Competing spreading processes on multiplex networks: awareness and epidemics (original) (raw)

Dynamical interplay between awareness and epidemic spreading in multiplex networks

We present the analysis of the interrelation between two processes accounting for the spreading of an epidemics, and the information awareness to prevent its infection, on top of multiplex networks. This scenario is representative of an epidemic process spreading on a network of persistent real contacts, and a cyclic information awareness process diffusing in the network of virtual social contacts between the same individuals. The topology corresponds to a multiplex network where two diffusive processes are interacting affecting each other. The analysis using a Microscopic Markov Chain Approach (MMCA) reveals the phase diagram of the incidence of the epidemics and allows to capture the evolution of the epidemic threshold depending on the topological structure of the multiplex and the interrelation with the awareness process. Interestingly, the critical point for the onset of the epidemics has a critical value (meta-critical point) defined by the awareness dynamics and the topology of the virtual network, from which the onset increases and the epidemics incidence decreases. PACS numbers: 89.65.-s, 89.75.Fb, 89.75.Hc

Suppressing disease spreading by using information diffusion on multiplex networks

Scientific reports, 2016

Although there is always an interplay between the dynamics of information diffusion and disease spreading, the empirical research on the systemic coevolution mechanisms connecting these two spreading dynamics is still lacking. Here we investigate the coevolution mechanisms and dynamics between information and disease spreading by utilizing real data and a proposed spreading model on multiplex network. Our empirical analysis finds asymmetrical interactions between the information and disease spreading dynamics. Our results obtained from both the theoretical framework and extensive stochastic numerical simulations suggest that an information outbreak can be triggered in a communication network by its own spreading dynamics or by a disease outbreak on a contact network, but that the disease threshold is not affected by information spreading. Our key finding is that there is an optimal information transmission rate that markedly suppresses the disease spreading. We find that the time ev...

Disease and information spreading at different speeds in multiplex networks

Physical Review E

Nowadays, one of the challenges we face when carrying out modeling of epidemic spreading is to develop methods to control the disease transmission. For doing that, we intend to explore how beneficial the information that people manage about a disease is to reduce the risk of an outbreak. In this paper we analyze the interaction between two different processes on multiplex networks: the propagation of an epidemic using the susceptible-infected-susceptible dynamics and the dissemination of information (rumor) about the knowledge of this disease-and its prevention methods-using the unaware-aware-unaware dynamics. Unlike previous related models where disease and information spread at the same time scale, we introduce here a parameter that controls the relative speed between the propagation of the two processes. We study the behavior of this model using a mean-field approach that gives results in good agreement with Monte Carlo simulations on complex networks. We find that increasing the rate of rumor propagation reduces the disease prevalence, as one may expect. However, increasing the speed of the rumor process as compare to the epidemic process has the counter intuitive result of increasing the prevalence. This result opens an interesting discussion about the effects of information spreading on disease propagation.

Effect of time varying transmission rates on the coupled dynamics of epidemic and awareness over a multiplex network

Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2018

A non-linear stochastic model is presented to study the effect of time variation of transmission rates on the co-evolution of epidemics and its corresponding awareness over a two layered multiplex network. In the model, the infection transmission rate of a given node in the epidemic layer depends upon its awareness probability in the awareness layer. Similarly, the infection information transmission rate of a node in the awareness layer depends upon its infection probability in the

Epidemic spreading and immunization strategy in multiplex networks

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2015

A more connected world has brought major consequences such as facilitate the spread of diseases all over the world to quickly become epidemics, reason why researchers are concentrated in modeling the propagation of epidemics and outbreaks in multilayer networks. In this networks all nodes interact in different layers with different type of links. However, in many scenarios such as in the society, a multiplex network framework is not completely suitable since not all individuals participate in all layers. In this paper, we use a partially overlapped multiplex network where only a fraction of the individuals are shared by the layers. We develop a mitigation strategy for stopping a disease propagation, considering the Susceptible-Infected-Recover model, in a system consisted by two layers. We consider a random immunization in one of the layers and study the effect of the overlapping fraction in both, the propagation of the disease and the immunization strategy. Using branching theory, we study this scenario theoretically and via simulations and find a lower epidemic threshold than in the case without strategy.

