A Conceptual Framework for Enterprise Risk Management performance measure through Economic Value Added

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is an essential technique used to manage a myriad of risks in a holistic manner. The purpose of this study is to propose a conceptual framework for investigating the impact of ERM on the firm’s value through Economic Value Added (EVA) performance measure. The research design for our study incorporates conclusive research. It covers the descriptive and cross sectional design. It focuses specifically on the objective performance measures of ERM through EVA measure approach. The study adopts an ERM implementation framework comprising three dimensions namely, structure, governance, and process which will be translated into fourteen implementation elements. The study estimates the positive effect of ERM using EVA as a measuring proxy for firm value. EVA computes company profit by incorporating cost of capital.

Enterprise Risk Management and Firm Performance Validated Through Economic Value Added Factors

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is an essential technique, used to manage a myriad of risks in a holistic manner. This paper presents an ERM implementation framework which is operationalized by fourteen elements. It highlights the impact of ERM towards the firm’s performance measured through Economic Value Added (EVA) factors. The research design incorporates descriptive and cross-sectional analysis. Data was collected from 120 public listed companies in Bursa Malaysia through questionnaires survey. Results of the empirical analysis show that ERM implementation has significant positive impact on firm’s performance. The results support the hypothesis that the firms which implements ERM will enhance their performance as validated through the perceived measurement of EVA factors. This study offers a perspective of measuring ERM implementation impact through EVA factors as compared to the accounting measures.

Enterprise Risk Management and Firm Performance Validated Through 2

— Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is an essential technique, used to manage a myriad of risks in a holistic manner. This paper presents an ERM implementation framework which is operationalized by fourteen elements. It highlights the impact of ERM towards the firm's performance measured through Economic Value Added (EVA) factors. The research design incorporates descriptive and cross-sectional analysis. Data was collected from 120 public listed companies in Bursa Malaysia through questionnaires survey. Results of the empirical analysis show that ERM implementation has significant positive impact on firm's performance. The results support the hypothesis that the firms which implements ERM will enhance their performance as validated through the perceived measurement of EVA factors. This study offers a perspective of measuring ERM implementation impact through EVA factors as compared to the accounting measures.

Is enterprise risk management a value added activity?

E+M Ekonomie a Management, 2018

Enterprise risk management (ERM) programs are advocated as the solution for the failures and weaknesses of the traditional silo-based risk management in creating and protecting stakeholders' value. ERM encompasses activities and strategies which enable the company to systematically identify, measure, reduce or exploit, as well as to control and monitor the exposure to various types of corporate risks-strategic, fi nancial, operational, reporting as well as compliance risks. By considering the interactive effects of different risk events, ERM offers a balance between the dual nature of risk-ensuring effective protection from threats and seizing the opportunities. This paper explores the association between ERM and a set of fundamental value determinants of S&P 500 non-fi nancial companies over the period from 2003 to 2012. Contrary to arguments found in the existing ERM literature, ERM companies did not experience a positive effect on most of the value drivers. We fi nd that ERM is associated with lower expected growth rates within one to two years after the ERM adoption, indicating that ERM could even have a negative effect on the company's fundamental value. On the other hand, the study showed that ERM is associated with higher free cash fl ows after six years of its use. Our research thus found indicative evidence that ERM produces some positive effects over a longer term, as well as some negative immediate effects, which could be explained with the increased risk aversion of ERM companies. However, since the tested models are explorative in nature, more theoretical and empirical research is needed to establish how ERM really works within a company.

An Exploratory Study of Enterprise Risk Management: Pillars of ERM

There is a general consensus that enterprise risk management's (ERM) popularity has resulted from a response to pressure on organizations to holistically manage risk. Multiple frameworks for implementation of ERM contribute to an overall uncertainty regarding the essential components of ERM. This uncertainty carries forward to empirical studies of ERM where results regarding value creation are inconclusive. There exists no real consensus about what the principal components of ERM are; this has led to identification and measurement methods that are inconsistent. By using inconsistent indicators and measures of ERM implementation, it is impossible to compare ''apples to apples'' and arrive at conclusive and convincing results regarding ERM's ability to create value. This is an exploratory study of ERM aimed at determining the integral components of ERM based on how firms actually implement ERM dimensions. The result is the identification of four discrete components, or pillars, of ERM implementation; two prerequisite components related to the general internal environment and control activities of the firm, one component identifying risk management activities of the firm and one component with the defining attributes of ERM implementation. All four components must be implemented to have well-implemented ERM, but only one separates ERM firms from non-ERM firms. The resulting four components challenge existing frameworks to adapt to better reflect how firms implement ERM and can have a valuable impact on identifying and measuring ERM, leading to more informative empirical studies on the value creating abilities of ERM.

