Tercer Premio en el Area de Investigación Biomédica-Third best work in the biomedical research field, award granted by the MEXICAN MINISTRY OF HEALTH (original) (raw)

Universidad de Ciencias Médicas, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, Profesora Auxiliar, Especialista de II grado en Bioquímica Clínica, Maestra en Informática en Salud RESUMEN

The Problem Based Learning (PBL) started in the McMaster University in Canada by the middle of the 60. In the University for Development Studies (UDS) located in the Northern Region of Ghana, it began in the academic course 2006-2007. As part of the Intergoverment Agreement Cuba - Ghana, our group of professors worked since 2008 to 2011 in this university and we contribute to the implementation and development of this method. The objective of this work is to analyze the documents related with this program, and through the analysis and the synthesis to expose the positive and negative aspects of the same one. The PBL stimulates the students to search information related with the matter in study. PBL contributes to independence of students, it stimulates the work in group, the cooperation and the modesty. The relationship student-professor and the educational work that the professors should develop with the students is affected in a substantial way. The lecturer have to dominate different subjects to be able to guide the tutorial, something really complex and very difficult of achieving. The professor is, inside that dialectical and harmonic couple that is the binomial student-professor, he is the soul of the educational process. He gives to them experience and knowledge. A good professor inspires respect and trust. He encourages the best purposes and their students' dreams, but to achieve this he has to have an excellent preparation, of not being the educational process is a failure. Its another weakness of the PBL.


Salutem Scientia Spiritus | Volumen 1 | Número 2 | Julio-Diciembre | 2015 Santiago de Cali-Valle del Cauca-Colombia EDITORIAL 8 El Lorem Ipsum. Freddy Moreno ARTICULO ORIGINAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN 9 Comportamiento in vitro del colágeno de la unión amelo-dentinaria en premolares humanos sometidos a altas temperaturas. Sebastián Medina, Carlos Mejía, Freddy Moreno REVISIÓN DE TEMA 19 Revisión de los riesgos estimados con el uso de la Dipirona en el desarrollo de agranulocitosis. Isaac Arbeláez-Quintero, Natalia Jiménez-Cardoso 25 Fisiopatología, evaluación y manejo del dolor agudo en pediatría. Tatiana Pabón, Luisa-Fernanda Pineda-Saavedra, Oscar-Darío Cañas-Mejía REPORTE DE CASO 38 Síndrome de Gitelman: Importancia de la historia clínica para su diagnóstico. Reporte de caso. Nathalie Márquez-Ramos, Lina-Paola Villamil-Castañeda, Consuelo Restrepo-de-Rovetto NOTA DE CLASE 44 La enseñanza de la salud pública y la educación en salud sexual y reproductiva en zonas marginadas de Cali.dad Jave...