Object knowledge during entry-level categorization is activated and modified by implicit memory after 200 ms (original) (raw)

Category-related brain activity to natural categories is associated with the retrieval of visual features: Evidence from repetition effects during visual and functional judgments

Brain research. Cognitive brain research, 2005

It is debated whether category-related brain activation reflects a modality-specific (e.g., visual, functional representation systems) or a domain-specific (e.g., natural vs. artifactual categories) semantic memory organization. The present event-related potentials (ERPs) study is aimed at elucidating the nature of semantic representations of objects from natural (e.g., animal) and artifactual (e.g., tool) categories. Within a repetition priming paradigm, we tested the assumption that modality-specific semantic systems are differentially involved in representing artifacts and natural kinds by probing either visual or functional knowledge in a test task. In the exposure phase, subjects performed a classification task on object names for artifacts and natural objects. In the test phase, these previously presented (old) names were presented together with new names, and subjects had to perform either a visual (shape) or a functional (use) judgment. As in previous ERP studies, words from...

Neural timing of visual implicit categorization

Cognitive Brain Research, 2003

Most of the neuroimaging studies that have shown visual category-specific activations or categorization effects have been based on a subtractive approach. In the present study, we investigated, by means of EEG, not only the net result of the categorization but also the dynamics of the process. Subjects had to perform a target detection task throughout an image set of distractors belonging to six categories: letters, geometrical figures, faces, tools, structured textures and Asiatic characters. Multivariate analyses were performed on the responses to the non-target stimuli according to their category. Categorical neural responses were only obtained on P2 latencies and N2 amplitudes. This result suggests that there are no differences in the first stage of the implicit categorization of the distractors (visual analysis and proximal stimulus representation elaboration from 100 to 220 ms) and that differences appear between 220 and 280 ms (matching to structural representations). Over-learned stimuli (e.g. letters) elicited the shortest P2 latency, contrasting with unknown categories (e.g. Asiatic characters) that revealed the longest P2 latencies and flattened N2 waves. Categorical differences indicate that the more a subject knows about an object, the less cognitive resources are used. In conclusion, our results suggest that a reduction in neural activity could reflect an improved accuracy in cognitive and cortical processing.

Time Course of Processes and Representations Supporting Visual Object Identification and Memory

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2003

& Event-related potentials (ERPs) were used to delineate the time course of activation of the processes and representations supporting visual object identification and memory. Following K. Srinivas (1993), 66 young people named objects in canonical or unusual views during study and an indirect memory test. Test views were the same or different from those at study. The first ERP repetition effect and earliest ERP format effect started at $150 msec. Multiple ERP repetition effects appeared over time. All but the latest ones were largest for same views, although other aspects of their form specificity varied. Initial ERP format effects support multipleviews-plus-transformation accounts of identification and indi-cate the timing of processes of object model selection (frontal N350 from 148 -250 to 500 -700 msec) and view transformation via mental rotation (posterior N400/P600 from 250 -356 to 700 msec). Thereafter, a late slow wave reflects a memory process more strongly recruited by different than same views. Overall, the ERP data demonstrate the activation of multiple memory processes over time during an indirect test, with earlier ones (within 148 -400 msec) characterized by a pattern of form specificity consistent with the specific identification-related neural process or representational system supporting each memory function. & APPENDIX Scatter graph of individual variability of each ERP component (in the respective time period) for each condition (S = Same, D = Different, N = New).

Neurophysiological Evidence for the Time Course of Activation of Global Shape, Part, and Local Contour Representations during Visual Object Categorization and Memory

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2007

Categorization of visual objects entails matching a percept to long-term representations of structural knowledge. This object model selection is central to theories of human visual cognition, but the representational format(s) is largely unknown. To characterize these neural representations, event-related brain potentials (ERPs) to fragmented objects during an indirect memory test were compared when only local contour features, but not global shapes of the object and its parts, differed between encoding and retrieval experiences. The ERP effects revealed that the format of object representations varies across time according to the particular neural processing and memory system currently engaged. An occipito-temporal P2(00) showed implicit memory modulation to items that repeatedly engaged similar perceptual grouping processes but not items that merely reinstantiated visual features. After 500 msec, memory modulation of a late positive complex, indexing secondary categorization and/o...

Top-down modulation of visual processing and knowledge after 250 ms supports object constancy of category decisions

Frontiers in psychology, 2015

People categorize objects more slowly when visual input is highly impoverished instead of optimal. While bottom-up models may explain a decision with optimal input, perceptual hypothesis testing (PHT) theories implicate top-down processes with impoverished input. Brain mechanisms and the time course of PHT are largely unknown. This event-related potential study used a neuroimaging paradigm that implicated prefrontal cortex in top-down modulation of occipitotemporal cortex. Subjects categorized more impoverished and less impoverished real and pseudo objects. PHT theories predict larger impoverishment effects for real than pseudo objects because top-down processes modulate knowledge only for real objects, but different PHT variants predict different timing. Consistent with parietal-prefrontal PHT variants, around 250 ms, the earliest impoverished real object interaction started on an N3 complex, which reflects interactive cortical activity for object cognition. N3 impoverishment effec...

