Clinical Environment: Experiences of Undergraduate student nurses (original) (raw)

Nursing students’ perceptions of the impact of clinical teacherson supporting the students’ coping with stress during their firstclinical practice – a quantitative study


Introduction: The learning environment plays an important role in the process whereby students obtain knowledge and skills. The success of a practical course and shaping of the personal competencies of students are dependent on the proper support of qualified teachers, mentors and educators. Aim of the research: To assess the perception of the teacher in supporting nursing students' coping with stress during their first clinical practice. Material and methods: The study included 262 nursing students after their first clinical practice. The research tools included: the authors' questionnaire and an inventory for measuring coping with stress (Mini COPE). The authors' questionnaire comprised questions concerning, among other things: the self-assessment of student preparation for classes, sources of stress, types of difficult situations and means of coping with such situations, as well as support provided by the teacher. Results: The support of a clinical teacher is effective at stimulating the process of devising active ways of coping with stress during practical learning. The results showed that students who felt safe in the presence of the teacher running the practical course tended to choose active coping strategies or strategies based on seeking emotional support. Conclusions: Mentoring programmes need to be implemented to strengthen students' coping skills, and decrease their clinical stress levels and perceived stress. Streszczenie Wprowadzenie: Środowisko odgrywa ważną rolę w procesie zdobywania wiedzy i umiejętności przez studentów. Sukces kształcenia praktycznego w środowisku klinicznym i kształtowanie osobistych kompetencji uczniów zależy od wsparcia wykwalifikowanych nauczycieli i mentorów. Wsparcie pozwala studentom na szybsze osiąganie przez nich celów edukacyjnych. Cel pracy: Ocena roli nauczyciela we wspieraniu studentów pierwszego roku pielęgniarstwa w procesie radzenia sobie ze stresem podczas ich pierwszej praktyki klinicznej. Materiał i metody: Badaniem objęto 262 studentów pierwszego roku pielęgniarstwa po pierwszej praktyce klinicznej. Narzędzia badawcze obejmowały: kwestionariusz autorski oraz Inwentarz do pomiaru radzenia sobie ze stresem (Mini COPE). Na kwestionariusz autorski składały się pytania dotyczące między innymi: samooceny przygotowania uczniów do zajęć, źródeł stresu, rodzajów trudnych sytuacji i sposobów radzenia sobie z takimi sytuacjami, a także wsparcia udzielanego przez nauczyciela. Wyniki: Wsparcie nauczyciela skutecznie stymuluje proces radzenia sobie ze stresem podczas praktycznej nauki pielęgniarstwa. Wyniki pokazały, że uczniowie, którzy czuli się bezpiecznie w obecności nauczyciela, zwykle wybierali strategie aktywnego radzenia sobie lub strategie oparte na poszukiwaniu wsparcia emocjonalnego. Wsparcie nauczyciela może skutecznie wpływać na rozwój sposobów radzenia sobie ze stresem podczas praktycznej nauki zawodu. Wnioski: Konieczne jest wdrożenie programów mentorskich w celu wzmocnienia umiejętności nauczycieli we wspieraniu radzenia sobie studentów ze stresem. Nursing students' perceptions of the impact of clinical teachers on supporting the students' coping with stress during their first clinical practice-a quantitative study Medical Studies/Studia Medyczne 2020; 36/4

Explaining the Clinical Education Stressors in Nursing Students: A Qualitative Study

Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences, 2023

Background: Nurses are an important part of the health system, and the effectiveness of their clinical education has a significant impact on community health. The clinical environment is constantly changing, making student education very stressful. Due to the negative effects of stressors on education, the present study was conducted to explain the stressors in the clinical environment. Methods: In this qualitative study (content analysis), the participants were selected using the purposive sampling method. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 nursing students who had completed at least one semester of internship in Khalkhal University of Medical Sciences until data saturation was achieved. The data were coded, the related codes were classified into categories, and the main themes were extracted. Results: Four categories were obtained in this study: personal problems, the interaction between students and patients, patients' families, instructors, and ward staff, executive planning, and clinical education environment. The most important source of stress was personal problems, including a lack of awareness and fear of following some clinical guidelines. The lower-semester students were reported to have more stress than last-semester students. Conclusion: Due to the many clinical stressors, the related authorities should be required to promote students' professional development by identifying the clinical environment stressors and providing appropriate solutions to reduce and control them. In this regard, considering the role of instructors in reducing stress and facilitating student learning, providing educational programs to train instructors in this area can be one of the main steps to reduce student stress.

