Using L1 in ELT (original) (raw)


It has long been believed that using L1 in the English classroom is an unforgivable wrongdoing. Many English teachers who use L1 in the classroom feel guilty about it and in many cases they do not admit it. However, recent researchers started to question the validity of this claim suggesting contexts and situations in which using L1 can be very helpful in the English classroom and refuting, on the other hand, the claims upon which the idea of using L2 solely was built. In fact, teaching students who share the L1 of the teacher at lower levels and in classes of multi-leveled students requires the use of L1 at certain times inside the classroom, whereas connecting with the students of any level should sometimes be in their L1. My paper will highlight some of the pros and cons of using L1 in the class of L2 where the students and the teacher speak the same first language and will also examine the attitudes of a group of EFL and ESL students on their teachers’ use of L1. The same questionnaire given to the students will be redesigned and given to a number of teachers so that the study will look at the viewpoints from both perspectives. Key words: ELT, L1, L2, TESOL

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