Developing strategic innovation capability of enterprises (original) (raw)

The Nature of Innovation Management

Managing Economic Innovations – Ideas and Institutions, 2019

The Nature of innovation management is referred in literature as shortterm process with immediate cost, and as long-term benefits and other outcomes (Dodgson, Gann, Phillips, 2016, p. 6). The concept of innovation has long been dominated by a technical approach to the innovation process, despite the economic arguments exposed by one of the precursors of the theory of innovation and, at the same time, the school of evolutionary economics-Joseph Alois Schumpeter. Frequently, in the context of innovation, it is pointed out that organizational and marketing aspects play a part in the successful introduction of innovation onto the market. The aim of the study is to identify the evolution of innovation processes leading to new innovation paradigm, based on networking and openness. The method of desk research was used in the study to demonstrate the differences between six types of innovation processes, including science push, demand pull, coupling, interactive, integrated, networking and open innovation ones, and ten types of innovation, treated as a result of the process. In the new paradigm of innovation the risk of a result (type of innovation) is reduced by the way it was achieved (the process of innovation). Reduction of innovation's risk is possible when an innovator uses both own and other entities' resources in the process. The nature of modern innovation management has been changed from technical activity pushing novelties to a market into economic factors helping to define possibilities of positioning a new solution even before production.

Making sense of innovation

7th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy, 2014

The aim of the study was to make sense of what is meant when the word Innovation is used, as reflected upon by a number of academics working in the field. The hypothesis was that there are general broadly shared components that make up this concept while there are others that are less widespread and can be regarded as collateral, but which are fundamental for the final results of the innovative processes. The work was undertaken on the occasion of an Italian Conference on innovation. Fifty-two papers were presented and a random sample was taken of 50% of the authors. These were asked to indicate the first 5 words that best described the concept of innovation from their own point of view. The replies collected were 23, or 88% of the total sample. The words were drawn up together into a list of 69 different words. The frequency of the words was then counted and an innovation cloud was constructed that showed their distribution in the minds of these researchers. The word list was subsequently analysed, with comments made on certain aspects. The terms collected from the sample were then arranged in conceptual categories so as to render them utilisable also from a managerial perspective. The associations revealed have a specific value. They not only offer a better understanding of innovation phenomenon but also potentially in operative terms. This because there is possible utility for management wishing to act on the so-called "first words" on the basis of company innovation processes rather than simply trusting to the better-known conceptual guides generally available in the field of innovation. AIMS AND SCOPE On the occasion of a Conference on the relationship between innovation and the competitiveness of the firm, the perceptions of a sample of innovation experts were gathered to see whether any further lines of enquiry opened up beyond those ideas that usually come up in the academic literature.

Innovation Management: Still a Long Way to Go

Rae-revista De Administracao De Empresas, 2023

recent perception is that innovations are the result of systematic investments (not necessarily financial) and efforts aimed at specific targets (Salerno et al., 2010) and are a cumulative process that must be carried out in an integrated manner, not just managing or developing skills in some areas (Tidd et al., 2005). In addition to a flash of genius, successful innovations generally come from a conscious and intentional search for these opportunities (Kruger et al., 2019), so little should be left to chance. Innovation has been taken as almost everything and is everywhere (Kahn, 2018). Organizations and politicians are including it in their statements, organograms, and speeches. Departments and innovation centers already exist or are being created on university campuses, companies, cities, and regions. Through such pervasiveness, innovation is considered the most important and overused word in America (O'Bryan, 2013), resulting in incomprehension and mistakes (Kahn, 2018). A serious discussion of innovation requires rigor with its definitions. The term innovation was first conceptualized by Schumpeter (1934) in "The Theory of Economic Development," in which he defined it as "the new combination of production means, which covers the five following cases, a new: good; method of production; market; source of supply; and organization of industry" (p. 32). The Oslo Manual has marked the field of innovation for the past 25 years, with impact reaching out to both research and industry. In its third edition, it brings the most used definition for innovation: the "implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method or a new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations" (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD]/Eurostat, 2005, p. 46). The fourth edition of the Oslo Manual (OECD/Eurostat, 2018) brought a new category of innovation, the "Business model innovations," "which can vary from partial business model innovations that only affect either a firm's products or business functions, to comprehensive business model innovations that involve both products and business functions" (OECD/ Eurostat, 2018, pp. 76-77).

