Alcohol y atención primaria de la salud (original) (raw)
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Detección y abordaje de los problemas de alcohol en la atención primaria de Cataluña
Atención Primaria, 2006
Palabras clave: Alcohol. Atención primaria. Detección. Intervención breve. DETECTION AND HANDLING OF ALCOHOL PROBLEMS IN PRIMARY CARE IN CATALONIA Objective. To gain information on how well strategies for alcohol problem detection and interventions are being implemented in primary care in Catalonia, Spain. Design. Longitudinal pre/post study to evaluate the impact of the distribution to primary care professionals of a training programme for detecting alcohol problems and intervening in them. Descriptive analysis of the basic situation, using interviews with patients and professionals and examination of clinical histories (CH). Setting. Health districts that existed in Catalonia in 2001. Participants. Twenty eight health districts, 973 patients, 80 professionals, and 852 clinical histories examined. Main measurements. Data were collected, by means of questionnaires for professionals and patients and of ad-hoc instruments for examining clinical histories, on the levels of primary care screening for alcohol consumption and of intervention. Results. There was a major disparity in the data between the 3 sources. Thus the screening of consumption and counselling was recorded much less in the CHs than amounts that patients said they received and that professionals said they performed. In addition, most of the at-risk drinkers that were seen in PC were not detected. On comparing them with non-risk drinkers we found significant differences in sex, job, familiarity with the centre and having been asked or not about their alcohol consumption. Conclusions. Given the deficiencies found in PC preventive activity on alcohol consumption and as alcohol consumption has such huge social and health repercussions on the general population, we think it is fully justified to introduce into PC specific training programmes on screening and brief intervention techniques for alcohol problems.
Adicciones, 2016
Through a simulation study, we estimated the potential effects of better detection of hypertension and improved screening for alcohol problems with subsequent interventions. Results showed that if 50% of Spanish males between 40 and 64 years of age who are currently unaware of their hypertension become aware of their condition and receive the usual treatment, and 50% of these males with hypertension are screened for alcohol and are treated for hazardous drinking or alcohol use disorders, then the percentage of uncontrolled hypertension among men with hypertension decreases from 61.2% to 55.9%, i.e. by 8.6%, with about 1/3 of the effect due to the alcohol intervention. For women, likewise, these interventions would decrease the percentage of women in the same age group with uncontrolled hypertension by 7.4% (about 40% due to the alcohol intervention). The reduction of blood pressure in the population would avoid 412 premature CVD deaths (346 in men, 66 in women) within one year. Therefore, better detection of hypertension and screening for alcohol with subsequent interventions would result in marked reductions of uncontrolled hypertension and CVD mortality.
Alcohol y trauma: Un problema prioritario de salud pública
Revista Cientifica Salud Uninorte, 2012
No hay duda de que existe una relación compleja entre el trauma y el consumo de alcohol que convierte a este binomio en un problema prioritario de salud pública. El trauma es una de las causas principales de la carga de la enfermedad; por su parte, el alcohol es uno de los mayores factores de riesgo para la salud global, y genera una variedad de efectos adversos en la vida de las personas, la productividad y los sistemas de salud. En el contexto del trauma, los consumidores de alcohol tienen más probabilidad de sufrir lesiones y que estas sean más severas. En los servicios de urgencias es posible reconocer problemas relacionados con el alcohol en pacientes a través de pruebas toxicológicas y cuestionarios de autorreporte. Los pacientes con altos niveles séricos de alcohol o que resultan positivos en cuestionarios de tamizaje están en alto riesgo de trauma recurrente y hospitalizaciones. Además, el uso de alcohol afecta el manejo inicial del paciente traumatizado de diversas maneras. Por lo tanto, la identificación y tratamiento apropiado de pacientes traumatizados que tengan problemas con alcohol es el método de prevención secundaria más eficaz para disminuir la incidencia de lesiones traumáticas relacionadas con este.
Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 2019
Chile es el país latinoamericano que muestra el más alto porcentaje de trastornos por consumo de alcohol en la región. Las políticas de salud chilenas han recomendado realizar intervenciones breves en la atención primaria de salud para abordar el consumo riesgoso de alcohol, aunque no hay estudios que hayan demostrado su efectividad. La Terapia Breve Centrada en las Soluciones (TBCS) surge como un modelo promisorio para el abordaje del consumo de alcohol en la atención primaria, por su carácter breve y un enfoque consistente con principios de profesiones como trabajo social, donde se otorga relevancia a la autodeterminación de las personas. En este artículo se presenta el modelo de TBCS y se ilustra con fragmentos que muestran el abordaje realizado por una trabajadora social durante una sesión de TBCS, donde la conversación guía la búsqueda de excepciones al problema y las fortalezas y recursos del consultante. Entre las conclusiones, se plantea la necesidad de contar con más estudi...