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ITAQUAQUECETUBA FORMATION PALYNOSTRATIGRAPHY, SÃO PAULO BASIN, BRAZIL. In order to identify the palynofloristic associations and their respective guide-species from the Mine Itaquareia 1 outcropping beds, in Itaquaquecetuba Formation (São Paulo sedimentary basin), 44 samples were analyzed, of which, 42 were collected along 10 columnar section and 2 of them immediately on the crystalline basement. The identification of the palynological associations endorsed the establishment of paleoclimate prevailing at the time of sedimentation, while the determination of the guide species aimed at defining the age of this lithostratigraphical unit. This age is very controversial in the literature, where is referred from the Eocene to the Pleistocene. This study has identified two palynofloristic associations: one Late Eocene and the other Early Oligocene. The first one is characterized by great diversity in palynoflora, especially, angiosperms, while the second, on the last three samples from the top of the section showed a reduction in biodiversity of flowering plants and increased amount of gymnosperms, especially, Dacrydiumites florinii. The Late Eocene palynofloristic associations suggested a subtropical to tropical moist paleoclimatic conditions, while the reduction of biodiversity and the expansion of gymnosperms, which occurs in the samples of the upper portion of the section, Early Oligocene in age, are evidence of colder weather in this period.
ABSTRACT – PALYNOFLORAL AND PALEOENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE SANTANA FORMATION (LOWER CRETACEOUS), 4-BO-1-PE WELL, ARARIPE BASIN, NORTHEAST BRAZIL. A paleoenvironmental characterization of the Santana Formation sedimentary rocks (4-BO-1-PE well), Araripe Basin, Late Aptian-Early Albian, was accomplished through qualitative and quantitative analyses of the palynofl ora. Palynological and lithological evidence indicate a predominantly continental depositional environment for this section, composed by a fl uvial, lacustrine deltaic system in a semi-arid climate. The detection of a single dinofl agellate cyst suggests that small sea ingressions took place during Aptian-Albian times in the region, as also verifi ed in other coeval strata of marginal Brazilian Cretaceous basins. Comparisons with palynofl oras from other continents support the hypothesis that this assemblage belongs to the North-Gondwana microfl oristic province.
ABSTRACT – PALEOGENE FABACEAE OF THE SOUTHEAST REGION OF MINAS GERAIS, ENTRE-CÓRREGOS FORMATION, AIURUOCA BASIN, BRAZIL. The family Fabaceae, one of the most abundant and diversifi ed of the recent eudicots, has a fossil record in the taphofl ora of the Entre-Córregos Formation (Eocene-Oligocene). This formation is constituted by papiraceous shales deposited under euxinic lacustrine conditions of the Aiuruoca taphrogenic basin, in the southeastern area of the Minas Gerais State. This basin is inserted in the Cenozoic Rifting System of the Southeast Brazil. The Fabaceae record presents itself like impressions of detached and attached folioles of the macrophylls of a new species of Caesalpinia (Subfamily Caesalpinoideae), two new species and one form identifi ed only in generic level of Machaerium(Subfamily Faboideae) and as affi ne pollen grains. Considering their modern climatic, habitat and habits preferences it is possible to infer that they are components of a humid climate Neotropical fl ora, being member of the upper arborescent stratum of the association (15 to 20 m high), in the submountain area of the Atlantic Forest. In Brazil, these genera, were only known from Paleogene record from the Brazilian Southeast (Fonseca, Aiuruoca, Taubaté, Tanque and São Paulo basins). The total palynological association suggests an Eocene-Oligocene age.
The Northeast region of Brazil presents archaeological sites that challenge the more traditional models in which the first arrival of human being to the American Continent is approached. Systematizing archaeological dates that indicate human presence throughout the ages with weather, fauna and flora extremely different from the current, the archeology is inserted into a multidisciplinary scenario in which the human presence is now considered an important data for interpretation and dialogue on new paleoenvironmental studies. Based on bibliographical sources consulted, this research approaches systematic studies of sedimentary deposits associated with the late Quaternary and have the purpose of offering tools and data to connect the geoarchaeology to environmental archaeology. The methodology applied in this study consists of an analysis of dates and contexts of research on sedimentary deposits in the Northeast region of Brazil that enabled the formulation of a database, offering tools for consultation and multidisciplinary dialogue, which is the final objective of this study.
