Dictionary Learning Algorithms for Sparse Representation (original) (raw)

Sparse image coding using learned overcomplete dictionaries

Proceedings of the 2004 14th IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop Machine Learning for Signal Processing, 2004., 2004

Images can be coded accurately using a sparse set of vectors from an overcomplete dictionary, with potential applications in image compression and feature selection for pattern recognition. We discuss algorithms that perform sparse coding and make three contributions. First, we compare our overcomplete dictionary learning algorithm (FOCUSS-CNDL) with overcomplete Independent Component Analysis (ICA). Second, noting that once a dictionary has been learned in a given domain the problem becomes one of choosing the vectors to form an accurate, sparse representation, we compare a recently developed algorithm (Sparse Bayesian Learning with Adjustable Variance Gaussians) to well known methods of subset selection: Matching Pursuit and FO-CUSS. Third, noting that in some cases it may be necessary to find a non-negative sparse coding, we present a modified version of the FOCUSS algorithm that can find such non-negative codings.

An Algorithm for Designing Overcomplete Dictionaries for Sparse Representation

In recent years there has been a growing interest in the study of sparse representation of signals. Using an overcomplete dictionary that contains prototype signal-atoms, signals are described by sparse linear combinations of these atoms. Applications that use sparse representation are many and include compression, regularization in inverse problems, feature extraction, and more. Recent activity in this field has concentrated mainly on the study of pursuit algorithms that decompose signals with respect to a given dictionary. Designing dictionaries to better fit the above model can be done by either selecting one from a prespecified set of linear transforms or adapting the dictionary to a set of training signals. Both of these techniques have been considered, but this topic is largely still open. In this paper we propose a novel algorithm for adapting dictionaries in order to achieve sparse signal representations. Given a set of training signals, we seek the dictionary that leads to the best representation for each member in this set, under strict sparsity constraints. We present a new method-the K-SVD algorithm-generalizing the K-means clustering process. K-SVD is an iterative method that alternates between sparse coding of the examples based on the current dictionary and a process of updating the dictionary atoms to better fit the data. The update of the dictionary columns is combined with an update of the sparse representations, thereby accelerating convergence. The K-SVD algorithm is flexible and can work with any pursuit method (e.g., basis pursuit, FOCUSS, or matching pursuit). We analyze this algorithm and demonstrate its results both on synthetic tests and in applications on real image data.

Supervised Dictionary Learning and Sparse Representation-A Review

Dictionary learning and sparse representation (DLSR) is a recent and successful mathematical model for data representation that achieves state-ofthe-art performance in various fields such as pattern recognition, machine learning, computer vision, and medical imaging. The original formulation for DLSR is based on the minimization of the reconstruction error between the original signal and its sparse representation in the space of the learned dictionary. Although this formulation is optimal for solving problems such as denoising, inpainting, and coding, it may not lead to optimal solution in classification tasks, where the ultimate goal is to make the learned dictio- * Corresponding author Email addresses: mehrdad.gangeh@utoronto.ca (Mehrdad J. Gangeh), afarahat@pami.uwaterloo.ca (Ahmed K. Farahat), aghodsib@uwaterloo.ca (Ali Ghodsi), mkamel@pami.uwaterloo.ca (Mohamed S. Kamel)

Sparse representations for pattern classification using learned dictionaries


Sparse representations have been often used for inverse problems in signal and image processing. Furthermore, frameworks for signal classification using sparse and overcomplete representations have been developed. Data-dependent representations using learned dictionaries have been significant in applications such as feature extraction and denoising.

Sparse Modeling with Universal Priors and Learned Incoherent Dictionaries(PREPRINT)


Sparse data models have gained considerable attention in recent years, and their use has led to state-of-the-art results in many signal and image processing tasks. The learning of sparse models has been mostly concerned with adapting the dictionary to tasks such as classification and reconstruction, optimizing extrinsic properties of the trained dictionaries. In this work, we first propose a learning method aimed at enhancing both extrinsic and intrinsic properties of the dictionaries, such as the mutual and cumulative coherence and the Gram matrix norm, characteristics known to improve the efficiency and performance of sparse coding algorithms. We then use tools from information theory to propose a sparsity regularization term which has several desirable theoretical and practical advantages over the more standard 0 or 1 ones. These new sparse modeling components lead to improved coding performance and accuracy in reconstruction tasks.

Learned dictionaries for sparse image representation: properties and results

Wavelets and Sparsity XIV, 2011

Sparse representation of images using learned dictionaries have been shown to work well for applications like image denoising, impainting, image compression, etc. In this paper dictionary properties are reviewed from a theoretical approach, and experimental results for learned dictionaries are presented. The main dictionary properties are the upper and lower frame (dictionary) bounds, and (mutual) coherence properties based on the angle between dictionary atoms. Both l 0 sparsity and l 1 sparsity are considered by using a matching pursuit method, order recursive matching Pursuit (ORMP), and a basis pursuit method, i.e. LARS or Lasso. For dictionary learning the following methods are considered: Iterative least squares (ILS-DLA or MOD), recursive least squares (RLS-DLA), K-SVD and online dictionary learning (ODL). Finally, it is shown how these properties relate to an image compression example.

Sparse coding and dictionary learning based on the MDL principle

2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2011

The power of sparse signal coding with learned dictionaries has been demonstrated in a variety of applications and fields, from signal processing to statistical inference and machine learning. However, the statistical properties of these models, such as underfitting or overfitting given sets of data, are still not well characterized in the literature. This work aims at filling this gap by means of the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle-a well established informationtheoretic approach to statistical inference. The resulting framework derives a family of efficient sparse coding and modeling (dictionary learning) algorithms, which by virtue of the MDL principle, are completely parameter free. Furthermore, such framework allows to incorporate additional prior information in the model, such as Markovian dependencies, in a natural way. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed framework with results for image denoising and classification tasks.

Image Denoising Via Sparse and Redundant Representations Over Learned Dictionaries

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2000

We address the image denoising problem, where zero-mean white and homogeneous Gaussian additive noise is to be removed from a given image. The approach taken is based on sparse and redundant representations over trained dictionaries. Using the K-SVD algorithm, we obtain a dictionary that describes the image content effectively. Two training options are considered: using the corrupted image itself, or training on a corpus of high-quality image database. Since the K-SVD is limited in handling small image patches, we extend its deployment to arbitrary image sizes by defining a global image prior that forces sparsity over patches in every location in the image. We show how such Bayesian treatment leads to a simple and effective denoising algorithm. This leads to a state-of-the-art denoising performance, equivalent and sometimes surpassing recently published leading alternative denoising methods.

An MDL Framework for Sparse Coding and Dictionary Learning

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2000

The power of sparse signal modeling with learned over-complete dictionaries has been demonstrated in a variety of applications and fields, from signal processing to statistical inference and machine learning. However, the statistical properties of these models, such as under-fitting or over-fitting given sets of data, are still not well characterized in the literature. As a result, the success of sparse modeling depends on hand-tuning critical parameters for each data and application. This work aims at addressing this by providing a practical and objective characterization of sparse models by means of the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle-a well established informationtheoretic approach to model selection in statistical inference. The resulting framework derives a family of efficient sparse coding and dictionary learning algorithms which, by virtue of the MDL principle, are completely parameter free. Furthermore, such framework allows to incorporate additional prior information to existing models, such as Markovian dependencies, or to define completely new problem formulations, including in the matrix analysis area, in a natural way. These virtues will be demonstrated with parameter-free algorithms for the classic image denoising and classification problems, and for low-rank matrix recovery in video applications.