Properties of the United States Code Citation Network (original) (raw)

Effect of citation patterns on network structure

We propose a model for an evolving citation network that incorporates the citation pattern followed in a particular discipline. We define the citation pattern in a discipline by three factors. The average number of references per article, the probability of citing an article based on it's age and the number of citations it already has. We also consider the average number of articles published per year in the discipline. We propose that the probability of citing an article based on it's age can be modeled by a lifetime distribution. The lifetime distribution models the citation lifetime of an average article in a particular discipline. We find that the citation lifetime distribution in a particular discipline predicts the topological structure of the citation network in that discipline. We show that the power law exponent depends on the three factors that define the citation pattern. Finally we fit the data from the Physical Review D journal to obtain the citation pattern and calculate the total degree distribution for the citation network.

Statistical modeling of the temporal dynamics in a large scale-citation network


Citation Networks of papers are vast networks that grow over time. The manner or the form a citation network grows is not entirely a random process, but a preferential attachment relationship; highly cited papers are more likely to be cited by newly published papers. The result is a network whose degree distribution follows a power law. This growth of citation network of papers will be modeled with a negative binomial regression coupled with logistic growth and/or Cauchy distribution curve. Then a Barabási Albert model based on the negative binomial models, and a combination of the Dirichlet distribution and multinomial will be utilized to simulate a network that follows preferential attachments between newly added nodes and existing nodes. Acknowledgements I would like to thank everyone at University of Arkansas for being so helpful throughout the three years of my master studies. Thanks to all the faculty and staff for enabling my education goals and providing the opportunities fo...

Nonuniversal power law scaling in the probability distribution of scientific citations

We develop a model for the distribution of scientific citations. The model involves a dual mechanism: in the direct mechanism, the author of a new paper finds an old paper A and cites it. In the indirect mechanism, the author of a new paper finds an old paper A only via the reference list of a newer intermediary paper B, which has previously cited A. By comparison to citation databases, we find that papers having few citations are cited mainly by the direct mechanism. Papers already having many citations ("classics") are cited mainly by the indirect mechanism. The indirect mechanism gives a power-law tail. The "tipping point" at which a paper becomes a classic is about 25 citations for papers published in the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Web of Science database in 1981, 31 for Physical Review D papers published from 1975-1994, and 37 for all publications from a list of high h-index chemists assembled in 2007. The power-law exponent is not universal. Individuals who are highly cited have a systematically smaller exponent than individuals who are less cited.

Model of complex networks based on citation dynamics

Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web, 2013

Complex networks of real-world systems are believed to be controlled by common phenomena, producing structures far from regular or random. These include scale-free degree distributions, small-world structure and assortative mixing by degree, which are also the properties captured by different random graph models proposed in the literature. However, many (non-social) real-world networks are in fact disassortative by degree. Thus, we here propose a simple evolving model that generates networks with most common properties of real-world networks including degree disassortativity. Furthermore, the model has a natural interpretation for citation networks with different practical applications.

A network approach to the French system of legal codes—part I: analysis of a dense network

Artificial Intelligence and Law, 2011

We explore one aspect of the structure of a codified legal system at the national level using a new type of representation to understand the strong or weak dependencies between the various fields of law. In Part I of this study, we analyze the graph associated with the network in which each French legal code is a vertex and an edge is produced between two vertices when a code cites another code at least one time. We show that this network distinguishes from many other real networks from a high density, giving it a particular structure that we call concentrated world and that differentiates a national legal system (as considered with a resolution at the code level) from small-world graphs identified in many social networks. Our analysis then shows that a few communities (groups of highly wired vertices) of codes covering large domains of regulation are structuring the whole system. Indeed we mainly find a central group of influent codes, a group of codes related to social issues and a group of codes dealing with territories and natural resources. The study of this codified legal system is also of interest in the field of the analysis of real networks. In particular we examine the impact of the high density on the structural characteristics of the graph and on the ways communities are searched for. Finally we provide an original visualization of this graph on an hemicyle-like plot, this representation being based on a statistical reduction of dissimilarity measures between vertices. In Part II (a following paper) we show how the consideration of the weights attributed to each edge in the network in proportion to the number of citations between two vertices (codes) allows deepening the analysis of the French legal system.

Citation Analysis and Dynamics of Citation Networks

SpringerBriefs in Complexity, 2019

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Network approach to the French system of legal codes part II: the role of the weights in a network

Artificial Intelligence and Law, 2017

Unlike usual real graphs which have a low number of edges, we study here a dense network constructed from legal citations. This study is achieved on the simple graph and on the multiple graph associated to this legal network, this allows exploring the behavior of the network structural properties and communities by considering the weighted graph and see which additional information are provided by the weights. We propose new measures to assess the role of the weights in the network structure and to appreciate the weights repartition. Then we compare the communities obtained on the simple graph and on the weighted graph. We also extend to weighted networks the amphitheater-like representation (exposed in a previous work) of this legal network. Finally we evaluate the robustness of our measures and methods thus taking into account potential errors which may occur by getting data or building the network. Our methodology may open new perspectives in the analysis of weighted networks.

Growing complex network of citations of scientific papers: Modeling and measurements

Physical Review E

To quantify the mechanism of a complex network growth we focus on the network of citations of scientific papers and use a combination of the theoretical and experimental tools to uncover microscopic details of this network growth. Namely, we develop a stochastic model of citation dynamics based on copying/redirection/triadic closure mechanism. In a complementary and coherent way, the model accounts both for statistics of references of scientific papers and for their citation dynamics. Originating in empirical measurements, the model is cast in such a way that it can be verified quantitatively in every aspect. Such verification is performed by measuring citation dynamics of Physics papers. The measurements revealed nonlinear citation dynamics, the nonlinearity being intricately related to network topology. The nonlinearity has far-reaching consequences including non-stationary citation distributions, diverging citation trajectory of similar papers, runaways or "immortal papers" with infinite citation lifetime etc. Thus, our most important finding is nonlinearity in complex network growth. In a more specific context, our results can be a basis for quantitative probabilistic prediction of citation dynamics of individual papers and of the journal impact factor.

Power-law citation distributions are not scale-free

Physical Review E, 2017

We analyze time evolution of statistical distributions of citations to scientific papers published in one year. While these distributions can be fitted by a power-law dependence we find that they are nonstationary and the exponent of the power law fit decreases with time and does not come to saturation. We attribute the nonstationarity of citation distributions to different longevity of the low-cited and highly-cited papers. By measuring citation trajectories of papers we found that citation careers of the low-cited papers come to saturation after 10-15 years while those of the highly-cited papers continue to increase indefinitely: the papers that exceed some citation threshold become runaways. Thus, we show that although citation distribution can look as a power-law, it is not scale-free and there is a hidden dynamic scale associated with the onset of runaways. We compare our measurements to our recently developed model of citation dynamics based on copying/redirection/triadic closure and find explanations to our empirical observations.