Contributions of the wall boundary layer to the formation of the counter-rotating vortex pair in transverse jets (original) (raw)

The role of the intense vorticity structures in the turbulent structure of the jet edge

Advances in Turbulence XII - Proceedings of the 12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, 2009

The characteristics of the intense vorticity structures (IVSs) near the turbulent/nonturbulent (T/NT) interface separating the turbulent and the irrotational flow regions are analysed using a direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a turbulent plane jet. The T/NT interface is defined by the radius of the large vorticity structures (LVSs) bordering the jet edge, while the IVSs arise only at a depth of about 5η from the T/NT interface, where η is the Kolmogorov micro-scale. Deep inside the jet shear layer the characteristics of the IVSs are similar to the IVSs found in many other flows: the mean radius, tangential velocity and circulation Reynolds number are R/η ≈ 4.6, u 0 /u ≈ 0.8, and Re Γ /Re 1/2 λ ≈ 28, where u 0 , and Re λ are the root mean square of the velocity fluctuations and the Reynolds number based on the Taylor micro-scale, respectively. Moreover, as in forced isotropic turbulence the IVSs inside the jet are well described by the Burgers vortex model, where the vortex core radius is stable due to a balance between the competing effects of axial vorticity production and viscous diffusion. Statistics conditioned on the distance from the T/NT interface are used to analyse the effect of the T/NT interface on the geometry and dynamics of the IVSs and show that the mean radius R, tangential velocity u 0 and circulation Γ of the IVSs increase as the T/NT interface is approached, while the vorticity norm |ω| stays approximately constant. Specifically R, u 0 and Γ exhibit maxima at a distance of roughly one Taylor micro-scale from the T/NT interface, before decreasing as the T/NT is approached. Analysis of the dynamics of the IVS shows that this is caused by a sharp decrease in the axial stretching rate acting on the axis of the IVSs near the jet edge. Unlike the IVSs deep inside the shear layer, there is a small predominance of vortex diffusion over stretching for the IVSs near the T/NT interface implying that the core of these structures is not stable i.e. it will tend to grow in time. Nevertheless the Burgers vortex model can still be considered to be a good representation for the IVSs near the jet edge, although it is not as accurate as for the IVSs deep inside the jet shear layer, since the observed magnitude of this imbalance is relatively small.

On the formation of the counter-rotating vortex pair in transverse jets


Among the important physical phenomena associated with the jet in crossflow is the formation and evolution of vortical structures in the flow field, in particular the counter-rotating vortex pair (CVP) associated with the jet cross-section. The present computational study focuses on the mechanisms for the dynamical generation and evolution of these vortical structures. Transient numerical simulations of the flow field are performed using three-dimensional vortex elements. Vortex ring rollup, interactions, tilting, and folding are observed in the near field, consistent with the ideas described in the experimental work of , for example. The time-averaged effect of these jet shear layer vortices, even over a single period of their evolution, is seen to result in initiation of the CVP. Further insight into the topology of the flow field, the formation of wake vortices, the entrainment of crossflow, and the effect of upstream boundary layer thickness is also provided in this study.

Transverse jet mixing characteristics

This experimental study explores and quantifies mixing characteristics associated with a gaseous round jet injected perpendicularly into cross-flow for a range of flow and injection conditions. The study utilizes acetone planar laser-induced fluorescence imaging to determine mixing metrics in both centreplane and cross-sectional planes of the jet, for a range of jet-to-cross-flow momentum flux ratios (2 J 41), density ratios (0.35 S 1.0) and injector configurations (flush nozzle, flush pipe and elevated nozzle), all at a fixed jet Reynolds number of 1900. For the majority of conditions explored, there is a direct correspondence between the nature of the jet's upstream shear layer instabilities and structure, as documented in detail in Getsinger et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 760, 2014, pp. 342–367), and the jet's mixing characteristics, consistent with diffusion-dominated processes, but with a few notable exceptions. When quantified as a function of distance along the jet trajectory, mixing metrics for jets in cross-flow with an absolutely unstable upstream shear layer and relatively symmetric counter-rotating vortex pair cross-sectional structure tend to show better local molecular mixing than for jets with convectively unstable upstream shear layers and generally asymmetric cross-sectional structures. Yet the spatial evolution of mixing with downstream distance can be greater for a few specific convectively unstable conditions, apparently associated with the initiation and nature of shear layer rollup as a trigger for improved mixing. A notable exception to these trends concerns conditions where the equidensity jet in cross-flow has an upstream shear layer that is already absolutely unstable, and the jet density is then reduced in comparison with that of the cross-flow. Here, density ratios below unity tend to mix less well than for equidensity conditions, demonstrated to result from differences in the nature of higher-density cross-flow entrainment into lower-density shear layer vortices.

