Radiation reaction and gravitational waves in the effective field theory approach (original) (raw)

A theory of post-Newtonian radiation and reaction

We address issues with extant formulations of dissipative effects in the effective field theory (EFT) which describes the post-Newtonian (PN) inspiral of two gravitating bodies by (re)formulating several parts of the theory. Novel ingredients include gauge invariant spherical fields in the radiation zone; a system zone which preserves time reversal such that its violation arises not from local odd propagation but rather from interaction with the radiation sector in a way which resembles the balayage method; 2-way multipoles to perform zone matching within the EFT action; and a double-field radiation-reaction action which is the non-quantum version of the Closed Time Path formalism and generalizes to any theory with directed propagators including theories which are defined by equations of motion rather than an action. This formulation unifies the treatment of outgoing radiation and its reaction force. We demonstrate the theory in the scalar, electromagnetic and gravitational cases by economizing the following: the expression for the radiation source multipoles; the derivation of the leading outgoing radiation and associated reaction force such that it is maximally reduced to mere multiplication; and the derivation of the gravitational next to leading PN order. In fact we present a novel expression for the +1PN correction to all mass multipoles. We introduce useful definitions for multi-index summation, for the normalization of Bessel functions and for the normalization of the gravito-magnetic vector potential.

Gravitational radiation from compact binary systems: Gravitational waveforms and energy loss to second post-Newtonian order

Physical Review D, 1996

We derive the gravitational waveform and gravitational-wave energy flux generated by a binary star system of compact objects (neutron stars or black holes), accurate through second post-Newtonian order (O[(v/c) 4 ] ∼ O[(Gm/rc 2) 2 ]) beyond the lowest-order quadrupole approximation. We cast the Einstein equations into the form of a flat-spacetime wave equation together with a harmonic gauge condition, and solve it formally as a retarded integral over the past null cone of the chosen field point. The part of this integral that involves the matter sources and the near-zone gravitational field is evaluated in terms of multipole moments using standard techniques; the remainder of the retarded integral, extending over the radiation zone, is evaluated in a novel way. The result is a manifestly convergent and finite procedure for calculating gravitational radiation to arbitrary orders in a post-Newtonian expansion. Through second post-Newtonian order, the radiation is also shown to propagate toward the observer along true null rays of the asymptotically Schwarzschild spacetime, despite having been derived using flat spacetime wave equations. The method cures defects that plagued previous "brute-force" slow-motion approaches to the generation of gravitational radiation, and yields results that agree perfectly with those recently obtained by a mixed post-Minkowskian post-Newtonian method. We display explicit formulae for the gravitational waveform and the energy flux for two-body systems, both in arbitrary orbits and in circular orbits. In an appendix, we extend the formalism to bodies with finite spatial extent, and derive the spin corrections to the waveform and energy loss.

Gravitational radiation ind>4from effective field theory

Physical Review D, 2008

Some years ago, a new powerful technique, known as the Classical Effective Field Theory, was proposed to describe classical phenomena in gravitational systems. Here we show how this approach can be useful to investigate theoretically important issues, such as gravitational radiation in any spacetime dimension. In particular, we derive for the first time the Einstein-Infeld-Hoffman Lagrangian and we compute Einstein's quadrupole formula for any number of flat spacetime dimensions.

Gravitational radiation in quantum gravity

The European Physical Journal C, 2018

The effective field theory of quantum gravity generically predicts non-locality to be present in the effective action, which results from the low-energy propagation of gravitons and massless matter. Working to second order in gravitational curvature, we reconsider the effects of quantum gravity on the gravitational radiation emitted from a binary system. In particular, we calculate for the first time the leading order quantum gravitational correction to the classical quadrupole radiation formula which appears at second order in Newton's constant.

