PCs exhibited more than one Eigen value. In PC-I, sympodial branches, monopodial branches, bolls per plant and seed cotton yield per plant were the most important traits contributing 26.15% in the total variati...

Evaluation of genetic diversity in short duration cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

Journal of cotton research, 2019

Background: Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is an important fiber crop in Bangladesh. Genetic diversity among the genotypes of a germplasm has a great importance for cotton breeding. An experiment was carried out at the experimental field of Cotton Research, Training and Seed Multiplication Farm, Sreepur, Gazipur during the cropping season of 2015-2016 with 100 genotypes to evaluate genetic diversity of cotton genotypes for short duration using field performance. Results: The genotypes under study were grouped into ten clusters through multivariate analysis using GENSTAT-5. Cluster III contained maximum number of genotypes (16) while cluster X contained the least number of genotypes (7). The inter cluster distances were larger than intra cluster distances in all cases suggesting wider genetic diversity among the genotypes of different clusters. The maximum and minimum inter cluster distances were observed between clusters II and V (10.78) and clusters VIII and IX (3.30), respectively. The results indicated diverse and close relationship among the genotypes of those clusters. Earliness index, single boll weight and days to boll opening showed the higher contribution to the genetic divergence among 19 characters. Conclusion: Based on the results of genetic diversity and earliness index, the genotypes from cluster II could be used as parent in hybridization program for the development of short duration cotton variety.

Genetic variability and heritability studies for seed cotton yield, yield attributing and fibre quality traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2018

Ninety six cotton germplasm collections were evaluated for genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance for fifteen quantitative traits during Kharif 2017 at Main Agricultural Research Station, Raichur. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences for all the quantitative traits under study except Upper Half Mean Length (UHML), micronaire and seed cotton yield per plant. A wide range was observed for plant height, number of sympodia per plant, sympodial length at ground level, number of bolls per plant, ginning outturn and seed cotton yield per plant. High GCV and PCV were recorded for traits viz., number of monopodia, sympodial length at ground level, sympodial length at fifty per cent of plant height and number of bolls per plant. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance as per cent of mean was observed for all the traits which indicated that selection could be effective for improvement in these traits except for fibre quality characters, ginning outtu...

Genetic variability exploration in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) for yield and fiber traits


This experiment aimed to investigate genetic variability among the all genotypes along with heritability presence, genetic advance per cent over mean, correlation studies and path coefficient carried out for 17 different characters in 16 genotypes, including sixty-four F1 hybrids, and one check G. Cot. Hy. 18 of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). The trail was demonstrated during the Kharif season of 2022 at the Regional Research Station (RRS), Anand Agricultural University, India. Variability studies revealed high phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) and moderate genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) for the number of bolls per plant, lint yield per plant and seed cotton yield per plant. Additionally, the number of monopodia per plant exhibited a high estimate of both PCV and GCV. Heritability analysis showed high heritability for various traits, including days to 50% flowering, days to 50% boll bursting, plant height, monopodia per plant, sympodia per plant, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, lint yield per plant, seed cotton yield, seed index, fiber strength, fiber fineness, and seed oil content. Moreover, days to 50% flowering, plant height, number of monopodia per plant, number of sympodia per plant, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, lint yield per plant, seed cotton yield, fiber fineness, and seed oil content demonstrated both high heritability and significant genetic advance as per cent over the mean. This stipulate significant attributing part of additive gene action in the heredity of these characteristics. During the correlation study, it was found that seed cotton yield per plant showed noteworthy positive correlations with several traits: the number of sympodia per plant (0.29), the number of bolls per plant (0.77), fiber length (0.26), uniformity index (0.37), and lint yield per plant (0.95). Path analysis revealed that seed index and ginning outturn had the highest positive and direct effects on seed cotton yield per plant.


Five cotton genotypes viz. SR- 015, SR-016, SR-017, SR-018 and SR-019 and one standard cotton variety i.e. CB-12 were studied for correlation coefficients, regression and path analysis, genetic and environmental variability, broad sense heritability, seed cotton yield and yield contributing traits at Cotton Research, Training and Seed Multiplication Farm, Sreepur, Gazipur during Kharif 2012-13 growing period. Significant differences were observed for number of vegetative branch, number of fruiting branch, boll number, single boll weight and seed cotton yield. Positive correlations between seed cotton yield and number of vegetative branch, number of fruiting branch, number of boll and individual boll weight were found. The regression equation showed that the boll number per plant and the boll weight should be considered as target traits for improvement of cotton seed yield. Path analysis revealed that the highest direct and positive effect on seed cotton yield was exhibited by boll number per plant (1.25) followed by boll weight (0.81), and plant height (0.01) and the direct negative effect by number of fruiting branch (-0.05) and number of vegetative branch (-0.01). Genotypic covariance and phenotypic covariance were found to be the closest for fruiting branch (5.96 and 6.09) followed by boll number (5.97 and 6.29), number of vegetative branch (6.54 and 6.95), boll weight (3.95 and 4.21) and seed cotton yield (4.22 and 4.77) that consequently influenced the broad sense heritability’s in the range of 0.96 to 0.78. Successful selection can be made on these characteristics.