Strategie Dimension of Innovation

Journal of Management and Financial Sciences

The article presents the conceptualisation of one of the aspects of the strategie dimension of innovation: the choice of the method (strategy) of innovation activities carried out by enterprises. Two types of strategic decisions are discussed: the strategy of developing innovation and the decision of an already innovative enterprise choosing the way of further development of innovation activities. Original proposals of strategy models are presented against the background of innovation strategy models described in literature, and the method of their identification is illustrated using case studies of five Polish innovation enterprises.

Innovation In The Functioning Of A Contemporary Enterprise -Theoretical Approach

Company's activities reflect, in a way, its origins. Enterprises are created as a result of an innovative idea and a desire to gain benefits from introducing this idea to the market. The factors that influence the consumer's choice are, among others, income which is closely related to the price of a product, usefulness as well as availability. These factors determine the levels of development of competitiveness and innovation of enterprises in the management process. The development of a company, on the other hand, is an important element for the development of the entire economy of a country and the world. The aim of the article is to present theoretical aspects of the functioning of a modern, innovative company in the realities of a market economy.

Key differences in perceiving innovation between businesses that see the strategic importance of innovation and those that only claim to be innovative

Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management: Current Issues, 2017

Cha nges i n the business envi ronment, caused by the transiti on to a knowledge economy, hi ghli ght the importance of innova tion in enterprises. Innova ti on is not considered solel y in terms of technology and investment in research and development, but also i n business processes, servi ces and s trategies. Development perspecti ves on i nnova ti on and its present shape best descri be the transi tion from a closed to an open innova ti on model. Open innova tion is mainl y used in la rge enterprises, gi ven thei r exis ting rela tionships wi th external enti ties. SMEs, on the other hand show distrus t in sha rin g knowledge and know-how, because of the potential abuse by competi tors. This paper focuses on the cha ra cteristi cs of innova ti ve businesses, wi th a compa rati ve anal ysis of i nnova ti ve enterprises and those tha t onl y consider themselves as innova ti ve. The s tudy also i ndi cates the different unders tanding of the notion of innova tion between those tha t see the s tra tegi c importance of innova ti on and those tha t do not.

The importance of managing innovation in modern enterprises


In the conditions of a dynamic business environment and a constant struggle for survival in the market, innovation becomes the basic factor of the growth and development of an enterprise. Namely, it always leads to new solutions, new ideas, and new ways of doing business. The basic competitive advantage of each modern enterprise is reflected in its ability to innovate its own business. Generally, an innovation of an enterprise results in an advantage over the competition, while the resulting competitive advantage results in an increase in profit, which is the main goal of every modern enterprise. A key precondition for the survival of each enterprise is the continuous improvement of competitiveness, that is, the investment in innovation of products and services. The aim of the paper is to point out the importance of innovations in the business of modern organizations. Innovationbased operations play a key role in fostering prosperity, creating and sustaining competitive advantage. A key aspect of an effective and efficient organization is the active participation of each organizational unit in the innovation process. Innovations are not just the responsibility of research and development, marketing and production units, but involve simultaneous engagement of all functional areas within the enterprise.

Innovation Management and Strategy

Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 2018

This paper studies the capacities related with innovation, technological development, the role of the innovation systems and the institutional aspects on the strategy of companies related to the Spanish defence industry. The empirical part of the study is based on a survey to 236 small and medium-sized companies, which represent 52% of that universe. Concerning the innovation strategy, it defines the most important factors of the technological innovation processes and analyses the causal relationship between strategy and structure, the role of innovation in cooperation, intercompany relationships and the dependence relationship in technological innovation capacities.