Membrane selective exchange process for dilute methane recovery (original) (raw)

Nitrogen is very difficult to remove from natural gas. Most specifications require no more than 4% nitrogen or total inerts in the interstate pipeline system. With about 15% of the raw natural gas produced in the United States having nitrogen contents over 4%, technology is needed to economically bring the gas to pipeline quality. Cryogenic distillation, the current state-of-the-art technology, is expensive, especially in smaller applications. Lean oil systems, such as AET’s Mehra Process, and pressure swing adsorption processes, such as Nitrotech’s carbon molecular sieve and Engelhard’s Molecular Gate, are being applied in very limited cases. Membranes are in the development stage for such applications. A development program based on a rubbery membrane that had very high methane permeation rates was planned. Unlike carbon dioxide/methane separation membranes, methane molecules permeate faster than nitrogen. Methane/nitrogen selectivity, the ratio of permeation rates, is about 3, co...