El papel del militares en la democratización de las sociedades latinoamericanas (original) (raw)
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Роль диаспор в государствах Латинской Америки
El artículo está dedicado al problema del fenómeno de diasporas en los países de América Latina. Actualmente el proceso de reconsideración de este fenómeno existe por la aparición de nuevos procesos como la migración y la globalización que cambiaron las ideas básicas de la definición clásica de diásporas. La falta de comprensión sobre esta definición puede conducir a la inestabilidad internacional y regional. Las diásporas pueden constituir una amenaza para los asuntos internacionales y internos pero en mismo tiempo pueden server para negociación y mediación de los conflictos interétnicos. Las diásporas de los países de América Latina pueden ser caracterizadas como actores diversos. Al describirlos, se debe tener en cuenta el hecho de que las diásporas no sólo influyen en la economía y la política de sus países de acogida, sino también afectan a los asuntos internos de su tierra “histórica”. Como uno de los ejemplos de los procesos descritos, el artículo hace referencia a la diáspora vasca que no es bien examinada, pero que es bastante numerosa en algunos países de América Latina como Argentina y Uruguay.
The article deals with the problems of Latin America, associated with the geopolitical changes after the collapse of the bipolar system and change the balance of power in favor of the United States. G-20, which involved three countries in the region, did not led to radical changes in the reform of global governance. The development of integration processes and regional coordination has undergone a major transformation. Regional coordination in matters of the defense and security within the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) is expanding, it focuses on the revision of defense projects. Variety regionalization processes (MERCOSUR, ALBA, ACH, SELAC), new trade unions (Alliance Pacific, Trans-Pacific Partnership, the idea of a transatlantic partnership), the change in the US strategy in the region lead to the fragmentation of Latin America. Countries in the region are faced with the choice of an effective strategy of development in terms of new centers of power (China, Russia), primarily in the Asia Pacific
The process of democratization and the military rule after the revolution in Eg
This paper explores the impact of the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 on changing the authoritarian political system in the country, democratic governance capacity of the transitional military rule and it tries to answer whether this country ever stepped towards democratic transition during the period of rule of the Egyptian armed forces. This paper aims to discover whether the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 is starting point of the process of democratization or the overthrow of one authoritarian regime led to the rise of a new undemocratic governance of the country. To achieve this goal, the research draws attention to the development of civil and political society in the country, as a basis on the path of transition to democracy. In the analysis are used annual and periodical reports of the international non - governmental organizations that monitor freedom of the media, human rights and political freedom in Egypt. The content of the publications of Reporters Without Borders, Freedom House, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International for the situation in the country before and after the removal from power of President Hosni Mubarak is used in making conclusions in the paper. As in other historical cases, the paper shows that the military in charge of civil authority is impossible to guide the democratization of one society. Key words: democratization, Egypt, freedom of expression, civil society, authoritarian political system.
Миротворческие процессы в Латинской Америке: роль Испании
Latinskaya America, 2019
In the present article, the evolution of peacekeeping operations is analyzed on the example of Latin America, as well as the conditions that made possible its reorientation is debated: from the classical type, when their aim was to observe the respect of agreements firmed by parts of a conflict, to their transformation to the peacebuilding type of missions. The role of Spain in peace processes in Central America, Haiti, and Columbia is considered. Particularly the difficulties supposed to peacekeepers to reach objects in conditions of a failed state are demonstrated. The influence of Spain in the region during UN missions is investigated, as well as the evolution of the image of the country. Supporting the universal values and providing help in the reconstruction of democratic institutions in Latin Caribbean America made possible the reconciliation between Spanish civil society and the army, marking the end of post-Franco transit.
Basics of direct democracy in Latin America
Ars Administrandi (Искусство управления), 2020
Поправки вне указанного периода не учитываются. 3 В некоторых странах за один год было проведено больше поправок к конституции и реформ. Список неполон.
Comintern and an attempt to organize the Popular Front in Peru 1934-1936
Latinoamerikanskij istoričeskij alʹmanah, 2024
Аннотация: VII всемирный конгресс Коминтерна, состоявшийся в 1935 г., привёл к резкому изменению тактики и стратегии международного коммунистического движения, к переходу от радикальной тактики «класс против класса» к формированию широких единых антифашистских фронтов. В период 1935-1939 гг. политика «народных фронтов», заключавшаяся в построении политических союзов между левыми партиями и организациями для борьбы с правыми, реализовывалась во многих странах. В Латинской Америке, в которой эта тактика стала применяться ещё до VII конгресса Коминтерна, «народные фронты» получили широкое распространение, сыграв порой заметную роль в истории своих стран. В историографии подробно освещены истории организации альянсов в Бразилии, Чили, Мексике, на Кубе и др. Однако, история организации «народного фронта» в Перу освещена меньше, хотя этот сюжет интересен тем, что во многом отражает те проблемы, которые вставали перед секциями всемирной компартии. Попытка сформировать