Time-reversal-invariant topological superconductivity induced by repulsive interactions in quantum wires (original) (raw)

Unconventional Superconductivity on a Topological Insulator

Physical Review Letters, 2010

We study proximity-induced superconductivity on the surface of a topological insulator (TI), focusing on unconventional pairing. We find that the excitation spectrum becomes gapless for any spin-triplet pairing, such that both subgap bound states and Andreev reflection is strongly suppressed. For spin-singlet pairing, the zeroenergy surface state in the d xy -wave case becomes a Majorana fermion, in contrast to the situation realized in the topologically trivial high-T c cuprates. We also study the influence of a Zeeman field on the surface states. Both the magnitude and direction of this field is shown to strongly influence the transport properties, in contrast to the case without TI. We predict an experimental signature of the Majorana states via conductance spectroscopy.

Topological superconducting phase in the vicinity of ferromagnetic phases

Physical Review B, 2012

Using functional renormalization group method, we study the favorable condition for electronic correlation driven time reversal invariant topological superconductivity in symmetry class DIII. For non-centrosymmetric systems we argue that the proximity to ferromagnetic (or small wavevector magnetic) instability can be used as a guideline for the search of this type of superconductivity. This is analogous to the appearance of singlet unconventional superconductivity in the neighborhood of antiferromagnetic instability. We show three concrete examples where ferromagnetic-like fluctuation leads to topological pairing

Topological superconductivity without proximity effect

Majorana Fermions, strange particles that are their own antiparticles, were predicted in 1937 and have been sought after ever since. In condensed matter they are predicted to exist as vortex core or edge excitations in certain exotic superconductors. These are topological superconductors whose order parameter phase winds non-trivially in momentum space. In recent years, a new and promising route for realizing topological superconductors has opened due to advances in the field of topological insulators. Current proposals are based on semiconductor heterostructures, where spin-orbit coupled bands are split by a band gap or Zeeman field and superconductivity is induced by proximity to a conventional superconductor. Topological superconductivity is obtained in the interface layer. The proposed heterostructures typically include two or three layers of different materials. In the current work we propose a device based on materials with inherent spin-orbit coupling and an intrinsic tendency for superconductivity, eliminating the need for a separate superconducting layer.

Proximity-induced unconventional superconductivity in topological insulators

Physical Review B, 2013

We study and classify the proximity-induced superconducting pairing in a topological insulator (TI)-superconductor (SC) hybrid structure for SCs with different symmetries. The Dirac surface state gives a coupling between spin-singlet and spin-triplet pairing amplitudes as well as pairing that is odd in frequency for p-wave SCs. We also find that all SCs induce pairing that is odd in both frequency and orbital (band) index, with oddness in frequency and orbital index being completely interchangeable. The different induced pairing amplitudes significantly modifies the density of states in the TI surface layer.

Superconductivity on the surface of topological insulators and in two-dimensional noncentrosymmetric materials

Physical Review B, 2010

We study the superconducting instabilities of a single species of two-dimensional Rashba-Dirac fermions, as it pertains to the surface of a three-dimensional time-reversal symmetric topological band insulator. We also discuss the similarities as well as the differences between this problem and that of superconductivity in two-dimensional time-reversal symmetric noncentrosymmetric materials with spin-orbit interactions. The superconducting order parameter has both s-wave and p-wave components, even when the superconducting pair potential only transfers either pure singlet or pure triplet pairs of electrons in and out of the condensate, a corollary to the nonconservation of spin due to the spin-orbit coupling. We identify one single superconducting regime in the case of superconductivity in the topological surface states (Rashba-Dirac limit), irrespective of the relative strength between singlet and triplet pair potentials. In contrast, in the Fermi limit relevant to the noncentrosymmetric materials we find two regimes depending on the value of the chemical potential and the relative strength between singlet and triplet potentials. We construct explicitly the Majorana bound states in these regimes. In the single regime for the case of the Rashba-Dirac limit, there exists one and only one Majorana fermion bound to the core of an isolated vortex. In the Fermi limit, there are always an even number (0 or 2 depending on the regime) of Majorana fermions bound to the core of an isolated vortex. In all cases, the vorticity required to bind Majorana fermions is quantized in units of the flux quantum, in contrast to the half flux in the case of two-dimensional p x ± ip y superconductors that break time-reversal symmetry.

Interplay between superconductivity and ferromagnetism on a topological insulator

Physical Review B, 2010

We study theoretically proximity-induced superconductivity and ferromagnetism on the surface of a topological insulator. In particular, we investigate how the Andreev-bound states are influenced by the interplay between these phenomena, taking also into account the possibility of unconventional pairing. We find a qualitative difference in the excitation spectrum when comparing spin-singlet and spin-triplet pairing, leading to non-gapped excitations in the latter case. The formation of surface-states and their dependence on the magnetization orientation is investigated, and it is found that these states are Majorana fermions in the d xy-wave case in stark contrast to the topologically trivial high-T c cuprates. The signature of such states in the conductance spectra is studied, and we also compute the supercurrent which flows on the surface of the topological insulator when a Josephson junction is deposited on top of it. It is found that the current exhibits an anomalous current-phase relation when the region separating the superconducting banks is ferromagnetic, and we also show that in contrast to the metallic case the exchange field in such a scenario does not induce 0-π oscillations in the critical current. Similarly to the high-T c cuprates, the presence of zero-energy surface states on the topological surface leads to a strong low-temperature enhancement of the critical current.

Topological transitions in multi-band superconductors

Annals of Physics, 2014

The search for Majorana fermions has been concentrated in topological insulators or superconductors. In general, the existence of these modes requires the presence of spin-orbit interactions and of an external magnetic field. The former implies in having systems with broken inversion symmetry, while the latter breaks time reversal invariance. In a recent paper, we have shown that a two-band metal with an attractive inter-band interaction has nontrivial superconducting properties, if the k-dependent hybridization is anti-symmetric in the wave-vector. This is the case, if the crystalline potential mixes states with different parities as for orbitals with angular momentum l and l + 1. In this paper we take into account the effect of an external magnetic field, not considered in the previous investigation, in a two-band metal and show how it modifies the topological properties of its superconducting state. We also discuss the conditions for the appearance of Majorana fermions in this system.

Probing the topological character of superconductors via nonlocal Hanbury Brown and Twiss correlations

Physical review, 2022

Superconductors can be classified as topological or not based on whether time-reversal symmetry (TRS), chiral symmetry, and particle-hole symmetry are preserved or not. Further, topological superconductors can also be classified as chiral or helical. In this paper, using Hanbury-Brown and Twiss (HBT) shot noise correlations and the non-local conductance, we probe metal/2D unconventional superconductor/metal junctions to understand better the pairing topological vs. non-topological or helical vs. chiral or nodal vs. gapful. We see that HBT correlations are asymmetric as a function of bias voltage for non-topological superconductors, whereas they are symmetric for topological superconductors irrespective of the barrier strength. Topological superconductors are associated with Majorana fermions which are important for topological quantum computation. By distinguishing topological superconductors from non-topological superconductors, our study will help search for Majorana fermions, which will aid in designing a topological quantum computer.