de Semir, V., Revuelta, G., Dimopoulos,K., Peters,H.P.,Allansdottir, A.,Allum,N.,Burri, R.V., Castro, P., Cortiñas,S., Chabay, I.,Dagyte, I., de Cheveigné, S., Delicado, A., Felt,U., Filacek, A., Galev, T., Janiuk, R.M., Krnel, D., Laufenberg,M., Maeseele, P.A., Mejlgaard, N., Moldovan, A., Pashiardis, P.,Ravn, T.,Schmidt, L.M., Strassnig,M.,Trench, B.,Väliverronen, E.,Wilson, M.(forthcoming). The PLACES Toolkit for the Impact Assessment of Science Communication Initiatives and Policies. European Commission. (original) (raw)
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