Epidemics spreading in interconnected complex networks

Physics Letters A, 2012

We study epidemic spreading in two interconnected complex networks. It is found that in our model the epidemic threshold is always lower than that in any of the two standalone networks. Detailed theoretical analysis is proposed which allows quick and accurate calculations of epidemic threshold and average outbreak/epidemic size. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that, generally speaking, the epidemic size is not significantly affected by the inter-network correlation. In interdependent networks which can be viewed as a special case of interconnected networks, however, impacts of inter-network correlation on the epidemic threshold and outbreak size are more significant.

The Effects of Diffusion of Information on Epidemic Spread --- A Multilayer Approach

Acta Physica Polonica B

In this work, the aim is to study the spread of a contagious disease and information on a multilayer social system. The main idea is to find a criterion under which the adoption of the spreading information blocks or suppresses the epidemic spread. A two-layer network is the base of the model. The first layer describes the direct contact interactions, while the second layer is the information propagation layer. Both layers consist of the same nodes. The society consists of five different categories of individuals: susceptibles, infective, recovered, vaccinated and precautioned. Initially, only one infected individual starts transmitting the infection. Direct contact interactions spread the infection to the susceptibles. The information spreads through the second layer. The SIR model is employed for the infection spread, while the Bass equation models the adoption of information. The control parameters of the competition between the spread of information and spread of disease are the topology and the density of connectivity. The topology of the information layer is a scale-free network with increasing density of edges. In the contact layer, regular and scale-free networks with the same average degree per node are used interchangeably. The observation is that increasing complexity of the contact network reduces the role of individual awareness. If the contact layer consists of networks with limited range connections, or the edges sparser than the information network, spread of information plays a significant role in controlling the epidemics.

Competitive epidemic spreading over arbitrary multilayer networks

Physical Review E, 2014

This study extends the Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (SIS) epidemic model for single-virus propagation over an arbitrary graph to an Susceptible-Infected by virus 1-Susceptible-Infected by virus 2-Susceptible (SI 1 SI 2 S) epidemic model of two exclusive, competitive viruses over a two-layer network with generic structure, where network layers represent the distinct transmission routes of the viruses. We find analytical expressions determining extinction, coexistence, and absolute dominance of the viruses after we introduce the concepts of survival threshold and absolute-dominance threshold. The main outcome of our analysis is the discovery and proof of a region for long-term coexistence of competitive viruses in nontrivial multilayer networks. We show coexistence is impossible if network layers are identical yet possible if network layers are distinct. Not only do we rigorously prove a region of coexistence, but we can quantitate it via interrelation of central nodes across the network layers. Little to no overlapping of the layers' central nodes is the key determinant of coexistence. For example, we show both analytically and numerically that positive correlation of network layers makes it difficult for a virus to survive, while in a network with negatively correlated layers, survival is easier, but total removal of the other virus is more difficult.

The Impact of Heterogeneity and Awareness in Modeling Epidemic Spreading on Multiplex Networks

Scientific Reports, 2016

In the real world, dynamic processes involving human beings are not disjoint. To capture the real complexity of such dynamics, we propose a novel model of the coevolution of epidemic and awareness spreading processes on a multiplex network, also introducing a preventive isolation strategy. Our aim is to evaluate and quantify the joint impact of heterogeneity and awareness, under different socioeconomic conditions. Considering, as case study, an emerging public health threat, Zika virus, we introduce a data-driven analysis by exploiting multiple sources and different types of data, ranging from Big Five personality traits to Google Trends, related to different world countries where there is an ongoing epidemic outbreak. Our findings demonstrate how the proposed model allows delaying the epidemic outbreak and increasing the resilience of nodes, especially under critical economic conditions. Simulation results, using data-driven approach on Zika virus, which has a growing scientific research interest, are coherent with the proposed analytic model.