An object-oriented Petri net modeling tool and abstraction mechanisms for cooperative systems (original) (raw)

Modeling a Groupware Editing Tool with Cooperative Objects

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2001

This paper contains a solution to the case study proposed for the 2nd edition of the OO-MC workshop. In this paper, we merely recall the main features of the Cooperative Objects formalism, which is an object-oriented language, based on high-level Petri nets. We then include a Cooperative Object model describing the groupware editing tool described in the case study.

Formalizing the design of a collaborative system by Petri nets

IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2002

Collaboration on computer systems is totally different from that in face-to-face environment. Even though scientists are working hard to provide systems that provide virtual environment to make it easy, there are requirements for collaborators to know the basic model and basic working modes of collaborative systems. This paper will concisely introduce OMCS (Object Model for Collaborative Systems) that is a previously-composed collaborative system object model. Then, it discusses the basic components of ordinary collaborative systems. By discussing possible choices for different components of this model, we demonstrate the design of a collaborative system called Multimedia Co-Authoring System (MCAS). In the discussion of MCAS system, Petri nets are used to describe the dynamic properties. By these Petri nets, we can also know the basic working modes of collaboration on such collaborative systems. From this practice, this paper concludes that Petri nets can provide a uniform environment for modeling, formal analysis and design of systems. They can be used to describe and check errors for a system design.

Modeling a Multi-Agent Cooperative Graphical Editor with a Class of Object Oriented Petri Net


In this paper we discuss the modeling by means of a Petri net based object oriented frame- work, named G-CPN, of a cooperative graphical editor. First, we define the specification of this editor, and based on this specification we introduce a multi-agent based architecture to support its realization. After this, we define the different interactions in the system, in or-

Modeling a Cooperative Environment Based on An Object-Based Modular Petri Net


In this paper we present the modeling by a class of object based Petri net, named G-CPN, of a cooperative editing environment for hierarchical diagrams. First, we define the specification of this editor, and introduce an agent based architecture to support its realization. Also, we introduce the G-CPN model as a formal approach to the modeling of object based systems.

Software Engineering and Petri Nets


Object-oriented development of complex software systems is widely recognized as state of the art within the industry as well as the scientific community. What is less commonly recognized (especially in the industry) is that object-orientation itself is not properly defined and neither are popular notations like UML and others. Existing proposals for the formally based development of object-oriented systems are for different reasons often not usable for complex and/or concurrent systems. In addition, the semantics of object-oriented concepts within such notations only rarely match common programming language implementations. This mismatch most likely leads to a costly redesign of a given model during implementation. To overcome these problems approaches for a seamless object-oriented software development on a formal base are needed. This article surveys several proposals for the formally based development of object-oriented systems based on Petri-Nets. Subsequently, a new approach in this area is introduced which supports multiperspective modeling of concurrent object-oriented systems on arbitrary abstraction levels and also allows automatic generation of executable Java code.

Constructs for prototyping information systems with object Petri Nets


P 3877350; Fax: 3877357 email {ppalma I letelier I iramos} ABSTRACT OASIS is a Language for the Specification of Object Oriented Conceptual Models. Object Petri Nets (OPNs) support a full integration of object-oriented concepts into Petri Nets. We propose a way to represent objectoriented concepts used in the OASIS language with OPNs as a suitable semantic model for validating software specifications. We have developed a Basic Execution Model for OASIS Specifications including its main features. Communication aspects between objects are taken into account in our proposal (triggering mechanism and shared events). We will consider event preconditions reducing the worlds to be reached, attribute valuations changing the state of objects, creation and deletion of objects, and life cycles of objects. OPNs are an appropriate semantic foundation over build a concurrent software engineering environment for distributed computation because it allows a natural representation of concurrence. We show how the object-oriented concepts of an OASIS Specification are represented into OPNs.

CO-OPN/2 applied to the modeling of cooperative structured editors


In this paper we describe how to use the CO-OPN/2 (Concurrent Object-Oriented Petri Net) formalism, by developing a case study on groupware or, more specically, on a cooperative editor of hierarchical diagrams. First of all, we present CO-OPN/2 and describe how some aspects speci c to object orientation, such as the notions of class/object, of object reference and of the distinction between inheritance and sub-typing, are taken into account within the formalism. Afterwards, we show how these notions may be used for the modeling and the design of an editor of hierarchical Petri nets and discuss some points related to the concurrency. Finally, we show how exible our modeling architecture is by giving some insight into to the design of other kinds of cooperative diagram editors.

Coordinating Activities in Collaborative Environments: A High Level Petri Nets Based Approach

The coordination of interdependencies among activities in collaborative environments is a very important and difficult task. In this paper we present a set of coordination mechanisms for the specification and control of interaction among collaborative activities. To model these mechanisms, we use high level Petri nets, which have proven to be an adequate approach to evaluate the behavior of a computer supported collaborative system before its implementation.

Petri net based design of user-driven interfaces using the interactive cooperative objects formalism

Interactive Systems: Design, Specification and …, 1995

The research work presented here belongs in the domain of formal specification of human-software interaction. More precisely, we are concerned by the applying a formal specification technique in the various stages of the construction of an user-driven application, the kind supported by most of the current UIMS. We use the Interactive Cooperative Objects (ICO) formalism, in which structural (or static) aspects are described in an object-oriented framework and dynamic (or behavioral) aspects are described with high-level Petri-nets. The formalism, a case study and some of its expected benefits are presented here.

Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013

These are the proceedings of the International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (PNSE'13) in Milano, Italy, June 24-25, 2013. It is a co-located event of Petri Nets 2013, the 34th international conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency. More information about the workshop can be found at For the successful realisation of complex systems of interacting and reactive software and hardware components the use of a precise language at different stages of the development process is of crucial importance. Petri nets are becoming increasingly popular in this area, as they provide a uniform language supporting the tasks of modelling, validation, and verification. Their popularity is due to the fact that Petri nets capture fundamental aspects of causality, concurrency and choice in a natural and mathematically precise way without compromising readability. The use of Petri Nets (P/T-Nets, Coloured Petri Nets and extensions) in the formal process of software engineering, covering modelling, validation, and verification, will be presented as well as their application and tools supporting the disciplines mentioned above.