Web-based spatial data infrastructure: a solution for the sustainable management of thematic information supported by aerial orthophotography (original) (raw)

Desarrollo de un Web-GIS para el patrimonio arquitectónico Mudéjar

Connecting. Drawing for weaving relationship. Languages Distances Technologies. Proceedings of the 42th International Conference of Representation Disciplines Teachers, 2021

En este estudio se presenta el desarrollo de un Web-GIS para representar el patrimonio mudéjar en Aragón, un listado de 227 edificios que necesitan ser inventariados para su correcta documentación. Algunos de los bienes son especialmente representativos con elementos arquitectónicos singulares y forman parte del patrimonio mundial. Esta situación precisa un Sistema de Información del Patrimonio Arquitectónico, una base de datos que pueda incorporar información relativa a la identificación y localización, datos históricos, tipo de protección, características geométricas, constructivas, estado de conservación y tipos de intervención; un soporte común que permita contener todos los materiales disponibles de un elemento patrimonial. El diseño y desarrollo de este Web-GIS, se ha enfocado en la protección del patrimonio mudéjar de Aragón y su relación con el entorno y la normativa urbanística y de protección. La información gráfica de esta información y su relación con el patrimonio y su geolocalización, facilitan un soporte para el análisis espacial, para su conservación y divulgación. Supone un instrumento adicional para la toma de decisiones, facilitando la elaboración de inventarios encaminados a la protección y conservación, y contribuye a dotar de una visión del edificio a escala urbana y territorial, no solo como un ente aislado.

Functional Relationships of a Geospatial System for Reforestation of a Territory Using Geographic Information Systems

Open Access Library Journal 2019, Volume 6, e5193 ISSN Online: 2333-9721 ISSN Print: 2333-9705 , 2019

The analysis presented was carried out in an area of Loja Province, Ecuador, with the objective of determining the functioning of the different geospatial systems for the evaluation of the reforestation of the territory, degraded by different activities that are developed in open sky. It was departed from the running of the model of Hottel, that considering the absence of data series of meteorological variables, theoretical methods were used for the calculation of the insolation variable, in Labview software. Considering the affectations by the presence of cloudiness as well as by the surfaces of shade orographic, this was implemented for a Geographic Information System (GIS) taking advantage of the characteristics of these applications for spatial analyses. The analysis of temperature and precipitation was also included considering the variations in altitude [1] for the realization of the functional analysis of the territory. From the joint analyses of both methods were obtained maps that allowed defining the zones with conditions of dampening and flows of radiation and caloric potentials, whose result will allow the specialists of the biotic part to determine the species for reforestation in the area. The digital elevation model (MDE) of the South Region of Ecuador was obtained and the maps of slopes, orientation of the surfaces and slopes oriented, from which, through analysis of cross-images allowed the determination of the maps of radiation, temperature, and precipitation considering the geomorphologic characteristics. The resulting maps are presented.


I. Barka: Geomorphological information system: idea and options for practical implementation. Geografický časopis, 57, 2005, 3, 1 fig., 3 tabs., 41 refs. An information system storing relevant geomorphological data and equipped with special analytical tools for geomorphological research can be termed a Geomor-phological information system (GmIS). A GmIS should maintain a comprehensive geomorphological database, allow the user to generate specific geomorphological information and create (carto)graphic, statistical and other outputs. An attempt to create conceptual and logical models of a GmIS is presented here. The proposed GmIS is based on the GIS technology with layered database structure, divided into three main parts. Adopted layers imply existing geomorphologically relevant information from non-geomorphological sources. The basic geomorphological layers represent the most frequently used immanent geomorphological data: DEM and its derivates, documentation materials, elementary f...

Third International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environmeny (RSCy2015)


The PoPaTERVA project is developing applied research regarding the comprehension of the multi-layered cultural background of the Terva Valley Archaeological Park, in Boticas, Portugal. One of the main aspects focused on the project is the appliance of remote sensing techniques to enhance non visible archaeological features. An earth resistance tomography (ERT) survey was carried out at the Sapelos hillfort, by the specialized SINERGEO geophysicist’s team, using a Wenner-Schlumberger array. The resulting data was analyzed by the authors in order to extract and verify valid archaeological features regarding the settlement’s structures. There are several adequate systems that can be used to visualize the surveyed data (x, y, z, Ω). However, the authors preferred the open source Visualization Toolkit (VTK) from Kitware Inc., since it supports several visualization and modelling techniques that are useful for interpretation purposes in archaeological contexts: for instance, it is possibl...