Perception of Nursing Students towards Clinical Stressors in the

Baccalaureate nursing students often experience high levels of stress during training that may result in psychological or emotional impairment during their professional life ultimately affecting the quality of patient care they provide. Clinical instructors provide the needed support and guidance for students to relieve stress and promote a positive clinical experience. The aim of this study was to investigate the perceived level of stress and sources of stress in undergraduate students enrolled in nursing practicum courses. This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with 50 nursing students' representative of third and fourth year (levels 5, 6 and 8) undergraduate students from Al Jouf University in KSA. This study revealed that about three -fourths of students had high level of stress compared to about one-quarter had moderate stress (72 % and 28%, respectively ). Three sources of stress were significant which are stress from taking care of patients, stress from peers and daily life, and stress from hospital staff. Pvalue were 0.03, 0.004, and 0.002, respectively. No significant relationships between students' absenteeism and stress, academic level and stress and mothers' education with stress. It is recommended from this study that nurse educators and curriculum planners should make a positive contribution towards minimizing the stress of student nurses and all personnel involved with teaching nursing students including clinicians need to be adequately prepared to deal with students and be aware of their own impact on students.

Stress and Coping Strategies During Clinical Practices Among Degree Nursing Students of a Private Institution

The Malaysian Journal of Nursing, 2020

Introduction: Nursing students undergoing training in nursing faculty seem to have a higher potential to cope with stress and challenges. This study is to determine stress and coping strategies during clinical practices among degree nursing students of a private institution. Methodology: Descriptive, cross-sectional design in assessing students' stress and sources of stress as well as identify the coping strategies used by students. Total of 122 undergraduate nursing students participated in this research study by using self-reported questionnaire. Results: Majority were female, ages between 31 to 40 years, from semester 4 and with working of experience between 11 to 20 years. Most frequent types of stress found among these students were during taking care of patients are lack of experience and ability in providing nursing care and in making judgment. The lack of knowledge regarding the possible ways to help patients with physio-physio-social concerns and concern about not being trusted or accepted by patients or patients' family. Coping behaviours indicates a statistically significant difference between all the coping behaviours between male and female respondents. Discussion: High level of stress can affect the physical, psychological health of the individual. This may also affect the cognitive process involving memories, recall of knowledge and attention.

Assessment of Nursing Students' Stress Levels and Coping Strategies During First Clinical Experience

Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 2021

Objective: This study was performed in order to examine the clinical stress levels of nursing students during their first clinical practice and their stress coping styles. Methods: This descriptive study was performed with 91 freshmen in the nursing department of Namık Kemal University who experienced clinical practice for the first time. Data was collected using a student identification form, the clinical stress questionnaire and the stress-coping patterns scale. Results: The students' mean age was 19.94±2.91. The mean stress score of the students during their first clinical experience was found to be 29.16±7.92. When the stress coping styles of the students were examined, their mean self-confidence approach score was 2.93±0.54, their seeking social support score was 2.73±0.48, their optimistic approach score was 2.68±0.61, their helpless/self-accusatory approach score was 2.17±0.50, and their submissive approach score was 1.84±0.44. Conclusion: The clinical stress levels of the students were found to be low and the students were found to use the confident approach most in coping with stress.

Stressors and Coping Strategies during Clinical Practices among Diploma Nursing Students

Education in Medicine Journal, 2016

Introduction: Stress is a particularly important issue in education because it has the potential to decline learning and performance. However, little empirical evidence about the influence of stress in nurse students' clinical practices. Methods: There are 346 totals of respondents for this study. Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), which have six domains of stressors and Brief COPE inventory, consisted of 28 items which measure 14 different coping styles was used. By using Likert scale in order to measure the degree of stress for each stressor. Higher mean score indicates higher degree of stress. Results: In this study, stress from clinical assignments and workload was the most stressful having by nursing students (Mean = 3.19, SD = 1.09). Among the 14 types of coping strategies, religion was the most frequently used, religion (Mean = 3.30, SD = 0.71). Conclusion: The results provided valuable information for nurse educators, clinical educators and clinical staff in identifying students' needs, facilitating their learning in the clinical setting and developing effective interventions to reduce the stress. Therefore it is important, especially nursing students can handle the pressure because it will affect the level of achievement in academic and thereby affecting student skills in the field of clinical nursing. And this affects the care of patients.

