Relativistic models of magnetars: structure and deformations (original) (raw)
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Deformation of a magnetized neutron star
Physical Review C, 2014
Magnetars are compact stars which are observationally determined to have a very strong surface magnetic fields of the order of 10 14 − 10 15 G. The centre of the star can even have a magnetic field several orders of magnitude larger. We study the effect of the magnetic field on the mass and shape of such a star. In general, we assume a non-uniform magnetic field inside the star which varies with density. The magnetic energy and magnetic pressure as well as the metric are expanded as multipoles in spherical harmonics up to the quadrupole term to the total energy and pressure.
Different Magnetic Field Distributions in Deformed Neutron Stars
In this work, we review the formalism which would allow us to model magnetically deformed neutron stars. We study the effect of different magnetic field configurations on the equation of state (EoS) and the structure of such stars. For this aim, the EoS of magnetars is acquired by using the lowest order constraint variational (LOCV) method and employing the AV18 potential. We show how the magnetic field varies from the surface to the center of neutron star by using various exponential and polynomial profiles and compare their results.In addition, global properties of neutron stars are obtained within two formalisms. The first formalism is described by considering the pressure into two directions and the deformation of neutron stars is governed by anisotropies in the equation of state. The second formalism for investigating macroscopic properties of magnetars is gained by treating the nonuniform pressure as a perturbation to the tota...
Monthly Notices of the …, 2001
We present analytic solutions of Maxwell equations in the internal and external background spacetime of a slowly rotating magnetized neutron star. The star is considered isolated and in vacuum, with a dipolar magnetic field not aligned with the axis of rotation. With respect to a flat spacetime solution, general relativity introduces corrections related both to the monopolar and the dipolar parts of the gravitational field. In particular, we show that in the case of infinite electrical conductivity general relativistic corrections due to the dragging of reference frames are present, but only in the expression for the electric field. In the case of finite electrical conductivity, however, corrections due both to the spacetime curvature and to the dragging of reference frames are shown to be present in the induction equation. These corrections could be relevant for the evolution of the magnetic fields of pulsars and magnetars. The solutions found, while obtained through some simplifying assumption, reflect a rather general physical configuration and could therefore be used in a variety of astrophysical situations.
Structure and deformations of strongly magnetized neutron stars with twisted-torus configurations
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010
We construct general relativistic models of stationary, strongly magnetized neutron stars. The magnetic field configuration, obtained by solving the relativistic Grad-Shafranov equation, is a generalization of the twisted torus model recently proposed in the literature; the stellar deformations induced by the magnetic field are computed by solving the perturbed Einstein's equations; stellar matter is modeled using realistic equations of state. We find that in these configurations the poloidal field dominates over the toroidal field and that, if the magnetic field is sufficiently strong during the first phases of the stellar life, it can produce large deformations.
The Astrophysical Journal, 2015
We have recently developed a neutron star model fulfilling global and not local charge neutrality, both in the static and in the uniformly rotating cases. The model is described by the coupled Einstein-Maxwell-Thomas-Fermi (EMTF) equations, in which all fundamental interactions are accounted for in the framework of general relativity and relativistic mean field theory. Uniform rotation is introduced following the Hartle's formalism. We show that the use of realistic parameters of rotating neutron stars obtained from numerical integration of the self-consistent axisymmetric general relativistic equations of equilibrium leads to values of the magnetic field and radiation efficiency of pulsars very different from estimates based on fiducial parameters assuming a neutron star mass, M = 1.4 M ⊙ , radius R = 10 km, and moment of inertia, I = 10 45 g cm 2 . In addition, we compare and contrast the magnetic field inferred from the traditional Newtonian rotating magnetic dipole model with respect to the one obtained from its general relativistic analog which takes into due account the effect of the finite size of the source. We apply these considerations to the specific high-magnetic field pulsars class and show that, indeed, all these sources can be described as canonical pulsars driven by the rotational energy of the neutron star, and with magnetic fields lower than the quantum critical field for any value of the neutron star mass.
