Design and folding of dimeric proteins (original) (raw)
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Atomistic description of the folding of a dimeric protein
Equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations are increasingly being used to describe the folding of individual proteins and protein domains at an atomic level of detail. Isolated protein domains, however, are rarely observed in vivo, where multidomain proteins and multimeric assemblies are far more common. It is clear that the folding of such proteins is often inextricably coupled with the process of dimerization; indeed, many protein monomers and protein domains are not stable in isolation, and fold to their native structures only when stabilized by interactions with other members of a protein complex. Here, we use equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations with an aggregate simulation length of 4 ms to elucidate key aspects of the folding mechanism, and of the associated free-energy surface, of the Top7-CFr dimer, a 114-amino-acid protein homodimer with a mixed α/β structure. In these simulations, we observed a number of folding and unfolding events. Each folding event was characterized by the assembly of two unfolded Top7-CFr monomers to form a stable, folded dimer. We found that the isolated monomer is unstable but that, early in the folding pathway, nascent native structure is stabilized by contacts between the two monomer subunits. These contacts are in some cases native, as in an induced-folding model, and in other cases non-native, as in a fly-casting mechanism. Occasionally, folding by conformational selection, in which both subunits form independently before dimerization, was also observed. Folding then proceeds through the sequential addition of strands to the protein β sheet. Although the longtime-scale relaxation of the folding process can be well described by a single exponential, these simulations reveal the presence of a number of kinetic traps, characterized by structures in which individual strands are added in an incorrect order.
Self-organization and mismatch tolerance in protein folding: General theory and an application
The folding of a protein is a process both expeditious and robust. The analysis of this process presented here uses a coarse, discretized representation of the evolving form of the backbone chain, based on its torsional states. This coarse description consists of discretizing the torsional coordinates modulo the Ramachandran basins in the local softmode dynamics. Whenever the representation exhibits ''contact patterns'' that correspond to topological compatibilities with particular structural forms, secondary and then tertiary, the elements constituting the pattern are effectively entrained by a reduction of their rates of exploration of their discretized configuration space. The properties ''expeditious and robust'' imply that the folding protein must have some tolerance to both torsional ''frustrated'' and side-chain contact mismatches which may occur during the folding process. The energy-entropy consequences of the staircase or funnel topography of the potential surface should allow the folding protein to correct these mismatches, eventually. This tolerance lends itself to an iterative pattern-recognition-and-feedback description of the folding process that reflects mismatched local torsional states and hydrophobic/polar contacts. The predictive potential of our algorithm is tested by application to the folding of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor ͑BPTI͒, a protein whose ability to form its active structure is contingent upon its frustration tolerance.
Scale-Free Behaviour of Amino Acid Pair Interactions in Folded Proteins
PLoS ONE, 2012
The protein structure is a cumulative result of interactions between amino acid residues interacting with each other through space and/or chemical bonds. Despite the large number of high resolution protein structures, the ''protein structure code'' has not been fully identified. Our manuscript presents a novel approach to protein structure analysis in order to identify rules for spatial packing of amino acid pairs in proteins. We have investigated 8706 high resolution non-redundant protein chains and quantified amino acid pair interactions in terms of solvent accessibility, spatial and sequence distance, secondary structure, and sequence length. The number of pairs found in a particular environment is stored in a cell in an 8 dimensional data tensor. When plotting the cell population against the number of cells that have the same population size, a scale free organization is found. When analyzing which amino acid paired residues contributed to the cells with a population above 50, pairs of Ala, Ile, Leu and Val dominate the results. This result is statistically highly significant. We postulate that such pairs form ''structural stability points'' in the protein structure. Our data shows that they are in buried a-helices or b-strands, in a spatial distance of 3.8-4.3Å and in a sequence distance .4 residues. We speculate that the scale free organization of the amino acid pair interactions in the 8D protein structure combined with the clear dominance of pairs of Ala, Ile, Leu and Val is important for understanding the very nature of the protein structure formation. Our observations suggest that protein structures should be considered as having a higher dimensional organization.
Role of bulk and of interface contacts in the behavior of lattice model dimeric proteins
Physical Review E, 2003
Some dimeric proteins first fold and then dimerize (three-state dimers) while others first dimerize and then fold (two-state dimers). Within the framework of a minimal lattice model, we can distinguish between sequences obeying to one or to the other mechanism on the basis of the partition of the ground state energy between bulk than for interface contacts. The topology of contacts is very different for the bulk than for the interface: while the bulk displays a rich network of interactions, the dimer interface is built up a set of essentially independent contacts. Consequently, the two sets of interactions play very different roles both in the the folding and in the evolutionary history of the protein. Three-state dimers, where a large fraction of the energy is concentrated in few contacts buried in the bulk, and where the relative contact energy of interface contacts is considerably smaller than that associated with bulk contacts, fold according to a hierarchycal pathway controlled by local elementary structures, as also happens in the folding of single-domain monomeric proteins. On the other hand, two-state dimers display a relative contact energy of interface contacts which is larger than the corresponding quantity associated with the bulk. In this case, the assembly of the interface stabilizes the system and lead the two chains to fold. The specific properties of three-state dimers acquired through evolution are expected to be more robust than those of two-state dimers, a fact which has consequences on proteins connected with viral diseases.