Patient-related stressors and coping strategies in baccalaureate nursing students during clinical practice

Medical Studies, 2019

Introduction: The first clinical experience of nursing students is of great importance in their professional development and the formation of professional competence. The education process is a stressful experience. This is due to the large emotional commitment, responsibility for health and life, and struggling with the problems of patients. To fully benefit from this experience, it is necessary that students successfully cope with stress. Aim of the research: To assess patient-related stressors and coping behaviours of nursing students during clinical practice. Material and methods: The study was conducted among 786 first-year nursing students at universities in southern Poland in 2015 and 2016. Diagnostic survey and evaluation methods, as well as surveying and scaling techniques, were used, and the research tools were of the demographic characteristics form-Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), Inventory for Coping with Stress (Mini-COPE) to measure coping with stress. Verification of differences between variables was made using the Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test. The relationship between variables was determined by calculating the Spearman rank correlation and multidimensional logistic regression. The adopted level of significance was α = 0.05. Results: Nursing students struggled with many difficult situations and experienced moderate to severe stress, presenting a variety of different coping strategies. As the stress level increased, the frequency of coping with difficult situations by using avoiding behaviour increased (rho = 0.195; p < 0.0001). Students in difficult situations more often relied on problem-focused strategies rather than emotion-focused strategies. Conclusions: It is advised that nursing students develop active ways to deal with difficult situations, especially those students displaying helplessness and avoiding behaviours. Streszczenie Wprowadzenie: Pierwsze doświadczenie kliniczne studentów pielęgniarstwa ma ogromne znaczenie w ich rozwoju profesjonalnym i kształtowaniu kompetencji zawodowych. Proces edukacji jest stresującym doświadczeniem. Wynika to z dużego zaangażowania emocjonalnego, odpowiedzialności za zdrowie i życie oraz zmagania się z problemami chorych. Aby w pełni korzystać z tego doświadczenia, studenci muszą skutecznie radzić sobie ze stresem. Cel pracy: Ocena czynników stresujących związanych z pacjentem i sposobów radzenia sobie ze stresem studentów pielęgniarstwa podczas zajęć praktycznych. Materiał i metody: Badania przeprowadzono wśród 786 studentów pierwszego roku kierunku pielęgniarstwo (południowa Polska). Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego i szacowania, technikę ankietowania i skalowania. Narzędziami badawczymi były: autorski kwestionariusz w formie ankiety, Skala odczuwanego stresu oraz Inwentarz do pomiaru radzenia sobie ze stresem. Weryfikacji różnic między zmiennymi dokonano za pomocą testu niezależności χ 2 , testu Manna-Whitneya oraz Kruskala-Wallisa. Związek między zmiennymi określono przez obliczenie korelacji rang Spearmana i wielowymiarowej regresji logistycznej. Wyniki: Studenci pielęgniarstwa zmagali się z wieloma trudnymi sytuacjami i doświadczali stresu o natężeniu od umiarkowanego do wysokiego. Stosowali różne strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem. Wraz ze wzrostem poziomu stresu zwiększała Medical Studies/Studia Medyczne 2019; 35/1 się częstość radzenia sobie w trudnych sytuacjach poprzez podejmowanie zachowań unikowych (rho = 0,195; p < 0,0001). W trudnych sytuacjach studenci częściej polegali na strategiach skoncentrowanych na problemie niż na strategiach ukierunkowanych na emocje. Wnioski: Wskazane jest rozwijanie aktywnych sposobów radzenia sobie w trudnych sytuacjach przez studentów pielęgniarstwa, zwłaszcza tych wykazujących bezradność i zachowania unikowe.

Reflections on nursing students’ fear and anxiety arising from clinical practicums

Investigación y Educación en Enfermería

Background. Anxiety and fear are emotional responses that may emerge when individuals anticipate threats. Undergraduate nursing students may experience feelings of hopelessness and anguish in the clinical learning experience, directly impacting their academic performance. This study aims to reflect upon the fear and anxiety faced by nursing students during clinical training. Synopsis of Contents. Two thematic axes were focused: Students’ perception regarding preceptorship attitudes and positions; Relational teaching-learning processes and their influence on the students’ professional identity. Preceptors are expected to encourage the establishment and maintenance of good relationships in the collaborative network in which students are included, especially with the multi-professional health team, to have more comprehensive academic support. Conclusion. The role and importance of each individual in academic training, such as students and professors, is emphasized, seeking to promote p...

The Effect of Nursing Students’ Problems in the Cli nical Practice Environment on Anxiety Level and Motivation


Background: Clinical practice is one of the important stages of nursing education. The problems which many students encounter in their first experiences in th is area can cause a feeling of anxiety and a loss o f motivation which lasts throughout their education. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of p r blems experienced by nursing students in the clinical environment on their anxiety levels and mo tivation. Methodology: The research was planned as a descriptive-correlat ional study. The study was conducted in the spring semester at the Health Sciences Faculty of a university in Turkey. The research was completed w ith the 316 nursing students without resorting to sample se ction. A sociodemographic data form, the State An xiety Inventory, the Trait Anxiety Inventory, and the Mot ivation Sources and Problems Scale were used to col lect data. Results: It was found in the study that some problems exper ienced in the clinic had a negative effect on both anxiety ...