Meet the Editors: CAMBIO Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali (original) (raw)

Abstract, Sociologia Italiana, n.6, Autori

analisi sul corpo insegnante e sulle politiche ad esso rivolte e realizza valutazioni di impatto di interventi nei contesti scolastici. Promuove l'adozione di un approccio evidence based e il ricorso a sperimentazioni controllate. E' attualmente impegnato in due progetti basati sulla randomizzazione con gruppo di controllo: un PROGRESS volto a stimare l'impatto delle riunioni di famiglia sulla prevenzione del dropout scolastico (Family star) e un SIR, mediante il quale si stima la rilevanza delle competenze non cognitive degli insegnanti nel determinare la loro efficacia in classe (OpetnTeQ -Opening the Black Box of Teacher Quality).

Italian Sociological Review

Italian Sociological Review, 2024

The purpose of this paper is to compare Vilfredo Pareto and Norbert Elias. Although they differ in many ways, the juxtaposition between the two sociologists provides useful elements to analyze crisis in contemporary society. The distance between their theoretical and thematic approaches can be an innovative driver, fostering a comprehensive analysis of contemporary society. The paper is structured as follows. The first section explains the reasons for juxtaposing the two authors, highlighting useful elements for our objective. The second section focuses on Pareto's contribution to the current crisis of democracy and the rise of populism, identifying their roots and historical continuity. Factors of such "political decivilization" are, in some respect, more serious today than in Pareto's time. The third section begins with Elias' notion of "decivilization". The analysis focuses on the regressive phenomena of our civilization, such as the rise of irrational behaviour, questioning the competence of experts, and the rejection of science. It also highlights worldviews that rely on imagination rather than on factual data, which can be surprising and disconcerting.

3. Article accepted for publication Additional information about Italian Sociological Review can be found at: About ISR-Editorial Board-Manuscript submission


That opera was and can still be a great source of social status, prestige, cultural and symbolic capital, is already quite well known. That it can play such a role successfully in an utterly specific and intricate manner, which today seems entirely anachronistic and obsolete, is rarer to find. One such example notorious for remaining a class in itself is connected to the Mantua opera house called Teatro Sociale, which is privately owned by the heirs of the original box-holders who built the theatre in 1822, thus in a quite different Zeitgeist than today. Since then, there have been many political and social changes for the city of Mantua, which has resulted in a noticeable transformation of just one province of a much larger foreign-domineering monarchy over the patriotic unification with other Italian lands to the democratic membership within the Republic of Italy. The renowned opera house of Mantua, a private institution with public purpose, has managed through all those years of massive social change to remain untouched by one single element; that is its box-holders never surrendered their boxes to the Municipality or the State. It is semi-privately managed by the heirs who have until recently administered it as if it were still the 1800s. With this article, we attempt to reveal the historical context and social particularities that help explain that social world of a specific cultural tradition that have produced and reproduced such endurable box-holding practices over time in a city where possessing the opera house was and remains more important than attending it. This analysis is done on the basis of the social status theories of Max Weber, Talcott Parsons and Pierre Bourdieu, but particularly on the basis of Bourdieu's concepts of habitus, disposition, distinction and reproduction. Hopefully, through analysis it is easier to understand the "anachronistic" story of the tenacious and self-willed Mantuan box

History, Social Sciences, Historical Sociology. A book review of M. Paci, "Lezioni di sociologia storica", Bologna, il Mulino, 2013

"Cambio", a. III (2013), n. 5, pp. 221-224, 2013

Additional information about Italian Sociological Review can be found at: About ISR-Editorial Board-Manuscript submission


In recent years, in relation to socioeconomic and legal-institutional changes, universities faced a significant internal change that contributed to deepen the crisis of the traditional teaching-learning structure. This change can be understood within the broader transition from modern society to post-modern society, characterized by a double recurrence: the paradigm change from a rational and linear vision to an unidirectional relationship between system and actor; the strategic weight held by information, in the "knowledge society". In this framework, we can understand the lively debate within the academy that develops under the label of "Third University Mission", aimed to understand how the enhancement of economic and social outcomes of scientific and technological research is possible.

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy


Ethical issues in scientific research are very complex, in the same manner as they are delicate. In most of the cases, the researcher needs to collect data from people, in unknown conditions and circumstances with huge social, ethnical, cultural, religious and gender pressure. The issue of ethics in scientific research especially in gaining academic titles is primarily a matter of social practice. We are all witnessing that many research papers are written for scientific titles, and they’re based on second and third hand resources, without any first hand research. 2/3 of Master and Doctoral candidates have gathered data from the projects where they did not participate; they have collected and used data from other known and unknown researchers. In Macedonia, the government has established a mechanism for saving and checking master and doctoral papers from 2012 (www. plagijati. com. m). This presents a good opportunity for checking the integrity and validity of the academic papers. Th...

RICERCHE STORICHE 2 2019 Abstracts e Profili per academia

Anna Chiaiese Didactics of differences in teaching Latin and Ancient Greek Teaching and studying Latin and Ancient Greek to the triennium of the classical high school poses important critical issues concerning the languages, the sources, the canon and the relationship between the scientific literature of the sector and the textbooks, that systematically relegates gender (and the differences lato sensu) in separate sections of the volumes, as if to reiterate their perceived extraneousness to the historical narrative and to the formative dialogue. Otherwise, the teacher / researcher -moving from the reflections brought by feminist philosophies about the subject and the narration and by the contributions of historical anthropology -builds a didactics of differences in which has place both the uniqueness unrepeatable of subjectivity (of the teacher and of the learner) and the possibility of declining from time to time the function of differences (gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, political, religious, etc.) and their specific relevance in the linguistic, historical and literary discourse.

«Annali d'Italianistica», Books Received (June 2024)

If you request a book to be reviewed and receive no answer, after three weeks please contact again the book review editors at the two addresses provided above. BOOK REVIEWS PUBLICATION DEADLINE Colleagues who have accepted to review books should submit their reviews as soon as possible. They must be received by January 31 to appear in the 2025 issue.