Frontostriatal circuits are necessary for visuomotor transformation: Mental rotation in Parkinson's disease (original) (raw)

Perceptual and motor mechanisms for mental rotation of human hands

Neuroreport, 2001

We measured brain potentials from human subjects performing a mental rotation task requiring right-left judgments of misoriented hands, and a control task requiring palm-back judgments of the same stimuli. High-density, 128-channel event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 16 normal, right-handed subjects. There was a main effect of task at ®ve different latencies: 148 ms (occipital), 180 ms (parietal), 388 ms (vertex), 556 ms (central-parietal), and 900 ms (vertex). Source estimations derived from topographic data indicate that frontal brain regions were strongly activated after 300 ms in the control task, but not until about 900 ms in the rotation task. We conclude that the neural computations underlying mental hand rotation may be recruited from relatively early stages of visuo-perceptual analysis; these early computations in¯uence subsequent processing within a parietal-prefrontal system for the integration of perception with action. NeuroReport 12:3433± 3437

Functional Neuroanatomy of Mental Rotation

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2009

& Brain regions involved in mental rotation were determined by assessing increases in fMRI activation associated with increases in stimulus rotation during a mirror-normal parityjudgment task with letters and digits. A letter-digit category judgment task was used as a control for orientation-dependent neural processing unrelated to mental rotation per se. Compared to the category judgments, the parity judgments elicited increases in activation in both the dorsal and the ventral visual streams, as well as higher-order premotor areas, inferior frontal gyrus, and anterior insula. Only a subset of these areas, namely, the posterior part of the dorsal intraparietal sulcus, higher-order premotor regions, and the anterior insula showed increased activation as a function of stimulus orientation. Parity judgments elicited greater activation in the right than in the left ventral intraparietal sulcus, but there were no hemispheric differences in orientation-dependent activation, suggesting that neither hemisphere is dominant for mental rotation per se. Hemispheric asymmetries associated with parityjudgment tasks may reflect visuospatial processing other than mental rotation itself, which is subserved by a bilateral frontoparietal network, rather than regions restricted to the posterior parietal. & D

Motor Imagery in Mental Rotation: An fMRI Study

NeuroImage, 2002

Twelve right-handed men performed two mental rotation tasks and two control tasks while whole-head functional magnetic resonance imaging was applied. Mental rotation tasks implied the comparison of different sorts of stimulus pairs, viz. pictures of hands and pictures of tools, which were either identical or mirror images and which were rotated in the plane of the picture. Control tasks were equal except that stimuli pairs were not rotated. Reaction time profiles were consistent with those found in previous research. Imaging data replicate classic areas of activation in mental rotation for hands and tools (bilateral superior parietal lobule and visual extrastriate cortex) but show an important difference in premotor area activation: pairs of hands engender bilateral premotor activation while pairs of tools elicit only left premotor brain activation. The results suggest that participants imagined moving both their hands in the hand condition, while imagining manipulating objects with their hand of preference (right hand) in the tool condition. The covert actions of motor imagery appear to mimic the "natural way" in which a person would manipulate the object in reality, and the activation of cortical regions during mental rotation seems at least in part determined by an intrinsic process that depends on the afforded actions elicited by the kind of stimuli presented. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA)

Mental rotation of objects versus hands: Neural mechanisms revealed by positron emission tomography

Psychophysiology, 1998

Twelve right-handed men participated in two mental rotation tasks as their regional cerebral blood flow~rCBF! was monitored using positron emission tomography. In one task, participants mentally rotated and compared figures composed of angular branching forms; in the other task, participants mentally rotated and compared drawings of human hands. In both cases, rCBF was compared with a baseline condition that used identical stimuli and required the same comparison, but in which rotation was not required. Mental rotation of branching objects engendered activation in the parietal lobe and Area 19. In contrast, mental rotation of hands engendered activation in the precentral gyrus~M1!, superior and inferior parietal lobes, primary visual cortex, insula, and frontal Areas 6 and 9. The results suggest that at least two different mechanisms can be used in mental rotation, one mechanism that recruits processes that prepare motor movements and another mechanism that does not. Descriptors: Mental rotation, Mental imagery, Positron emission tomography, Cognitive neuroscience Address reprint requests to: S. M. Kosslyn,

