k-Path Partitions in Trees (original) (raw)

Minimum Height Path Partitioning of Trees

Scientia Iranica, 2010

Graph partitioning is a well-known problem in the literature. In this paper, path partitioning of trees in which the given tree is partitioned into edge-disjoint paths is considered. A linear time algorithm is given for computing a path partitioning of minimum height.

Partitions of Graphs into Trees

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007

In this paper, we study the k-tree partition problem which is a partition of the set of edges of a graph into k edge-disjoint trees. This problem occurs at several places with applications e.g. in network reliability and graph theory. In graph drawing there is the still unbeaten (n − 2) × (n − 2) area planar straight line drawing of maximal planar graphs using Schnyder's realizers , which are a 3-tree partition of the inner edges. Maximal planar bipartite graphs have a 2-tree partition, as shown by Ringel [14]. Here we give a different proof of this result with a linear time algorithm. The algorithm makes use of a new ordering which is of interest of its own. Then we establish the NP-hardness of the k-tree partition problem for general graphs and k ≥ 2. This parallels NPhard partition problems for the vertices [3], but it contrasts the efficient computation of partitions into forests (also known as arboricity) by matroid techniques .

Algorithms for Vertex Partitioning Problems on Partial k-Trees

Siam Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 1997

In this paper, we consider a large class of vertex partitioning problems and apply to them the theory of algorithm design for problems restricted to partial k-trees. We carefully describe the details of algorithms and analyze their complexity in an attempt to make the algorithms feasible as solutions for practical applications. We give a precise characterization of vertex partitioning problems,

Two fixed-parameter algorithms for Vertex Covering by Paths on Trees

Information Processing Letters, 2008

Vertex Covering by Paths on Trees with applications in machine translation is the task to cover all vertices of a tree T = (V, E) by choosing a minimum-weight subset of given paths in the tree. The problem is NP-hard and has recently been solved by an exact algorithm running in O(4 C · |V | 2 ) time, where C denotes the maximum number of paths covering a tree vertex. We improve this running time to O(2 C · C · |V |). On the route to this, we introduce the problem Tree-like Weighted Hitting Set which might be of independent interest. In addition, for the unweighted case of Vertex Covering by Paths on Trees, we present an exact algorithm using a search tree of size O(2 k · k!), where k denotes the number of chosen covering paths. Finally, we briefly discuss the existence of a size-O(k 2 ) problem kernel.

On finding connected balanced partitions of trees

Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2021

Graph partitioning is a widely studied problem in the literature with several applications in real life contexts. In this paper we study the problem of partitioning a graph, with weights at its vertices, into p connected components. For each component of the partition we measure the difference between the maximum and the minimum weight of a vertex in the component. We consider two objective functions to minimize, one measuring the maximum of such differences among all the components in the partition, and the other measuring the sum of the differences between the maximum and the minimum weight of a vertex in each component. We focus our analysis on tree graphs and provide polynomial time algorithms for solving these optimization problems on such graphs. In particular, we present an O(n 2 log n) time algorithm for the min-max version of the problem on general trees and several, more efficient polynomial algorithms for some trees with a special structure, such as spiders and caterpillars. Finally, we present NP-hardness and approximation results on general graphs for both the objective functions.

Balanced Partitions of Trees and Applications

We study the problem of finding the minimum number of edges that, when cut, form a partition of the vertices into k sets of equal size. This is called the k-BALANCED PARTITIONING problem. The problem is known to be inapproximable within any finite factor on general graphs, while little is known about restricted graph classes.

Vertex Covering by Weighted Paths on Trees and its Subtree Variation

Given a tree and a set of weighted paths in that tree, the problem involves finding a minimum weighted subset of paths that covers all the vertices of the tree where each vertex is covered by a bounded number of paths, is scrutinized in this paper. This problem is referred to as the vertex covering by weighted paths on trees. All the necessary time and memory complexity with the algorithmic results of the aforementioned problem and its subtree variations are provided.

On covering vertices of a graph by trees

Discrete Mathematics, 2008

The purpose of this paper is to initiate study of the following problem: Let G be a graph, and k 1. Determine the minimum number s of trees T 1 ,. .. , T s , (T i) k, i = 1,. .. , s, covering all vertices of G. We conjecture: Let G be a connected graph, and k 2. Then the vertices of G can be covered by s n− (k−1)+1 edge-disjoint trees of maximum degree k. As a support for the conjecture we prove the statement for some values of and k.

Minimum k-path vertex cover


A subset S of vertices of a graph G is called a k-path vertex cover if every path of order k in G contains at least one vertex from S. Denote by ψ k (G) the minimum cardinality of a k-path vertex cover in G. It is shown that the problem of determining ψ k (G) is NP-hard for each k ≥ 2, while for trees the problem can be solved in linear time. We investigate upper bounds on the value of ψ k (G) and provide several estimations and exact values of ψ k (G). We also prove that ψ 3 (G) ≤ (2n + m)/6, for every graph G with n vertices and m edges.