Remote sensing and Geo-Information Systems as tools for

Commission 7, WG VII/3.4 KEY WORDS: sustainable development, remote sensing, spatial database, data fusion, land use planning ABSTRACT: Sustainability has been discussed for a long time now, not only in the field of land-use planning. Still achieving a sustainable development isn't easy. The complexity of the nature makes it impossible to pay attention to all the various factors affecting the sustainability. Giving the planning authorities and politicians guidelines in form of useable and understandable information is an important milestone on the way to a sustainable land-use planning. The joint German-Chinese research project SILUP (Sustainable Development by Integrated Land Use Planning) tries to achieve this. This means simultaneously respect the ecological and the socio-economic value of land, judging the different values and finding suitable areas for the development needs. This cannot be achieved by only collecting and delivering as much data as possible. The data has to be classified, generalized and simplified. The information has to presented in an understandable way and it's not useful if too much single pieces of information are delivered. The project aims for a map containing simplified categories. This categorized map shows the land use planners in an easy and understandable way, which areas should be protected and which area could be used for further development. The first phase of the SILUP project could be finished successfully and was highly acknowledged by the German BMBF (Federal Ministry for Education and Research) and the UNESCO.


Spatial Literacy. The means to resolve many of the worldwide problems societies will face throughout the 21st century will require an ability to think, reason, communicate, and analyze a plethora of data using technical computer programs coupled with highly developed analytical processing skills that are not incorporated in traditional curriculums. In addition to reading, writing, and arithmetic, the fourth element that is critical to understanding the manner in which the world functions is through spatial literacy. We live in a three dimensional world that operates within a fourth dimension of time, yet many people have difficulty visualizing complex processes and multivariate phenomena composing the essential foundations that enable us to function. The growing availability of spatially referenced data and advances in computer science, mathematics, spatial statistics, and sophisticated graphical software programs has resulted in the development of research tools, techniques, and an ability to analyze massive amounts of data through what has been termed spatial analysis. The United States Department of Labor has identified geotechnology among the three fastest growing industries along with nanotechnology and biotechnology.

The Image Web Serwer (IWS) as an Internet Tool of Geoinformatic Education

The Image Web Server (IWS)has been designed by Earth Resource Mapping as a means of serving and distributing large GB or TB-sized images over networks that can have relatively low bandwidths. These technologies can be extremely successful in the education of geoinformatics. In the Project of the Forest Environmental Monitoring and Management System (FOREMMS, 5FP IST) the Laboratory of Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing, the Department of Forest Ecology, and the Forestry Faculty of the Agricultural University of Cracow in cooperation with ProGea Consulting have adapted the Image Web Server (IWS) and the Internet portal which serve digital orthophotos (0.75m x 0.75m), thematic maps, digital images and high resolution satellite data of the Niepolomice Forest area (such as QuickBird). Only the digital orthophotos (the mosaic of 20 orthophoto map sheets) are 2.13 GB of data. The size of other images is several or even hundreds MB of data. Basing it on an ASCII file (over 6 ...

Utilização de imagens de satélite de alta resolução espacial para municípios da Serra Gaúcha

Imagens de satélite de alta resolução espacial são ferramentas importantes no diagnóstico e na avaliação de um determinado espaço geográfico. O uso desse tipo de imagens com resoluções submétricas e periodicidade diária, tem permitido avaliar e monitorar as atividades humanas e os impactos gerados numa escala cartográfica de detalhe. Um conjunto de municípios da Aglomeração Urbana do Nordeste e da Associação de Municípios da Encosta Superior do Nordeste, através de cooperação com a Universidade de Caxias do Sul, adquiriu uma cobertura de imagens dos satélites QuickBird II e imagens estereoscópicas do satélite Geoeye I, com a finalidade de permitir o mapeamento de problemas estruturais e ambientais, como as áreas de preservação permanente. O projeto objetiva também usar as imagens para a geração de um modelo digital do terreno de melhor qualidade. Palavras-chave: Imagens de satélite, mapeamento, problemas ambientais. Área Temática: Gestão Ambiental Pública Abstract High spatial resol...