The functional role of dorso-lateral premotor cortex during mental rotation

NeuroImage, 2007

Subjects deciding whether two objects presented at angular disparity are identical or mirror versions of each other usually show response times that linearly increase with the angle between objects. This phenomenon has been termed mental rotation. While there is widespread agreement that parietal cortex plays a dominant role in mental rotation, reports concerning the involvement of motor areas are less consistent. From a theoretical point of view, activation in motor areas suggests that mental rotation relies upon visuo-motor rather than visuo-spatial processing alone. However, the type of information that is processed by motor areas during mental rotation remains unclear. In this study we used event-related fMRI to assess whether activation in parietal and dorsolateral premotor areas (dPM) during mental rotation is distinctively related to processing spatial orientation information. Using a newly developed task paradigm we explicitly separated the processing steps (encoding, mental rotation proper and object matching) required by mental rotation tasks and additionally modulated the amount of spatial orientation information that had to be processed. Our results show that activation in dPM during mental rotation is not strongly modulated by the processing of spatial orientation information, and that activation in dPM areas is strongest during mental rotation proper. The latter finding suggests that dPM is involved in more generalized processes such as visuo-spatial attention and movement anticipation. We propose that solving mental rotation tasks is heavily dependent upon visuo-motor processes and evokes neural processing that may be considered as an implicit simulation of actual object rotation.

Asymmetry and Structure of the Fronto-Parietal Networks Underlie Visuomotor Processing in Humans

Research in both humans and monkeys has shown that even simple hand movements require cortical control beyond primary sensorimotor areas. An extensive functional neuroimaging literature demonstrates the key role that cortical fronto-parietal regions play for movements such as reaching and reach-to-grasp. However, no study so far has examined the specific white matter connections linking the fronto-parietal regions, namely the 3 parallel pathways of the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF). The aim of the current study was to explore how selective fronto-parietal connections are for different kinds of hand movement in 30 right-handed subjects by correlating diffusion imaging tractography and kinematic data. We showed that a common network, consisting of bilateral SLF II and SLF III, was involved in both reaching and reach-to-grasp movements. Larger SLF II and SLF III in the right hemisphere were associated with faster speed of visuomotor processing, while the left SLF II and SLF III played a role in the initial movement trajectory control. Furthermore, the right SLF II was involved in the closing grip phase necessary for efficient grasping of the object. We demonstrated for the first time that individual differences in asymmetry and structure of the fronto-parietal networks were associated with visuomotor processing in humans.

Dissociation Between the Mental Rotation of Visual Images and Motor Images In Unilateral Brain-Damaged Patients

Brain and Cognition, 2003

Deficits in the mental rotation of body parts and of external objects can be doubly dissociated (Rumiati, Tomasino, Vorano, Umiltà, & De Luce, 2001; Sirigu & Duhamel, 2001; Tomasino, Rumiati, & Umità, in press). The aim of this study was to replicate this finding and to then investigate the relevance of the specific hemispheres in these deficits. Nine patients with unilateral lesions (five in the Left Hemisphere and four in the Right) and 20 control subjects, performed a single task requiring mental rotation of hands, and two tasks requiring mental rotation of external objects. RH patients were impaired in the rotation of external objects, but showed intact performance on the rotation of hands; the opposite pattern was found for LH patients. These results support the view that the LH contributes to the mental rotation of hands, recruiting processes specific to motor preparation, while the RH is specialized for mental rotation of external objects.

Cerebrally lateralized mental representations of hand shape and movement

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 1998

Previous psychophysical and neuroimaging studies suggest that perceiving the handedness of a visually presented hand depends on sensorimotor processes that are specific to the limb of the stimulus and that may be controlled by the cerebral hemisphere contralateral to the limb. Therefore, it was hypothesized that disconnection between cerebral hemispheres would disrupt mental simulation of a hand presented to the ipsilateral, but not the contralateral, hemisphere. This hypothesis was examined by the present study in which two callosotomy patients and eight healthy controls judged the handedness of drawings of left and right hands in various positions, without moving or inspecting their own hands. Stimuli were presented for 150 msec in the right or left visual hemifield. As predicted, for each hemisphere, patients' accuracy was high when the hand was contralateral to the perceiving hemisphere, but it was not above chance when it was ipsilateral to the perceiving hemisphere. Contro...