We investigate the thermal, magnetic and rotational evolution of isolated neutron stars assuming that the dipolar magnetic field is confined to the crust. Our treatment, for the first time, uses a fully general relativistic formalism not only for the thermal but also for the magnetic part, and includes partial general relativistic effects in the rotational part. Due to the fact that the combined evolution depends crucially upon the compactness of the star, three different equations of state have been employed in the calculations. In the absence of general relativistic effects, while upon increasing compactness a decrease of the crust thickness takes place leading into an accelerating field decay, the inclusion of general relativistic effects intend to "decelerate this acceleration". As a consequence we find that, within the crustal field hypothesis, a given equation of state is compatible with the observed distribution of pulsar periods P and period derivativeṖ provided the initial field strength and current location as well as the magnitude of the impurity content are appropriately constrained.
Many Aspects of Magnetic Fields in Neutron Stars
Universe, 2018
In this work, we explore different aspects in which strong magnetic fields play a role in the composition, structure and evolution of neutron stars. More specifically, we discuss (i) how strong magnetic fields change the equation of state of dense matter, alter its composition, and create anisotropies, (ii) how they change the structure of neutron stars (such mass and radius) and the formalism necessary to calculate those changes, and (iii) how they can affect neutron stars' evolution. In particular, we focus on how a time-dependent magnetic field modifies the cooling of a special group known as X-ray dim neutron stars.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2002
We present analytic solutions of Maxwell equations in the internal and external background spacetime of a slowly rotating magnetized neutron star. The star is considered isolated and in vacuum, with a dipolar magnetic field not aligned with the axis of rotation. With respect to a flat spacetime solution, general relativity introduces corrections related both to the monopolar and the dipolar parts of the gravitational field. In particular, we show that in the case of infinite electrical conductivity general relativistic corrections due to the dragging of reference frames are present, but only in the expression for the electric field. In the case of finite electrical conductivity, however, corrections due both to the spacetime curvature and to the dragging of reference frames are shown to be present in the induction equation. These corrections could be relevant for the evolution of the magnetic fields of pulsars and magnetars. The solutions found, while obtained through some simplifying assumption, reflect a rather general physical configuration and could therefore be used in a variety of astrophysical situations.
On the universality of I-Love-Q relations in magnetized neutron stars
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 2014
ABSTRACT Recently, general relations among the quadrupole moment (Q), the moment of inertia (I), and the tidal deformability (Love number) of a neutron star were shown to exist. They are nearly independent of the nuclear matter equation of state and would be of great aid in extracting parameters from observed gravitational-waves and in testing general relativity. These relations, however, do not account for strong magnetic fields. We consider this problem by studying the effect of a strong magnetic field on slowly rotating relativistic neutron stars and show that, for simple magnetic field configurations that are purely poloidal or purely toroidal, the relation between Q and I is again nearly universal. However, different magnetic field geometries lead to different I-Q relations, and, in the case of a more realistic twisted-torus magnetic field configuration, the relation depends significantly on the equation of state, losing its universality. I-Love-Q relations must thus be used with very great care, since universality is lost for stars with long spin periods, i.e. P > 10 s, and strong magnetic fields, i.e. B > 10^12 G.
Magnetic-Field Induced Deformation in Hybrid Stars
Cornell University - arXiv, 2022
The effects of strong magnetic fields on the deconfinement phase transition expected to take place in the interior of massive neutron stars is studied in detail for the first time. For hadronic matter, the very general density-dependent relativistic mean-field (DD-RMF) model is employed, while the simple, but effective Vector-Enhanced Bag model (vBag) model is used to study quark matter. Magnetic-field effects are incorporated into the matter equation of state and in the general-relativity solutions, which also satisfy Maxwell's equations. We find that, for large values of magnetic dipole moment, the maximum mass, canonical-mass radius, and dimensionless tidal deformability obtained for stars using spherically-symmetric TOV equations and axisymmetric solutions attained through the LORENE library differ considerably. The deviations depend on the stiffness of the equation of state and on the star mass being analyzed. This points to the fact that, unlike what was assumed previously in the literature, magnetic field thresholds for the correct assumption of isotropic stars and the proper use of TOV equations depend on the matter composition and interactions.