Hydrodynamics During the Transient Evolution of Open Jet Flows from/to Wall Attached Jets

Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2016

Swirl stabilized flows are the most widely deployed technology used to stabilize gas turbine combustion systems. However, there are some coherent structures that appear in these flows close to the nozzle whose occurrence and stability are still poorly understood during transition. The external recirculation zone and the Precessing Vortex Core to/from the Coanda effect are some of them. Thus, in this paper the transition of an Open Jet Flow-Medium Swirl flow pattern to/from a Coanda jet flow is studied using various geometries at a fixed Swirl number. Phase Locked Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry and High Speed Photography experiments were conducted to determine fundamental characteristics of the phenomenon. It was observed that the coherent structures in the field experience a complete annihilation during transition, with no dependency between the structures formed in each of the flow states. Moreover, transition occurs at a particular normalized step size whilst some acoustic shifts in the frequencies of the system were noticed, a phenomenon related to the strength of the vortical structures and vortices convection. It is concluded that a transient, precessing, Coanda Vortex Breakdown is formed, changing flow dynamics. The structure progresses to a less coherent Trapped Vortex between the two states. During the phenomenon there are different interactions between structures such as the Central Recirculation Zone, the High Momentum Flow Region and the Precessing Vortex Core that were also documented.


Five round jets at Mach number 0.9 and diameter-based Reynolds number 10 5 originating from a pipe nozzle are computed by Large-Eddy Simulations using grids of 252 million points. In the pipe, the boundary layers are tripped, in order to obtain, at the exit section, laminar mean velocity profiles of momentum thickness equal to 1.8% of the jet radius, and peak turbulence intensities of 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12% of the jet velocity. The influence of initial turbulence on flow development is thus investigated. As the nozzle-exit turbulence level increases, the coherent structures typically found in initially laminar jets gradually disappear, which leads to shear layers spreading at lower rate with strongly reduced rms fluctuating velocities. The jets also develop farther downstream, resulting in longer potential cores.

Influence of the choice of the inlet turbulence intensity on the performance of numerically simulated moderate Reynolds jet flows–Part 1–the near exit region of the jet

A real problem when trying to develop a numerical model reproducing the flow through an orifice is the choice of a correct value for the turbulence intensity at the inlet of the numerical domain in order to obtain at the exit plane of the jet the same values of the turbulence intensity as in the experimental evaluation. There are few indications in the literature concerning this issue, and the imposed boundary conditions are usually taken into consideration by usage without any physical fundament. In this article we tried to check the influence of the variation of the inlet turbulence intensity on the jet flow behavior. This article is focusing only on the near exit region of the jet. Five values of the inlet turbulence intensity Tu were imposed at the inlet of the computational domain, from 1.5% to 30%. One of these values, Tu= 2% was the one measured with a hot wire anemometer at the jet exit plane, and another one Tu= 8.8% was issued from the recommendation of Jaramillo [1]. The choice of the mesh-grid and of the turbulence model which was the SST k-ω model were previously established [2]. We found that in the initial region of the jet flow, the mean streamwise velocity profiles and the volumetric flow rate do not seem to be sensitive at all at the variation of the inlet turbulence intensity. On the opposite, for the vorticity and the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) distributions we found a difference between the maximum values as high as 30%. The closest values to the experimental case were found for the lowest value of Tu, on the same order of magnitude as the measurement at the exit plane of the jet flow. Mean streamwise velocity is not affected by these differences of the TKE distributions. Contrary, the transverse field is modified as it was displayed by the vorticity distributions. This observation allows us to predict a possible modification of the entire mean flow field in the far region of the jet flow.

