CT scan versus surgery: how reliable is the preoperative radiological assessment in patients with chronic otitis media? (original) (raw)

Usefulness of High Resolution Computed Tomography scans in depicting the status of the middle ear structures

International Journal of Advances in Medicine, 2019

Background: Prior to surgery it is very important that the surgeon is fully aware, and he should have the clear picture as to the extent of the disease and the nature of the disease to give satisfactory surgical outcomes for the patient. HRCT (High resolution computed tomography) is one such guiding tool for the surgeon. The objective was to study usefulness of HRCT scan in attico-antral disease in depicting the status of the middle ear structures.Methods: A total of 30 patients were studied. HRCT temporal bone was performed by using SIEMENS EMOTION 16 slice CT machine in axial plane and coronal images were reformatted. Findings of HRCT temporal bone were recorded. Findings of mastoid exploration surgery were recorded. Report of HRCT of temporal bone was correlated with surgical findings and tabulated using percentages.Results: Surgery showed cholesteatoma in 26 (86.6%) patients. Epitympanum was involved in 29 (96.6%) patients in HRCT and 30 (100%) patients at surgery. Extension b...

Comparison of Preoperative Temporal Bone HRCT and Intraoperative Findings in Patients with Chronic Otitis Media

Erciyes Tıp Dergisi/Erciyes Medical Journal, 2015

Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the diagnostic confidence level of preoperative 160-slice computed tomography (CT) findings compared with that of perioperative findings about anatomic variations in the structure of the facial canal, lateral semicircular canal, and dural plate. Materials and Methods: Fifty-five patients who presented with middle ear pathology to Department of Otolaryngology, Afyon Kocatepe University Faculty of Medicine were included in the study, and the mean age was 42 (±15.55) years. Preoperative CT images of the temporal bone were obtained by an 80-detector row CT scanner. Results: The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of preoperative high-resolution CT (HRCT) were 52%, 88%, 73%, and 75%, respectively, for determining the presence of facial canal dehiscence; 50%, 89%, 71%, and 76%, respectively, for determining the presence of tympanic segment dehiscence; 71%, 96%, 71%, and 96%, respectively, for determining the presence of lateral semicircular canal dehiscence; and 100%, 96%, 50%, and 100%, respectively, for detecting the presence of dural plate defects. Conclusion: The compatibility of HRCT findings with surgical findings in determining the presence of dehiscence of the facial canal and its tympanic segment was moderate, while it was good in determining the presence of dehiscence of the lateral semicircular canal and the defect of the dural plate.

Clinical-histopathological correlations of pitfalls in middle ear surgery

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 1998

Significant anatomical variations within the middle ear are described as well as atypical histopathological findings in 13 selected human temporal bones. Bones studied included such vascular and bony abnormalities as carotid artery canal dehiscence, a high jugular bulb, persistent stapedial artery and facial nerve canal dehiscences. Bones also included obliterative otosclerosis, malleus head fixation and a variety of chronic inflammatory changes and/or sequelae. Those features considered to render cases prone to complications are detailed.

Clinicoradiological correlation between preoperative high-resolution computed tomography findings and intraoperative findings in chronic otitis media (squamous type)

International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2021

Background: Chronic otitis media is a major health problem with significant morbidity. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) is extremely useful for middle ear pathology and extension of the disease. The objective was to study the correlation between preoperative HRCT and intraoperative findings in chronic suppurative otitis media (squamous type).Methods: This analytical study included 61 cases of chronic otitis media (squamous type). Preoperative HRCT findings were correlated with intraoperative findings. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and kappa value were estimated.Results: Out of 61 cases 32 were males and 29 were females. Presence of cholesteatoma found on HRCT with 80% sensitivity with k value 0.83 suggesting very good agreement. About ossicular status k value of incus, malleus and stapes were 0.76, 0.65 and 0.54 respectively with sensitivity of 91%, 85% and 58% respectively. Other critical areas on HRCT like sigmoid sinus plate erosion, tegmen tympani dehiscence, scut...

Comparison of different computed tomography post-processing modalities in assessment of various middle ear disorders

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 2014

system in reference to operative findings. Stapes superstructure and footplate, incudostapedial joint, oval and round windows, tympanic segment of the facial nerve and tegmen were not optimally depicted in the axial plane. Sinus tympani and facial recess were best visualized with axial images or VE. 3D reconstruction/VE allowed good visualization of all parts of ossicular chain except stapes superstructure. Regarding pathologic changes, 2D reformations and 3D reconstructed images allowed better visualization of erosion of ossicles and tegmen. 3D reconstruction/VE did not allow detection of foci of otospongiosis. 2D reformations can be considered the mainstay in assessment of most middle ear structures and pathologies. 3D reconstruction/VE seems to provide a useful method for a preoperative general overview of the middle ear anatomy, particularly for the ossicular chain, round window and retrotympanum. Keywords 2D and 3D post-processing modalities for Ct • Middle ear • temporal bone