Radiation reaction and gravitational waves in the eective eld theory approach


eld theory (EFT) approach of Goldberger and Rothstein. We use an initial value for- mulation of the underlying (quantum) framework to implement retarded boundary conditions and describe these real-time dissipative processes. We also demonstrate why the usual scattering formal- ism of quantum eld theory inadequately accounts for these. The methods discussed here should be useful for deriving real-time quantities (including

Gravitational radiation from binary systems in massive graviton theories

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2022

Theories with massive gravitons have peculiarity called the van Dam-Veltman-Zakharov discontinuity in that the massive theory propagator does not go to the massless graviton propagator in the zero graviton mass limit. This results in large deviation in Newtons law for massive graviton theories even when the graviton mass vanishes. We test the vDVZ in massive graviton theories for single graviton vertex process namely the gravitational radiation from a classical source. We calculate the gravitational radiation from compact binaries using the perturbative Feynman diagram method. We perform this calculation for Einstein's gravity with massless gravitons and verify that the Feynman diagram calculation reproduces the quadrupole formula. Using the same procedure we calculate the gravitational radiation for three massive graviton theories: (1) the Fierz-Pauli theory (2) the modified Fierz-Pauli theory without the vDVZ discontinuity and (3) the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati theory with a mome...

Radiative contributions to gravitational scattering

Physical Review D, 2021

The linear-order effects of radiation-reaction on the classical scattering of two point masses, in General Relativity, are derived by a variation-of-constants method. Explicit expressions for the radiation-reaction contributions to the changes of 4-momentum during scattering are given to linear order in the radiative losses of energy, linear-momentum and angular momentum. The polynomial dependence on the masses of the 4-momentum changes is shown to lead to non-trivial identities relating the various radiative losses. At order G 3 our results lead to a streamlined classical derivation of results recently derived within a quantum approach. At order G 4 we compute the needed radiative losses to next-to-next-to-leading-order in the post-Newtonian expansion, thereby reaching the absolute fourth and a half post-Newtonian level of accuracy in the 4-momentum changes. We also provide explicit expressions, at the absolute sixth post-Newtonian accuracy, for the radiationgraviton contribution to conservative O(G 4) scattering. At orders G 5 and G 6 we derive explicit theoretical expressions for the last two hitherto undetermined parameters describing the fifth-post-Newtonian dynamics. Our results at the fifth-post-Newtonian level confirm results of [Nucl. Phys. B 965, 115352 (2021)] but exhibit some disagreements with results of [Phys. Rev. D 101, 064033 (2020)].

Gravitational Waves in Effective Quantum Gravity

The European Physical Journal C, 2016

In this short paper we investigate quantum gravitational effects on Einstein's equations using Effective Field Theory techniques. We consider the leading order quantum gravitational correction to the wave equation. Besides the usual massless mode, we find a pair of modes with complex masses. These massive particles have a width and could thus lead to a damping of gravitational waves if excited in violent astrophysical processes producing gravitational waves such as e.g. black hole mergers. We discuss the consequences for gravitational wave events such as GW 150914 recently observed by the Advanced LIGO collaboration.

Second post-Newtonian gravitational radiation reaction for two-body systems: Nonspinning bodies

Physical Review D, 1997

Starting from the recently obtained 2PN accurate forms of the energy and angular momentum fluxes from inspiralling compact binaries, we deduce the gravitational radiation reaction to 2PN order beyond the quadrupole approximation-4.5PN terms in the equation of motion-using the refined balance method proposed by Iyer and Will. We explore critically the features of their construction and illustrate them by contrast to other possible variants. The equations of motion are valid for general binary orbits and for a class of coordinate gauges. The limiting cases of circular orbits and radial infall are also discussed.

Gravitational-Radiation Damping of Compact Binary Systems to Second Post-Newtonian Order

Physical Review Letters, 1995

The rate of gravitational-wave energy loss from inspiralling binary systems of compact objects of arbitrary mass is derived through second post-Newtonian (2PN) order O[(Gm/rc 2) 2 ] beyond the quadrupole approximation. The result has been derived by two independent calculations of the (source) multipole moments. The 2PN terms, and in particular the finite mass contribution therein (which cannot be obtained in perturbation calculations of black hole spacetimes), are shown to make a significant contribution to the accumulated phase of theoretical templates to be used in matched filtering of the data from future gravitational-wave detectors.