Effects of controlled vortex generation and interactions in transverse jets

Physical Review Fluids

This experimental study examined the effects of controlled vortex generation and interactions created by axisymmetric excitation of a transverse jet, with a focus on the structural and mixing characteristics of the flow. The excitation consisted of a double-pulse forcing waveform applied to the jet, where two distinct temporal square-wave pulses were prescribed during a single forcing period. The two distinct pulses produced vortex rings of different strength and celerity, the strategic selection of which promoted vortex ring interactions or collisions in the near field to varying degrees. Jet flow conditions corresponding to a transitionally convectively and absolutely unstable upstream shear layer (USL) in the absence of forcing, at a jet-to-cross-flow momentum flux ratio of J = 10, and to an absolutely unstable USL at J = 7, were explored for a jet Reynolds number of 1800. Acetone planar laser-induced fluorescence imaging was utilized to quantify the influence of different prescribed temporal waveforms. All forcing conditions enhanced the spread, penetration, and molecular mixing of the jet as compared to the unforced jet, though to differing degrees. Interestingly, when the jet was convectively unstable, forcing which promoted vortex collisions provided the greatest enhancement in molecular mixing, whereas the absolutely unstable jet produced the greatest enhancement in mixing when the vortex rings did not interact, with important implications for optimized jet control.

Organized motions in a jet in crossflow

Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2001

An experimental study to identify the structures present in a jet in crossflow has been carried out at a jet-to-crossflow velocity ratio U/Ucf = 3.8 and Reynolds number Re = UcfD/v = 6600. The hot-wire velocity data measured with a rake of eight X-wires at x/D = 5 and 15 and flow visualizations using planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) confirm that the well-established pair of counter-rotating vortices is a feature of the mean field and that the upright, tornado-like or Fric's vortices that are shed to the leeward side of the jet are connected to the jet flow at the core. The counter-rotating vortex pair is strongly modulated by a coherent velocity field that, in fact, is as important as the mean velocity field. Three different structures – folded vortex rings, horseshoe vortices and handle-type structures – contribute to this coherent field. The new handle-like structures identified in the current study link the boundary layer vorticity with the counter-rotating vortex pai...

Identification of the effects of the nozzle-exit boundary-layer thickness and its corresponding Reynolds number in initially highly disturbed subsonic jets

Physics of Fluids, 2013

The influence of the nozzle-exit boundary-layer thickness in isothermal round jets at a Mach number of 0.9 and at diameter Reynolds numbers Re D ≃ 5 × 10 4 is investigated using large-eddy simulations. The originality of this work is that, contrary to previous studies on the topic, the jets are initially highly disturbed, and that the effects of the boundary-layer thickness are explored jointly on the exit turbulence, the shear-layer and jet flow characteristics, and the acoustic field. The jets originate from a pipe of radius r 0 , and exhibit, at the exit, peak disturbance levels of 9% of the jet velocity, and mean velocity profiles similar to laminar boundary-layer profiles of thickness δ 0 = 0.09r 0 ,0 . 1 5 r 0 ,0 . 2 5 r 0 ,o r0 . 4 2 r 0 , yielding 99% velocity thicknesses between 0.07r 0 and 0.34r 0 and momentum thicknesses δ θ (0) between 0.012r 0 and 0.05r 0 .Two sets of computations are reported to distinguish, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, between the effects of the ratio δ 0 /r 0 and of the Reynolds number Re θ based on δ θ (0). First, four jets with a fixed diameter, hence at a constant Reynolds number Re D = 5 × 10 4 giving Re θ = 304, 486, 782, and 1288 depending on δ 0 ,are considered. In this case, due to the increase in Re θ , thickening the initial shear layers mainly results in a weaker mixing-layer development with lower spreading rates and turbulence intensities, and reduced sound levels at all emission angles. Second, four jets at Reynolds numbers Re D between 1.8 × 10 4 and 8.3 × 10 4 , varying so as to obtain Re θ ≃ 480 in all simulations, are examined. Here, increasing δ 0 /r 0 has a limited impact on the mixing-layer key features, but clearly leads to a shorter potential core, a more rapid velocity decay, and higher fluctuations on the jet axis, and stronger noise in the downstream direction. Similar trends can be expected for high-Reynolds-number jets in which viscosity plays a negligible role. C 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.[http://dx.