Middle ear pathologic findings in exploratory tympanotomy and their audiologic effects

Praxis of Otorhinolaryngology, 2015

Bu çalışmada ossiküler fiksasyon veya devamsızlığın sıklığı, uygulanan cerrahi işlemler ve protez boyutları ile bunların odyolojik etkileri araştırıldı. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Bu retrospektif çalışmaya kondüktif işitme kaybı olan ve etyolojinin keşfi için Haziran 2001-Mayıs 2015 tarihleri arasında ameliyat edilen 95 hasta (21 erkek, 74 kadın; ort. yaş 37 yıl; dağılım 11-67 yıl) dahil edildi. Hastalar ameliyat öncesinde ossiküllerin ve timpanik membran mobilitesinin tespit edilmesi için mikroskop ve pnömatik otoskop ile incelendi; işitme kayıplarının derecesi odyometri ile tanımlandı. Hastalar ameliyat sırasında ossiküler fiksasyon, dislokasyon, malformasyon ve diğer patolojik süreçler açısından değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Orta kulak patolojileri bakımından hastaların %63.1'inde normal ossiküler zincir, %29.4'ünde ossiküler devamsızlık, %55.7'sinde otosklerotik stapes fiksasyonu, %35.7'sinde skleroz ve hiyalin, %27.3'ünde mukozal köprü, %4.2'sinde anterior malleolar ligament kalsifikasyonları, %4.2'sinde fasiyal sinir dislokasyonu, %4.2'sinde ossiküloplasti geçmişi, %2.1'inde perilenf fistülü, %1.05'inde kolesteatom ve orta kulak hemanjiomu vardı. Ameliyat sırası komplikasyonların oranı %29.4 idi ve bunların %16.8'i timpanik membran yırtılmasını, %11.5'i korda timpani kopmasını ve %1.05'i ilaç alerjisini içeriyordu. Ameliyat öncesi saf ton ortalaması 59 dB hava kondüksiyonu, 23 dB kemik kondüksiyonu ve 36 dB havakemik aralığı gösterdi. Sonuç: Çalışmamızın bulgularında işitme kaybı düzeyleri, timpanogram tipleri ve orta kulak patolojisi tipleri arasında ilişki görülmedi. İşitme kaybının nedenleri otoskleroz ve ossiküler devamsızlık idi. Çoğu hastada fiksasyon veya devamsızlık gibi ossiküler disfonksiyon nedenleri ancak ameliyat sırasında tespit edilebilir. Anahtar sözcükler: İşitme kaybı; orta kulak; otoskleroz; timpanotomi. ABSTR ACT Objectives: This study aims to investigate the frequency of ossicular fixation or discontinuity, applied surgical procedures and prosthesis sizes, and their audiologic effects. Patients and Methods: This retrospective study included 95 patients (21 males, 74 females; mean age 37 years; range 11 to 67 years) with conductive hearing loss operated for exploration of etiology between June 2001 and May 2015. Patients were examined preoperatively with microscope and pneumootoscopy to determine ossicles and tympanic membrane mobility, and degree of their hearing loss was identified by audiometry. Patients were evaluated for ossicular fixation, dislocation, malformation, and other pathologic processes intraoperatively. Results: In terms of middle ear pathologies, 63.1% of patients had normal ossicular chain, 29.4% had ossicular discontinuity, 55.7% had otosclerotic stapes fixation 35.7% had sclerosis and hyaline, 27.3% had mucosal bridge, 4.2% had anterior malleolar ligament calcifications, 4.2% had facial nerve dislocation, 4.2% had previous ossiculoplasty, 2.1% had perilymph fistula, 1.05% had cholesteatoma and middle ear hemangioma. Rate of intraoperative complications was 29.4% including 16.8% for tympanic membrane tearing, 11.5% for chorda tympani severed, and 1.05% for drug allergy. Preoperative pure tone average revealed an air conduction of 59 dB, bone conduction of 23 dB, and air-bone gap of 36 dB. Conclusion: Our study findings showed no correlation between hearing loss levels, tympanogram types, and types of middle ear pathology. Causes of hearing loss were otosclerosis and ossicular discontinuity. Reasons for ossicular dysfunctions such as fixation or discontinuity may be detected intraoperatively in most patients.

