Measuring Changes in Regional Competitiveness over Time A Shift-Share Regression Exercise (original) (raw)
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Mitteilungen Der Osterreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 2023
In diesem Beitrag wird eine vergleichende Analyse der regionalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Arbeitsmarktes und der regionalen Konzentration der Beschäftigung in Serbien im Zeitraum von 2015 bis 2020 präsentiert. Eine Shift-Share-Analyse wurde verwendet, um die räumliche Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu messen. Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse wurde eine Typologie von 25 Regionen (NUTS 3-Ebene) in Serbien erstellt und die wichtigsten Prozesse des Strukturwandels und der regionalen Differenzierung wurden als Indikatoren für die regionale wirtschaftliche Entwicklung ermittelt. Auf dieser Grundlage werden Schlussfolgerungen über die Standortpolitik des Staates im gegebenen Zeitraum gezogen, und zwar sowohl im Kontext der institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen als auch in Bezug auf das akzeptierte Modell des Wirtschaftswachstums. Der Artikel gibt auch einen kurzen Einblick in die wichtigsten methodischen Fragen der Shift-Share-Analyse, wobei ein neuartiges Typogramm für die Klassifizierung von territorialen Einheiten vorgeschlagen wird, das bei der Interpretation der Ergebnisse und der Diskussion Anwendung findet. Das übergeordnete Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die strukturellen Veränderungen und die regionale Differenzierung des Arbeitsmarktes in Serbien zu analysieren. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie sind wichtig für die Analyse der Dynamik in der räumlichen Verteilung der Beschäftigung und der regionalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Arbeitsmarktes sowie für die Verbesserung der regionalen und sektoralen Politik, der Regionalplanung und der Planung des Arbeitsmarktmanagements auf regionaler und nationaler Ebene.
Regional Studies, 2011
Résumé L'objectif de ce papier est d'étudier l'évolution des disparités de productivité régionale dans l'Union Européenne. Sur la base d'un échantillon de 205 régions et 8 secteurs pour la période 1975-2000, nous améliorons la méthode structurelle-résiduelle proposée par Esteban (2000) afin d'analyser dans quelle mesure les écarts de productivité régionale peuvent être attribués à des différences de structures productives (composante structurelle) ou à des facteurs spécifiques aux régions (composante différentielle). Après une recherche de spécification des formes fonctionnelles, l'écart entre la productivité régionale et la moyenne européenne est régressée sur trois composantes : structurelle, différentielle et allocative (i.e. la covariance entre les deux premières composantes). Dans ce but, des régressions SURE sont effectuées car elles permettent d'étudier l'évolution dans le temps de l'impact de ces trois composantes sur la productivité régionale, tout en permettant l'estimation de covariances intertemporelles. En outre, l'autocorrélation spatiale est incluse dans les régressions SURE et son évolution dans le temps est analysée. Les résultats indiquent que les autocorrélations spatiale et temporelle sont toutes deux essentielles à la spécification du modèle.
Papers in Regional Science, 2005
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ERSA conference …, 2005
Shift-Share analysis is a well-known methodology frequently used to obtain insights into the determinants of regional growth processes. It can address many issues, such as output growth, employment growth and productivity growth. After the initial equation proposed by Dunn , several extensions have been suggested in order to overcome some conceptual problems. One of the most important undesirable properties that have been mentioned is the so-called "non-uniqueness" of the results. That is, numerous decomposition forms are equivalent to the classical shift-share equation from a theoretical point of view, but the results often depend strongly on the choice of a specific one. In this paper, we propose a methodology based on maximum entropy econometrics to incorporate additional information to select the unique shift-share formula that fits this information best. We illustrate the method empirically by investigating the sources of change of employment growth in Spanish regions, 1986Spanish regions, -2000
Shift-Share Analysis: The International Dimension
Growth and Change, 1989
This paper extends the traditional shift-share model to incorporate international effects. While some industries compete nationally for markets, other compete internationally. For industries competing nationally, regional growth derives from regional superiority relative to the national economy. For those competing internationally, regional growth is tied to regional advantages from specialization and competitive advantage relative to the international economy. Building on the Esteban - Marquillas concept of homothetic employment, the international shift-share model identifies regional growth due to regional and national competitive advantage and regional and national specialization. We demonstrate that the international model retains the property of region to region additivity.
Regional Research of Russia, 2011
The possibility of determining the branch competitiveness of regions using the shift share analysis is considered. It allows for the revealing of the formation factors of competitiveness and evaluating their effects in terms of three directions: effect of changes in the national economy, regional development stimuli, and internal efficiency factor of a particular branch in the region. A comparative analysis is carried out, where the Central Federal District of Russia in 2005-2009 serves as an example. Graphical analysis on the basis of three parameters, namely, GRP, number of employed in the economy, and labor productivity, made it possible to decompose the branch shift of regional economies into the following components: DIF effect (contribution of a branch's internal efficiency), MIX effect (effect of the structure of the regional economy), and the effect of national development factors. The detection of branches capable of being growth drivers for the region will make it possible for regional efficiency management entities to purposefully create favorable conditions and stimuli for the balanced development of the region.
Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 2013
Economic systems are dynamic entities and the nature and consequences of the changes that occur in these systems are of considerable importance since they can affect the welfare of individuals as well as the political and social structure of their community. The objective of this works is to know what has been the behavior of the economy of the state of Tabasco from 2003 to 2013, to determine what effects the application of an economic policy has on the different production activities, as well as their impact on socioeconomic groups. The research approach is quantitative because the data collection and analysis was carried out in accordance with certain logical rules that are established through the models that analyze the behavior and composition of the regional economic structure and its impact on the development of the region and results offers a summary of the behavior of the economic activities carried out in the State of Tabasco during a given period, and starting from this historical framework it is possible to implement an analysis of the state's economic reality compared with the national one, by means of the Simple Location Coefficient and the Traditional Shift-Share Technique, used for estimating the degrees of specialization for the different sectors, showing the effects of the national growth by activity according to the state activities and the levels of efficiency in the regional structure.
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Environment and Planning A, 2006
This paper focuses on the dynamic effects under which the regional economic growth processes are accomplished, breaking them down into two broad types: neighborhood and economy-wide effects. By means of a proposed dynamic space-time empirical model, the competition structure within a multi-regional economic system is developed. Co-integration/error correction modeling techniques are used to support the existence of this competition structure over both the short-and long-term.