Genetic Diversity in Cotton Germplasm using Multivariate Analysis

Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 2018

C otton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) also termed as "White Gold" is premier fibre and cash crop, widely grown to sustain national economy through earning huge foreign exchange (Haidar et al., 2012). As breeding is an evolutionary process, conservation of genetic stock in the shape of best performing cultivars, breeding lines and wild races are the most substantial factors in any crop (Latif et al., 2015). The basic principle of cotton breeding is continuous improvement in genetics of the available plant germplasm for creation of new genetic recombinant with objectives of seed cotton yield potential per unit area having acceptable fibre quality under varying agro-climatic conditions (Ali and Khan, 2007). Genetic variability focused on numerous agronomic and morphological attributes and their interaction with surrounding biotic and abiotic factors has been exploited for future improvement in cotton breeding (Liaqat et al., 2015). The magnitude and nature of obtainable genetic variability among the germplasm has sufficient scope Abstract | Sixty four upland cotton genotypes were investigated for genetic divergence regarding yield related attributes, seed cotton yield and fibre quality traits using principle component analysis. The experiment was carried out at Cotton Research Station, Deara Ismail Khan, Pakistan during 2014-15. The triplicated randomized complete block design was followed and attributes of interest were plant height, monopodia plant-1 , sympodia plant-1 , bolls plant-1 , plant population, seed index, boll weight, lint index, staple length, lint %, fibre fineness,staple strength, uniformity ratio and seed cotton yield. The analysis of variance depicted significant (P>0.01) genetic variability among cotton germplasm. Highest and close symmetry between phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variances while lower values of environmental coefficient variance were observed for all the studied attributes which reflected that these traits were genetically controlled and under less influence of environment. Higher broad sense heritability and expected genetic advance reflected that all attributes were governed by additive genes and early phenotypic selection for their improvement might be effective. Five principle components (PCs) were depicted having Eigen value >1 and cumulative variability of 78.66%; PC1 (37.19%), PC2 (12.94%), PC3 (11.62%), PC4 (9.60%) and PC5 (7.32%) of variability. The attributes of significance depicted in PC1 were seed cotton yield, seed index, lint index, sympodia plant-1 and bolls plant-1 divulged great contribution towards total variability. Score plot revealed that

Genetic Variability Studies in Gossypium barbadense L. Genotypes for Seed Cotton Yield and its Yield Components

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2020

A study was carried out during kharif 2006-07 with twenty five Gossypium barbadense L genotypes to obtain information on genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance for seed cotton yield and its yield attributes. Significant differences were observed for characters among genotypes. High genetic differences were recorded for nodes/plant, sympodia, bolls as well as fruiting points per plant, seed cotton yield, lint index indicating ample scope for genetic improvement of these characters through selection. Results also revealed high heritability coupled with high genetic advance for yield and most of the yield components as well as fibre quality traits. Sympodia/plant, fruiting point /plant, number of nodes/plant, number of bolls per plant, and lint index were positively correlated with seed cotton yield per plant and appeared to be interrelated with each other. It is suggested that these characters could be considered as selection criteria in improving the seed cotton yield of G. barbadense, L genotypes.


Pakistan Journal of Botany

The research work comprising genetic potential and heritability in a 6 × 6 F 1 diallel cross of upland cotton was conducted during 2008 and 2009 at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agricultural University, Peshawar, Pakistan. The parental cultivars used in the diallel crosses were CIM-473, CIM-496, CIM-499, CIM-506, CIM-554 and CIM-707. Genotypes manifested significant variations for plant height, monopodia plant -1 , sympodia plant -1 , bolls sympodia -1 , bolls plant -1 and seed cotton yield plant -1 . On average, the F 1 hybrids manifested significant increase over parents for plant height (11.5%), sympodia plant -1 (6.34%), bolls sympodia -1 (4.83%), bolls plant -1 (9.95%) and seed cotton yield plant -1 (26.07%). Broad sense heritability was high with expected response to selection being for plant height (0.81 & 17.85 cm), monopodia plant -1 (0.95 & 0.49), sympodia plant -1 (0.92 & 4.00), bolls sympodia -1 (0.90 & 0.74), bolls plant -1 (0.90 & 9.45) and seed cotton yield plant -1 (0.76 and 38.84 g), respectively. Seed cotton yield exhibited significant positive correlation with all traits except monopodia plant -1 . Parental cultivars CIM-506 and CIM-554 performed better in their specific cross combinations and revealed reasonable mean performance. The F 1 hybrids CIM-506 × CIM-554, CIM-473 × CIM-554, CIM-554 × CIM-506 and CIM-554 × CIM-707 manifested best genetic potential for majority of the traits. Results also revealed that the above four F 1 hybrids have the potential to be used for hybrid cotton production and can also be studied in segregating generations for further improvement and stability in their genetic potential for seed cotton yield and its components.