Enterprise risk management: An important process for feasible profit and growth

Contaduría y Administración

This study is based on the importance of enterprise risk management systems in the organization. Enterprise risk management is a tool that helps organizations to identify those areas which possess potential risks and on how to mitigate those risks. The objective of this paper is to investigate the importance of the ERM system to the firms' achievement of financial and economic goals. The study focused on four independent variables which are controlling risk, the role of the board of directors, the role of the management, and the size of the organization while the dependent variable is the performance of the firm. Using the quantitative approach, data were collected from 3 organizations namely KPMG Taseer Hadi, Deloitte Pakistan, and a bank known as Islamic Bank, the Bank Islami Private Limited. Purposive sampling was employed to take a 100-sample size from different departments. Key outcomes revealed that the controlling risk, the role of the board of directors, and the size of the organization significantly influenced the performance of the firms while there is no significant impact on the role of management on the firm's performance. Based on these findings, it is highly recommended to implement the ERM system as it will help in achieving the long-term economic and financial goals of the corporation.

Enterprise Risk Management: A Review of Two Decades

Journal of Information System and Technology Management

This paper is a modest review spanning a 20-year period on Enterprise Risk Management. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) deals with risks and opportunities which have an impact on value creation. Unlike traditional risk management (TRM) which is silobased, ERM is a holistic approach to risk management. Past studies have produced many contradicting results on the impact of ERM implementation on firm performance and also on the factors which are crucial for the successful implementation of ERM. As such, it is of absolute necessity to identify the determinants of ERM implementation and also how ERM improves performance. The research methodology for this paper began with a literature search for ERM-related articles from journals of various rankings from 2000 to 2020. Relevant papers for the review were selected by using the `going backward’ and `going forward’ process. Fifty research papers were selected in this manner for this review. Prior studies have used different variables to show ...

Does Enterprise Risk Management Create Value

Journal of Advanced Management Science, 2013

This research paper examines whether the enterprise risk management (ERM) practices can create value to Malaysian public listed companies (PLCs) in Malaysia. The sample consists of 417 PLCs in Malaysia. The analysis focuses on the companies' financial characteristics by using stepwise multiple regressions. This research ventures into understanding the influence of financial ratios and risk management on shareholders wealth. The findings show that return on equity, opacity, debt over asset, operating margin, cost of financing and taxation, and financial slack are significant for financial companies. While, only return on asset is significant for financial companies. This is could be due to the nature of financial companies that are highly regulated. 



Enterprise risk management (ERM) is a new management concept fast ascending the corporate agenda globally. Its relevancy and popularity as a management technique are abetted by the changing business practices and burgeoning regulatory requirements on risk management. The shift in paradigm in heightened risk awareness in the wake of several high profile and deep impact corporate governance scandal and financial mismanagement cases as well as increased terrorist threat on the physical assets of firms has compelled firms to be more pro-active in addressing risk issues.

Enterprise Risk Management – Approaches Determining Its Application and Relation to Business Performance

Quality Innovation Prosperity, 2020

Purpose: As management systems, enterprise risk management and enterprise performance management pursue similar objectives and influence each other positively. The paper aims to provide an insight into the relationship between Enterprise Risk Management and Business Performance Management.Methodology/Approach: The paper compares the results of an American study with the results of a Slovakian study. First, the American results are cited and interpreted. Then the Slovak results are presented and discussed. Then the results are compared. In the last part an overall conclusion is drawn, the relationships between the results are shown and practical implications are explained.Findings: The results show similarities, but also differences to Enterprise Risk Management and the relationships between Enterprise Risk Management and Business Performance Management. The paper shows that there are differences in both the management approach and the impact on business performance between American ...