Territorial intelligence and local development. The restoring of results of the sociological inquiry in a microregional area (original) (raw)

Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Sociologia. XL-XLI, 1-2, 1995-REPREZENTAREA Sociala a Tranziţiei

Studia Universitatis …, 1995

The central idea of this article is that the reasons to claim a minority right may be more important than the right itself. In other words, it might be that the majority group tends to be more reactive to the reasons put forward to claim a right than the actual content of that right. Specifically, we hypothesize that some Italian speaking might oppose the right of the Slovenians to manifest their presence in the city centre when this right is claimed on the basis of traditional topoi of the Slovenian national narrative. We provide empirical support for this hypothesis by analyzing a study on the Slovene minority in Italy, conducted in 2006 and 2008. Our analyses seem to show that a symbolic collective right, as the bilingual signposts are, may be more likely accepted if the argument in favour does not echo the standard national narrative. People care not only about the actual content of the right, but also the reasons put forward to claim that right. This suggests that there is room, even in a place deeply divided in the past, to develop arguments in defence of the linguistic, cultural and national pluralism that still characterizes many areas of Central and Eastern Europe that are based on liberal values and are different from those engendered by received national narratives.

Derechos Individuales e Integración regional (antología)

El volumen es uno de los productos del proyecto “Individual Rights and Regional Integration”, financiado por la EACEA en el marco del Programa Jean Monnet, coordinado por la Università degli Studi di Perugia (responsable Roberto Cippitani), en colaboración con universidades Europeas y de Latinoamérica. El objetivo del proyecto ha sido estudiar como los procesos de integración regional, en la región europea y en América Latina, puedan impactar en la identificación y regulación de los derechos de los particulares. Los temas vinculados al objetivo están tratados por estudiosos especialistas en varias disciplinas jurídicas (derecho privado, derecho de la Unión europea, derecho administrativo, derecho penal, derecho procesal, historia del derecho, derecho romano).

Pratiques sociales et configurations locales dans les Balkans


Les textes qui composent ce volume sont issus du colloque de cloture du projet ANR BALKABAS organise a l'Universite europeenne de Tirana du 19 au 21 septembre 2011. L'objectif de ce projet etait d'etudier, sous differents aspects, les transformations qui ont affecte les societes du Sud-est europeen a la suite de la fin des regimes d'inspiration sovietique au tournant des annees 1990. Il partait du constat que la majeure partie des etudes realisees sur cette region retenaient une approche " par le haut ", en se concentrant sur les transformations systemiques qui avaient affecte ces societes. Le projet BALKABAS proposait au contraire d'adopter une approche " par le bas " qui tiendrait compte des manifestations locales de telles transformations et de leur impact sur l'existence des habitants de la region. Cette approche a pour objectif de restituer l'experience des individus et de comprendre la signification qu'ils donnent aux eveneme...