Selective enumeration of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium spp., starter lactic acid bacteria and non-starter lactic acid bacteria from Cheddar cheese (original) (raw)
Related papers
International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2006
Six batches of cheddar cheese were manufactured containing different combinations of commercially available probiotic cultures from three suppliers. Duplicate cheeses contained the organisms of each supplier, a Bifidobacterium spp. (each supplier), a Lactobacillus acidophilus (2 suppliers), and either Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus paracasei, or Lactobacillus rhamnosus. Using selective media, the different strains were assessed for viability during cheddar cheese maturation over 32 weeks. The Bifidobacterium sp. remained at high numbers with the three strains being present in cheese at 4 × 10 7 , 1.4 × 10 8 , and 5 × 10 8 CFU/g after 32 weeks. Similarly the L. casei (2 × 10 7 CFU/g), L. paracasei (1.6 × 10 7 CFU/ g), and L. rhamnosus (9 × 10 8 CFU/g) strains survived well; however, the L. acidophilus strains performed poorly with both decreasing in a similar manner to be present at 3.6 × 10 3 CFU/g and 4.9 × 10 3 CFU/g after 32 weeks. This study indicates that cheddar cheese is a good vehicle for a variety of commercial probiotics but survival of L. acidophilus strains will need to be improved.
International dairy journal, 2006
Three batches of Cheddar cheeses (Batch 1, with only starter lactococci; Batch 2, with lactococci and Lactobacillus acidophilus 4962, Lb. casei 279, Bifidobacterium longum 1941; Batch 3, with lactococci and Lb. acidophilus LAFTI s L10, Lb. paracasei LAFTI s L26, B. lactis LAFTI s B94) were manufactured in triplicate to study the survival and influence of probiotic bacteria on proteolytic patterns and production of organic acid during ripening period of 6 months at 4 1C. All probiotic adjuncts survived manufacturing process and maintained their viability of 47.5 log 10 cfu g À1 at the end of ripening. The number of lactococci decreased by one to two log cycles, but their counts were not significantly different ðP40:05Þ in control and probiotic cheeses. No significant differences were observed in composition (fat, protein, moisture, salt content), but acetic acid concentration was higher in probiotic cheeses. Assessment of proteolysis during ripening showed no significant differences ðP40:05Þ in the level of water-soluble nitrogen (primary proteolysis), but the levels of secondary proteolysis indicated by the concentration of free amino acids were significantly higher ðPo0:05Þ in probiotic cheeses. SDS-PAGE results on hydrolysis of a s-CN after 6 months were consistently higher in probiotic cheeses (19.28%, 46.99% and 63.42% in Batch 1, Batch 2 and Batch 3, respectively). Proteolytic activity, however, remained relatively low for all cheeses due to the low temperature of ripening (4 1C). Results demonstrated that Cheddar cheeses can be an effective vehicle for delivery of probiotic organisms.
International Dairy Journal, 2007
The sensory properties of probiotic Cheddar cheeses made using Lactobacillus acidophilus 4962, Lb. casei 279, Bifidobacterium longum 1941, Lb. acidophilus LAFTI s L10, Lb. paracasei LAFTI s L26 or B. lactis LAFTI s B94 were assessed after ripening for 9 months at 4 1C. Probiotic cheeses except those with Lb. acidophilus 4962 were significantly different (Po0.05) from the control without any probiotic organism. Acceptability of probiotic cheese with Lb. casei 279 was significantly lower (Po0.05) than that of the control cheese with bitterness and sour-acid taste as the major defects. Concentration of acetic acid in probiotic cheeses was higher (Po0.05) than the control cheese. Vinegary scores did not influence the acceptability of the cheeses (P40.05). Increased proteolysis in probiotic cheeses did not influence the Cheddary attribute scores (P40.05). There were positive correlations (Po0.05) between the scores of bitterness and the level of water-soluble nitrogen.
Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía Medellín, 2021
The fresh cheese produced in the province of Manabí is an Ecuadorian artisan cheese. The processing conditions commonly do not comply Ecuadorian regulations, resulting in the presence of pathogenic microorganisms such as Salmonella. The high number of cases of Salmonellosis in the province of Manabí justifies the need to identify and control the possible sources of this pathogenic microorganism. In the present work, the effect of the addition of Lactobacillus acidophilus to fresh cheese was studied, by immersing it in a starch solution with 1x108 CFU mL-1 of L. acidophilus with further storage for 30 days at 4 °C. The pH, acidity, weight loss, instrumental firmness, number of CFU of mesophilic aerobic bacteria and acceptability of fresh cheese were analyzed. At the same time, a duo-trio analysis was carried out, followed by a satisfaction analysis with the participation of semi-trained panelists. The presence of L. acidophilus reduced the pH and acidity in the fresh cheese in relati...
Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2014
The work studies the survival of added selected probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus (S1), Lactobacillus casei (S2), and Lactobacillus plantarum96 (S3) in semi-hard cheese with low-cooking curd during the maturation process. Cheeses were made according to the standard procedure (Polyfood SI 050 device). Probiotic lactobacilli strains Lactobacillus acidophilus (S1), Lactobacillus casei (S2), and Lactobacillus plantarum96 (S3) used in this study were added into the milk before the renneting process. The manufactured cheeses were matured for 6 months at the temperature of 10°C. Cheese samples were taken for pH and titratable acidity measurements, lactobacilli enumeration, and chemical analysis at 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 days of maturation. At the end of the experiment (180 days) the cheese samples were analyzed also for the amount of lactic acid and protein contents. Initial numbers of lactobacilli inoculated into the milk (10 8 CFU mL −1) decreased during the first 2 weeks of maturation and reached from 2.15 10 7 CFU g −1 in S1 cheese to 4.32 10 7 CFU g −1 in S3 cheese. The number of Lactobacillus acidophilus strain bacteria at the beginning of the maturation period was 2.47.10 7 CFU g −1 and declined until day 120 of maturation to the number of 0.45 10 6 CFU g −1. In the last month of the experiment day 180 the viable cell numbers started to rise up to the final number of 0.41 10 7 CFU g −1. The numbers of Lactobacillus plantarum96 varied around 10 8 CFU g −1 during the whole period of the experiment. According to our results it was detected that in all experimental cheeses, the used probiotic lactobacilli reached the values above 10 6 CFU g −1. Thus the legislated and therapeutic minimum limits set for the products containing probiotic bacteria for human diet were fulfilled.
Selective enumeration and survival of bifidobacteria in fresh cheese
International Dairy Journal, 1997
Five species of bifidobacteria (15 strains), two strains of¸actococcus lactis ssp. lactis, two strains of¸. lactis ssp. cremoris, and one strain of¸. lactis ssp. lactis var diacetylactis were included in a study to develop a selective medium for enumeration of bifidobacteria from fresh cheese. Viable counts of bifidobacteria or lactococci on modified Columbia agar base (CAB with 0.05% cysteine-HCl) plus raffinose (0.5%) containing various selective agents were compared with non-selective media. The mCAB plus raffinose with lithium chloride (2 g L\) and sodium propionate (3 g L\) with pH adjusted to 5.1 was used successfully as a selective medium for the enumeration of bifidobacteria from fresh cheese. Using this medium, it was determined that bifidobacteria could survive up to 15 days at a level higher than 10 cfu g\ in a fresh cheese stored at 4 or 12°C. The decrease in the viable counts of bifidobacteria was faster during storage at 4°C than at 12°C.
Dairy Science & Technology, 2013
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Physicochemical and hygienic effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus in Iranian white cheese
Veterinary research forum : an international quarterly journal, 2012
Increasing incidence of food-borne disease along with its social and economic consequences have led to conducting extensive research in order to produce safer food and develop new antimicrobial agents; among them, extensive use of probiotics and bacteriocins as biological additives is of significant importance. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the interactions (growth behavior and survival) of Listeria monocytogenes and Lactobacillus acidophilus in various stages of production, ripening and storage of Iranian white cheese. Changes in pH values at different stages of cheese ripening, along with changes in organoleptic properties of cheese were also assessed. Compared to other treatments, in the treatment of cheese with probiotic agent without starter, the most significant decrease in Listeria monocytogenes count at the end of ripening stage was observed (3.16 Log per gram cheese compared with the control group) (p < 0.05). Survival of probiotic bacteria in control samp...
International Dairy Journal, 2007
Cheddar cheeses were produced with starter lactococci and Bifidobacterium longum 1941, B. lactis LAFTI s B94, Lactobacillus casei 279, Lb. paracasei LAFTI s L26, Lb. acidophilus 4962 or Lb. acidophilus LAFTI s L10 to study the survival of the probiotic bacteria and the influence of these organisms on proteolytic patterns and production of organic acid during ripening period of 6 months at 4 1C. All probiotic adjuncts survived the manufacturing process of Cheddar cheese at high levels without alteration to the cheese-making process. After 6 months of ripening, cheeses maintained the level of probiotic organisms at 48.0 log 10 cfu g À1 with minimal effect on moisture, fat, protein and salt content. Acetic acid concentration was higher in cheeses with B. longum 1941, B. lactis LAFTI s B94, Lb. casei 279 and Lb. paracasei LAFTI s L26. Each probiotic organism influenced the proteolytic pattern of Cheddar cheese in different ways. Lb. casei 279 and Lb. paracasei LAFTI s L26 showed higher hydrolysis of casein. Higher concentrations of free amino acids (FAAs) were found in all probiotic cheeses. Although Bifidobacterium sp. was found to be weakly proteolytic, cheeses with the addition of those strains had highest concentration of FAAs. These data thus suggested that Lb. acidophilus 4962, Lb. casei 279, B. longum 1941, Lb. acidophilus LAFTI s L10, Lb. paracasei LAFTI s L26 and B. lactis LAFTI s B94 can be applied successfully in Cheddar cheese.