SALVADOR 2012 AGRADECIMENTOS Meus agradecimentos a CBPM -Companhia Baiana de Pesquisa Mineral -pelo apoio concedido na elaboração desse trabalho, especialmente nas pessoas do Dr. Ernesto, os geólogos Valter Mônaco, Deivson Lucas e Alberto. Obrigado a meus pais Luiz e Glória pela paciência, financiamento e educação. A minha irmã Karine obrigado pelas brincadeiras. Devido a minha velhice, os agradecimentos aos amigos será dividido em 3 partes: Aos amigos que começaram na infância: Diego Fox, Dinho Cabeça, Sérgio Cigano, Vínini, Jofre e Tiago. Agora aos amigos que iniciaram comigo a faculdade: Andrezão, Bago, Eraldo, Escadinha, Fortran, Gilci, Jackson, Lambão, Natana, Paulão, Valdirene, Wagner. E aos novos amigos que fiz nessa etapa final do curso: Bibiageo, e Taty E um agradecimento a todos aqueles não citados aqui pelas memórias.... Um agradecimento aos amigos que colaboram diretamente para essa monografia: Cipri, Eloisa, Jofre, Lucas, Luquinhas, Tampinha, Smeagol e Substância. Aos professores do IGeo que na medida do possível me mostraram o caminho das pedras: Vilton, Flávio, Telesfóro, Lamarck, Tânia, Túlio, Maria das Graças, Professora de QUI-003, Pedro, Reginaldo, Rosa e Eron. Um agradecimento especial ao meu professor orientador Haroldo Sá que com muita paciência e sabedoria me mostrou que espremendo o conhecimento sai! ABSTRACT This work is the result of studies to characterize the iron formations of the area Ibicuí-Iguaí region, which geologically is inserted into the compartment Belt Itabuna-Salvador-Curaçá, and includes high-grade metamorphic rocks.
An overview of research on paleontology of macroinvertebrates in Brazil during the last decades is here presented trying to demystify the prejudice that this area is in decline. Signs that the national institutions of education and research, still develop and carry large amount of studies on invertebrate paleontology is showed. When compared to other areas of paleontology, such as vertebrate paleontology and paleobotany, this growth production is proportional with the smallest amount of studies due to the small number of researchers in this area in Brazil. The main geological periods encompassed by the research on fossil invertebrates in Brazil are established and the main lines of research in this group are displayed. Finally, a strengthening in the research on fossil invertebrates is proposed
Palinoestratigrafia Da Formação Itaquaquecetuba, Bacia De
ITAQUAQUECETUBA FORMATION PALYNOSTRATIGRAPHY, SAO PAULO BASIN, BRAZIL. In order to identify the palynofloristic associations and their respective guide-species from the Mine Itaquareia 1 outcropping beds, in Itaquaquecetuba Formation (Sao Paulo sedimentary basin), 44 samples were analyzed, of which, 42 were collected along 10 columnar section and 2 of them immediately on the crystalline basement. The identification of the palynological associations endorsed the establishment of paleoclimate prevailing at the time of sedimentation, while the determination of the guide species aimed at defining the age of this lithostratigraphical unit. This age is very controversial in the literature, where is referred from the Eocene to the Pleistocene. This study has identified two palynofloristic associations: one Late Eocene and the other Early Oligocene. The first one is characterized by great diversity in palynoflora, especially, angiosperms, while the second, on the last three samples from the...
PALEOCURRENTS, PALEOGEOGRAPHY AND DEPOSITIONAL SEQUENCES IN THE TATUI FORMATION, BRAZIL Coarse-grained sandstones and conglomerates rich in silex clasts are conspicuous facies of the Tatuí Formation in the east-central São Paulo State , Brazil. They represent a progradation of coastal alluvial fan systems (Ibicatu) on a marine shelf. Paleocurrents indicate depositional dip towards the south, paleoshoreline with an approximate east-west direction and sediment provenance from the North. The upper part of the Tatuí Formation, interpreted as a highstand system tract, was covered by transgressive shales of the Taquaral Member (Irati Formation). During the transgressive phase, sediments of the Tatuí Formation were partially reworked by marine erosive processes, with development of wave ravinement surfaces and deposition of thin levels of conglomerates rich in silex grains, pebbles and bioclasts (scales, teeth and bones of fish and coprolites). The conglomerates are transgressive lags at the base of the Taquaral transgressive system tract.