Detection of small genomic imbalances using microarray-based multiplex amplifiable probe hybridization (original) (raw)

Rapid detection of genomic imbalances using micro-arrays consisting of pooled BACs covering all human chromosome arms

Nucleic Acids Research, 2005

A strategy is presented to select, pool and spot human BAC clones on an array in such a way that each spot contains five well performing BAC clones, covering one chromosome arm. A mini-array of 240 spots was prepared representing all human chromosome arms in a 5-fold as well as some controls, and used for comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) of 10 cell lines with aneusomies frequently found in clinical cytogenetics and oncology. Spot-to-spot variation within five replicates was below 6% and all expected abnormalities were detected 100% correctly. Sensitivity was such that replacing one BAC clone in a given spot of five by a BAC clone from another chromosome, thus resulting in a change in ratio of 20%, was reproducibly detected. Incubation time of the mini-array was varied and the fluorescently labelled target DNA was diluted. Typically, aneusomies could be detected using 30 ng of non-amplified random primed labelled DNA amounts in a 4 h hybridization reaction. Potential application of these mini-arrays for genomic profiling of disseminated tumour cells or of blastomeres for preimplantation genetic diagnosis, using specially designed DNA amplification methods, are discussed.

Extending the scope of diagnostic chromosome analysis: Detection of single gene defects using high-resolution SNP microarrays

Human Mutation, 2011

Microarray analysis has provided significant advances in the diagnosis of conditions resulting from submicroscopic chromosome abnormalities. It has been recommended that array testing should be a "first tier" test in the evaluation of individuals with intellectual disability, developmental delay, congenital anomalies, and autism. The availability of arrays with increasingly high probe coverage and resolution has increased the detection of decreasingly small copy number changes (CNCs) down to the intragenic or even exon level. Importantly, arrays that genotype SNPs also detect extended regions of homozygosity. We describe 14 examples of single gene disorders caused by intragenic changes from a consecutive set of 6,500 tests using high-resolution SNP microarrays. These cases illustrate the increased scope of cytogenetic testing beyond dominant chromosome rearrangements that typically contain many genes. Nine of the cases confirmed the clinical diagnosis, that is, followed a "phenotype to genotype" approach. Five were diagnosed by the laboratory analysis in the absence of a specific clinical diagnosis, that is, followed a "genotype to phenotype" approach. Two were clinically significant, incidental findings. The importance of astute clinical assessment and laboratoryclinician consultation is emphasized to optimize the value of microarrays in the diagnosis of disorders caused by single gene copy number and sequence mutations. Hum Mutat 32:1500-1506, 2011. C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Construction of a high-density and high-resolution human chromosome X array for comparative genomic hybridization analysis

Journal of Human Genetics, 2007

The human chromosome X is closely associated with congenital disorders and mental retardation (MR), because it contains a significantly higher number of genes than estimated from the proportion in the human genome. We constructed a high-density and high-resolution human chromosome X array (X-tiling array) for comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). The array contains a total of 1,001 bacterial artificial chromosome (BACs) throughout chromosome X except pseudoautosomal regions and two BACs specific for Y. In four hybridizations using DNA samples from healthy males, the ratio of each spotted DNA was scattered between −3SD and 3SD, corresponding to a log2 ratio of −0.35 and 0.35, respectively. Using DNA samples from patients with known congenital disorders, our X-tiling array was proven to discriminate one-copy losses and gains together with their physical sizes, and also to estimate the percentage of a mosaicism in a patient with mos 45,X[13]/46,X,r(X)[7]. Furthermore, array-CGH in a patient with atypical Schinzel-Giedion syndrome disclosed a 1.1-Mb duplication at Xq22.3 including a part of the IL1RAPL2 gene as a likely causative aberration. The results indicate our in-house X-tiling array to be useful for the identification of cryptic copy-number aberrations containing novel genes responsible for diseases such as congenital disorders and X-linked MR.

Array-based Identification of Copy Number Changes in a Diagnostic Setting: Simultaneous gene-focused and low resolution whole human genome analysis

Sultan Qaboos University medical journal, 2013

The aim of this study was to develop and validate a comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH) array that would allow simultaneous targeted analysis of a panel of disease genes and low resolution whole genome analysis. A bespoke Roche NimbleGen 12x135K CGH array (Roche NimbleGen Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA) was designed to interrogate the coding regions of 66 genes of interest, with additional widely-spaced backbone probes providing coverage across the whole genome. We analysed genomic deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from 20 patients with a range of previously characterised copy number changes and from 8 patients who had not previously undergone any form of dosage analysis. The custom-designed Roche NimbleGen CGH array was able to detect known copy number changes in all 20 patients. A molecular diagnosis was also made for one of the additional 4 patients with a clinical diagnosis that had not been confirmed by sequence analysis, and carrier testing for familial copy number variants was s...