Folding & design, 1996
The role of intermediates in protein folding has been a matter of great controversy. Although it was widely believed that intermediates play a key role in minimizing the search problem associated with the Levinthal paradox, experimental evidence has been accumulating that small proteins fold fast without any detectable intermediates. We study the thermodynamics and kinetics of folding using a simple lattice model. Two folding sequences obtained by the design procedure exhibit different folding scenarios. The first sequence folds fast to the native state and does not exhibit any populated intermediates during folding. In contrast, the second sequence folds much slower, often being trapped in misfolded low-energy conformations. However, a small fraction of folding molecules for the second sequence fold on a fast track avoiding misfolded traps. In equilibrium at the same temperature the second sequence has a highly populated intermediate with structure similar to that of the kinetics i...
The role of protein homochirality in shaping the energy landscape of folding
Protein Science, 2007
The homochirality, or isotacticity, of the natural amino acids facilitates the formation of regular secondary structures such as α-helices and β-sheets. However, many examples exist in nature where novel polypeptide topologies use both l- and d-amino acids. In this study, we explore how stereochemistry of the polypeptide backbone influences basic properties such as compactness and the size of fold space by simulating both lattice and all-atom polypeptide chains. We formulate a rectangular lattice chain model in both two and three dimensions, where monomers are chiral, having the effect of restricting local conformation. Syndiotactic chains with alternating chirality of adjacent monomers have a very large ensemble of accessible conformations characterized predominantly by extended structures. Isotactic chains on the other hand, have far fewer possible conformations and a significant fraction of these are compact. Syndiotactic chains are often unable to access maximally compact states available to their isotactic counterparts of the same length. Similar features are observed in all-atom models of isotactic versus syndiotactic polyalanine. Our results suggest that protein isotacticity has evolved to increase the enthalpy of chain collapse by facilitating compact helical states and to reduce the entropic cost of folding by restricting the size of the unfolded ensemble of competing states.
The Limited Role of Nonnative Contacts in the Folding Pathways of a Lattice Protein
Journal of Molecular Biology, 2009
Models of protein energetics which neglect interactions between amino acids that are not adjacent in the native state, such as the Gō model, encode or underlie many influential ideas on protein folding. Implicit in this simplification is a crucial assumption that has never been critically evaluated in a broad context: Detailed mechanisms of protein folding are not biased by non-native contacts, typically imagined as a consequence of sequence design and/or topology. Here we present, using computer simulations of a well-studied lattice heteropolymer model, the first systematic test of this oft-assumed correspondence over the statistically significant range of hundreds of thousands of amino acid sequences, and a concomitantly diverse set of folding pathways. Enabled by a novel means of fingerprinting folding trajectories, our study reveals a profound insensitivity of the order in which native contacts accumulate to the omission of non-native interactions. Contrary to conventional thinking, this robustness does not arise from topological restrictions and does not depend on folding rate. We find instead that the crucial factor in discriminating among topological pathways is the heterogeneity of native contact energies. Our results challenge conventional thinking on the relationship between sequence design and free energy landscapes for protein folding, and help justify the widespread use of Gō-like models to scrutinize detailed folding mechanisms of real proteins.
Protein folding and the organization of the protein topology universe
Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 2005
The mechanism by which proteins fold to their native states has been the focus of intense research in recent years. The rate-limiting event in the folding reaction is the formation of a conformation in a set known as the transition-state ensemble. The structural features present within such ensembles have now been analysed for a series of proteins using data from a combination of biochemical and biophysical experiments together with computer-simulation methods. These studies show that the topology of the transition state is determined by a set of interactions involving a small number of key residues and, in addition, that the topology of the transition state is closer to that of the native state than to that of any other fold in the protein universe. Here, we review the evidence for these conclusions and suggest a molecular mechanism that rationalizes these findings by presenting a view of protein folds that is based on the topological features of the polypeptide backbone, rather than the conventional view that depends on the arrangement of different types of secondary-structure elements. By linking the folding process to the organization of the protein structure universe, we propose an explanation for the overwhelming importance of topology in the transition states for protein folding.