The emergence of semantic categorization in early visualprocessing: ERP indices of animal vs. artifact recognition

Background: Neuroimaging and neuropsychological literature show functional dissociations in brain activity during processing of stimuli belonging to different semantic categories (e.g., animals, tools, faces, places), but little information is available about the time course of object perceptual categorization. The aim of the study was to provide information about the timing of processing stimuli from different semantic domains, without using verbal or naming paradigms, in order to observe the emergence of non-linguistic conceptual knowledge in the ventral stream visual pathway. Event related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in 18 healthy right-handed individuals as they performed a perceptual categorization task on 672 pairs of images of animals and man-made objects (i.e., artifacts).

Neurophysiological evidence for two processing times for visual object identification

Neuropsychologia, 2002

Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded to fragmented pictures of objects that were named correctly or were not to investigate the time course of visual object identification. The first ERP difference distinguishing identified from unidentified pictures estimates the upper limit of the time by which human brain regions have begun to activate long-term memory (LTM) representations specifying the identity of a visual object. Data from 15 young adults indicate that this time varies with the extent to which object parts are recoverable from the visual input, being ∼200 ms earlier with recoverable than unrecoverable parts. Successful identification is evident by ∼300 ms when object parts and overall structural configuration are readily recoverable but not until ∼550 ms when object parts are difficult or impossible to recover (i.e. too poorly specified by the available contours to be recovered). In both cases, successful identification is associated with greater relative positivity. However, unidentified recoverable pictures are associated with an enhanced frontal negativity (N350), linked to object matching operations, not seen for non-recoverable pictures. Taken together, these results implicate two distinct processing sequences in the successful identification of visual objects.

Brain dynamics of upstream perceptual processes leading to visual object recognition: A high density ERP topographic mapping study

NeuroImage, 2011

Recent studies suggest that visual object recognition is a proactive process through which perceptual evidence accumulates over time before a decision can be made about the object. However, the exact electrophysiological correlates and time-course of this complex process remain unclear. In addition, the potential influence of emotion on this process has not been investigated yet. We recorded high density EEG in healthy adult participants performing a novel perceptual recognition task. For each trial, an initial blurred visual scene was first shown, before the actual content of the stimulus was gradually revealed by progressively adding diagnostic high spatial frequency information. Participants were asked to stop this stimulus sequence as soon as they could correctly perform an animacy judgment task. Behavioral results showed that participants reliably gathered perceptual evidence before recognition. Furthermore, prolonged exploration times were observed for pleasant, relative to either neutral or unpleasant scenes. ERP results showed distinct effects starting at 280 ms post-stimulus onset in distant brain regions during stimulus processing, mainly characterized by: (i) a monotonic accumulation of evidence, involving regions of the posterior cingulate cortex/parahippocampal gyrus, and (ii) true categorical recognition effects in medial frontal regions, including the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. These findings provide evidence for the early involvement, following stimulus onset, of non-overlapping brain networks during proactive processes eventually leading to visual object recognition.

Modulation of early ERPs by accurate categorization of objects in scenes

Journal of Vision, 2015

The categorization of objects within natural scenes is carried out in a sequence of stages, which may build on the detection of perceptual regularities in the visual appearance of objects or may represent a more semantic level of categorization. Here, we examined the neural correlates of correct categorization of objects in scenes, using natural scenes which were equalized in color and spectral amplitude, and controlled in terms of spatial coherence. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were used to track the early stages of visual processing. Participants viewed degraded (phase-scrambled) versions of natural scenes and then categorized them as depicting animals or people. At an intermediate scrambling level, a negative-going occipitotemporal ERP modulation by categorization accuracy was observed, beginning approximately 150 ms after stimulus onset; at more degraded levels, no ERP modulation was observed. These results suggest that this early negative-going ERP modulation reflects processing of perceptual evidence which is predictive of later correct categorization, even when low-level differences in color, spectral amplitude, and spatial coherence are balanced or controlled.

Tracking the time course of object categorization using event-related potentials

Neuroreport, 1999

OBJECT categorization processes were investigated by measuring event-related potentials while subjects categorized objects at the superordinate (e.g. animal), basic (e.g. dog) and subordinate (e.g. beagle) levels of abstraction. An enhanced negative de¯ection (N1) was found at posterior recording sites for subordinate level categorizations compared with basic level categorizations and was interpreted as a marker of increased visual analysis. In contrast, superordinate level categorizations produced a larger frontal negativity relative to basic level categorizations and were interpreted as an indicator of increased semantic processing. These results suggest a neurophysiological basis for the separate cognitive processes responsible for subordinate and superordinate object categorizations. NeuroReport 10:829±835 # 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.