Correlation between Preoperative High Resolution Computed Tomography (CT) Findings with Surgical Findings in Chronic Otitis Media (COM) Squamosal Type

Kathmandu University medical journal, 2017

Background The exact role of High resolution computed tomography (HRCT) temporal bone in preoperative assessment of Chronic suppurative otitis media atticoantral disease still remains controversial. Objective To evaluate the role of high resolution computed tomography temporal bone in Chronic suppurative otitis media atticoantral disease and to compare preoperative computed tomographic findings with intra-operative findings. Method Prospective, analytical study conducted among 65 patients with chronic suppurative otitis media atticoantral disease in Department of Radiodiagnosis, Kathmandu University Dhulikhel Hospital between January 2015 to July 2016. The operative findings were compared with results of imaging. The parameters of comparison were erosion of ossicles, scutum, facial canal, lateral semicircular canal, sigmoid and tegmen plate along with extension of disease to sinus tympani and facial recess. Sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value, positive predictive val...

Role of high resolution computed tomography of temporal bone in management of chronic suppurative otitis media

International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery

Background: High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) has widely replaced conventional techniques (X-Ray Mastoid bone) for temporal bone imaging. The most significant use of computed tomography lies in evaluation of cases of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM). The objective of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of HRCT scanning of temporal bone in defining the extent and severity of disease in patients with CSOM, thereby altering the surgical plan and outcome. Methods: This prospective study was conducted at a tertiary care hospital in Ahmedabad. After obtaining approval from IEC (Institutional Ethical Committee), study was carried out on 50 patients diagnosed with CSOM of atticoantral type. Written informed consent of all patients was taken before enrollment in the study. HRCT scan findings were reviewed and correlated with per-operative findings. Results: Out of total 50 patients of CSOM, 26 (52%) were males. Majority of the patients (70%) were in the age group of 11 to 30 years. Left ear was involved in 40% of the patients. Majority of the patients (80%) presented with chief complaint of otorrhoea. In the present study, External Auditory Canal (EAC) was seen normal in majority of patients (82%) both radio logically and per operatively. HRCT scan was found to be very sensitive (96%) in diagnosing cholesteatoma. The sensitivity of HRCT for diagnosing disease in epitympanum, antrum and aditus was found to be 100%, 97% and 88% respectively. CT scans diagnosed erosion of malleus with 100% sensitivity and specificity and erosion of incus with 91% sensitivity and 100% specificity. Conclusions: HRCT was helpful in determining the anatomy of the middle ear and mastoid, and accurately predicted the extent of the disease process of CSOM.

Diagnostic Performance of Endoscopic and Microscopic Procedures for Identifying Different Middle Ear Structures and Remaining Disease in Patients with Chronic Otitis Media: A Prospective Cohort Study

PLOS ONE, 2015

Background The diagnostic performance of endoscopic and microscopic procedures for detecting diseases of the middle ear in patients with chronic otitis media (COM) has rarely been investigated. This study was conducted to compare the performance of these procedures for identifying middle ear structures and their associated diseases in COM patients. Methods In this prospective cohort study, 58 patients with chronic COM, who were candidates for tympanoplasty with or without a mastoidectomy, were enrolled. Before the surgical intervention, the middle ear was examined via an operating microscope and then through an endoscope to identify the middle ear structures as well as diseases associated with the middle ear. Results The patients were 15 years of age or older. The anatomical parts of the middle earthe epitympanic, posterior mesotympanic, and hypotympanic structureswere more visible through an endoscope than through a microscope. In addition, the various segments of the mesotympanum, oval window, round window, and Eustachian tube were more visible via endoscopy. The post-operative endoscopic reevaluation of the middle ear revealed that a cholesteatoma had remained in four of 13 patients after surgery.

Estudo Comparativo entre Achados Radiológicos e Cirúrgicos na Otite Média Crônica Comparative Study Between Radiological and Surgical Findings of …

Arq. int. …, 2011

Introduction: The chronic otitis media (COM) is a prevalent disease and the most frequent cause of indication to mastoidectomy. Many studies have evaluated the use of tomography (CT) of temporal bones for preoperative evaluation of COM and its indication in the preoperative approach is still controversial nowadays. Objective: To evaluate the sensitivity of the clinical and radiological findings of COM according to the intraoperative surgical results and histopathological findings. Method: Transversal retrospective study through collection of record data of patients with COM submitted to mastoidectomy in the period from 2007 through 2008 in our service. Results: From a total of 82 ears, 40.24% had cholesteatoma. The CT presented 72.73% of sensitivity in the identification of cholesteatoma, 56.67% in the identification of changes to the ossicular chain and 100% in that of erosion of the lateral semicircular canal. Conclusion: The clinical and radiological findings showed a high level sensitivity with intraoperative findings as regards to the presence of cholesteatoma, large changes of the ossicular chain and erosion of the lateral semicircular canal. For minor changes to the ossicular chain, the facial nerve canal and the tympanic tegmen they described low sensitivity.