CROSS-NATIONAL MORAL BELIEFS: The Influence of National Religious Context (original) (raw)

2008, Sociological Quarterly

International surveys have documented wide variation in religious beliefs and practices across nations, but does this variation in the national religious context make a difference? Building on existing theory, we explain why religion should have both micro- and macro-level effects on morality not sanctioned by the state and why the effects of religion differ from other forms of culture. Using two international surveys and hierarchical linear modeling techniques we sort out the effects of national context and personal beliefs on morality with and without legal underpinnings. We find that national religious context, the respondent's age, and religious beliefs and practices are the most consistent predictors of the sexual morality index. For morality sanctioned by the state, however, the effects for personal beliefs and practices are attenuated, and the effects of the national religious context are no longer significant.

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Do cultural values predict individuals' moral attitudes? A cross‐cultural multilevel approach Cover Page

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Cross-Cultural Research on Moral Values (2014) Cover Page

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Brake rather than Barrier: The Impact of the Catholic Church on Morality Policies in Western Europe Cover Page

Morality in Context: A Multilevel Analysis of the Relationship between Religion and Values in Europe

The exact relationship between religiosity and moral values is understudied, and it is unclear what the process of secularization means for the morality of Europeans. Previous research shows that religion is associated with low levels of political and economic development. A potential explanation is that religion provides an alternative moral authority to the authority of the state. Using data from four waves of the European Values Study 1981–2008, I analyze attitudes to personal autonomy (vs tradition) and self-interest (vs social norms) in a multilevel model of 48 European countries. The results show that religious decline has been accompanied by an increase in autonomy values, but not self-interest, that the relationship between religion and morality is stronger in more religious countries, and that it has declined since the 1980s. We also show that religiosity is more negatively associated with self-interest among people with low confidence in state authorities.

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Morality in Context: A Multilevel Analysis of the Relationship between Religion and Values in Europe Cover Page

Cross-cultural dataset for the evolution of religion and morality project

A considerable body of research cross-culturally examines the evolution of religious traditions, beliefs and behaviors. The bulk of this research, however, draws from coded qualitative ethnographies rather than from standardized methods specifically designed to measure religious beliefs and behaviors. Psychological data sets that examine religious thought and behavior in controlled conditions tend to be disproportionately sampled from student populations. Some cross-national databases employ standardized methods at the individual level, but are primarily focused on fully market integrated, state-level societies. The Evolution of Religion and Morality Project sought to generate a data set that systematically probed individual level measures sampling across a wider range of human populations. The set includes data from behavioral economic experiments and detailed surveys of demographics, religious beliefs and practices, material security, and intergroup perceptions. This paper describes the methods and variables, briefly introduces the sites and sampling techniques, notes inconsistencies across sites, and provides some basic reporting for the data set.

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Cross-cultural dataset for the evolution of religion and morality project Cover Page

The effect of psychological factors on morality. the role of culture and moral foundations


The main aim of this PhD research was to explore the cultural differences in moral judgment, moral behaviour, moral identity, and cultural values between Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom. Furthermore, I was interested in the psychological factors affecting morality in those two cultures. The first study aimed to achieve the following objectives: to understand people’s moral judgment in Saudi Arabia and the UK, to investigate whether and how personality traits and cultural values affect moral judgment in five moral foundations (harm avoidance, justice, ingroup, authority, purity), and to investigate whether personality traits and cultural values are related differently or similarly across Saudi and UK cultures. The findings of the study revealed that Saudi and British participants differed with regard to their foundation-specific moral judgments. Saudi participants were more likely to endorse moral foundations in the domains of intergroup relations, authority, and purity. However, the...

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The effect of psychological factors on morality. the role of culture and moral foundations Cover Page

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Individual moral judgment and cultural ideologies Cover Page

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Functional equivalence and validity of religiousness indicators in cross-cultural comparative surveys Cover Page

Predictive modeling of religiosity, prosociality, and moralizing in 295,000 individuals from European and non-European populations

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications

Why do moral religions exist? An influential psychological explanation is that religious beliefs in supernatural punishment is cultural group adaptation enhancing prosocial attitudes and thereby large-scale cooperation. An alternative explanation is that religiosity is an individual strategy that results from high level of mistrust and the need for individuals to control others’ behaviors through moralizing. Existing evidence is mixed but most works are limited by sample size and generalizability issues. The present study overcomes these limitations by applying k-fold cross-validation on multivariate modeling of data from >295,000 individuals in 108 countries of the World Values Surveys and the European Value Study. First, this methodology reveals no evidence that European and non-European religious people invest more in collective actions and are more trustful of unrelated conspecifics. Instead, the individuals’ level of religiosity is found to be weakly but positively associate...

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Predictive modeling of religiosity, prosociality, and moralizing in 295,000 individuals from European and non-European populations Cover Page

Religious and secular morality across Europe


The decline of religion in European social life over the past century is to our knowledge unparalleled and unprecedented in the world. People in Europe are now much less likely to believe in God, attend church, or report that they belong to a religion than they were mere decades before. Is this rapid religious change accompanied by a decline in commitment to moral values and prosocial behaviour? Or are Europeans developing a new form of secular morality? It seems plausible that religion and the maintenance of moral values are linked. Religious codes and religious education clarify expected standards and prohibit certain behaviours deemed damaging. Religious teachings promote altruism, selfdenial and deferred gratification, and people who represent these ideals are celebrated. Secular society appears to be at a comparative disadvantage: punishment following transgression depends on being caught rather than divine justice; altruism, self-sacrifice and service to others appear relative...

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Religious and secular morality across Europe Cover Page


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