Array-Based DNA Diagnostics: Let the Revolution Begin

Annual Review of Medicine, 2008

Advances in the fabrication of DNA microarrays as well as transformations in detection chemistries have vastly increased the throughput for genotyping, DNA sequencing, and array-based copy number analysis (ABCNA). Rapid changes in technology are not only affecting research but also revolutionizing DNA diagnostics. Here we focus on the application of high-throughput ABCNA and genotyping. Targeted and genome-wide ABCNA has led to the discovery of extensive DNA copy number variation in the population and the delineation of many previously unrecognized submicroscopic chromosomal aberrations (genomic disorders). High-throughput singlenucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping is being widely applied in genome-wide association studies (GWASs) with recent successes in identification of common variants that confer risk for common adult diseases. Future applications of high-throughput genotyping and array-based DNA sequencing technology will undoubtedly involve research and diagnostic analyses of rare mutations and perhaps ultimately enable full individual genome sequencing.



In the vast spectrum of human pathology, a significant proportion is represented by genetic disorders. To elucidate the mechanisms leading to disease, various approaches have been used: G-banded karyotyping and FISH allow the survey of the entire genome for large aberrations or analysis of pre-defined segments, while sequencing detects nucleotide alterations with the prior requirement of knowing which DNA segment to address. The last two decades have seen the rise of another generation of investigative methods, such as aCGH, which inquire the condition of the whole genome at sequence level; starting as a research instrument, aCGH is increasingly regarded as a powerful diagnostic tool for clinical use. As an example of its utility in the diagnostic of mental retardation, we present three cases where aCGH contributed to the identification and refinement of the precise genetic aberrations.

Targeted comparative genomic hybridization array for the detection of single- and multiexon gene deletions and duplications

Genetics in Medicine, 2009

To develop a high resolution microarray based method to detect single-and multiexons gene deletions and duplications. Methods: We have developed a high-resolution comparative genomic hybridization array to detect single-and multiexon deletions and duplications in a large set of genes on a single microarray, using the NimbleGen 385K array with an exon-centric design. Results: We have successfully developed, validated, and implemented a targeted gene comparative genomic hybridization arrays for detecting single-and multiexon deletions and duplication in autosomal and X-linked diseaseassociated genes. Conclusion: The comparative genomic hybridization arrays can be adopted readily by clinical molecular diagnostic laboratories as a rapid, cost-effective, highly sensitive, and accurate approach for the detection of single-and multiexon deletions or duplications, particularly in cases where direct sequencing fails to identify a mutation.

Array-Based Comparative Genomic Hybridization for the Genomewide Detection of Submicroscopic Chromosomal Abnormalities

American Journal of Human Genetics, 2003

Microdeletions and microduplications, not visible by routine chromosome analysis, are a major cause of human malformation and mental retardation. Novel high-resolution, whole-genome technologies can improve the diagnostic detection rate of these small chromosomal abnormalities. Array-based comparative genomic hybridization allows such a high-resolution screening by hybridizing differentially labeled test and reference DNAs to arrays consisting of thousands of genomic clones. In this study, we tested the diagnostic capacity of this technology using ∼3,500 flourescent in situ hybridization-verified clones selected to cover the genome with an average of 1 clone per megabase (Mb). The sensitivity and specificity of the technology were tested in normal-versus-normal control experiments and through the screening of patients with known microdeletion syndromes. Subsequently, a series of 20 cytogenetically normal patients with mental retardation and dysmorphisms suggestive of a chromosomal abnormality were analyzed. In this series, three microdeletions and two microduplications were identified and validated. Two of these genomic changes were identified also in one of the parents, indicating that these are large-scale genomic polymorphisms. Deletions and duplications as small as 1 Mb could be reliably detected by our approach. The percentage of false-positive results was reduced to a minimum by use of a dye-swap-replicate analysis, all but eliminating the need for laborious validation experiments and facilitating implementation in a routine diagnostic setting. This high-resolution assay will facilitate the identification of novel genes involved in human mental retardation and/or malformation syndromes and will provide insight into the flexibility and plasticity of the human genome.

Microarray-based CGH detects chromosomal mosaicism not revealed by conventional cytogenetics

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 2007

Somatic chromosomal mosaicism is a well-established cause for birth defects, mental retardation, and, in some instances, specific genetic syndromes. We have developed a clinically validated, targeted BAC clone array as a platform for comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) to enable detection of a wide range of pathologic copy number changes in DNA. It is designed to provide high sensitivity to detect well-characterized submicroscopic micro-deletion and duplication disorders while at the same time minimizing detection of variation of uncertain clinical significance. In the course of studying 2,585 samples submitted to our clinical laboratory, chromosomal mosaicism was detected in 12 patient samples; 10 of these cases were reported to have had a normal blood chromosome analysis. This enhanced ability of aCGH to detect mosaicism missed by routine chromosome analysis may be due to some combination of testing multiple cell lineages and/or failure of cytogenetically abnormal T lymphocytes to respond to mitogens. This suggests that aCGH may detect somatic chromosomal mosaicism that would be missed by conventional cytogenetics. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.