Efficient solutions to bargaining problems with uncertain disagreement points (original) (raw)
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Conditions α and β are two well-known rationality conditions in the theory of rational choice. This paper examines the implication of weaker versions of these two rationality conditions in the context of solutions to non-convex bargaining problems. It is shown that, together with the standard axioms of efficiency, anonymity and scale invariance, they characterize the Nash solution. This result makes a further connection between solutions to non-convex bargaining problems and rationalizability of choice functions in the theory of rational choice.
Relative Disagreement-Point Monotonicity of Bargaining Solutions
Prominent bargaining solutions are disagreement-point monotonic. These solutions’ disagreement-point monotonicity ranking, on the other hand, is impossible to establish. In a large class of bargaining problems, however, a ranking of the relative disagreement-point monotonicity of these prominent bargaining solutions can be obtained. Using the ‘Constant Elasticity of Substitution’ class of bargaining problems, and regardless of the concavity of the Pareto frontier and of the increase in the disagreement point, we find that the Egalitarian solution is most monotonic with respect to changes in disagreement payoffs, followed by the Nash solution. The Equal Sacrifice solution turns out to be the least monotonic, followed by the Kalai/Smorodinsky solution. JEL classification number : C72.
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person non-convex bargaining: Efficient proportional solutions
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For n-person bargaining problems the family of proportional solutions (introduced and characterized by Kalai) is generalized to bargaining problems with non-convex payoff sets. The so-called ''efficient proportional solutions'' are characterized axiomatically using natural extensions of the original axioms provided by Kalai. (M. Tvede).
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Bargaining among groups: an axiomatic viewpoint
International Journal of Game Theory, 2010
We introduce a model of bargaining among groups, and characterize a family of solutions using a Consistency axiom and a few other invariance and monotonicity properties. For each solution in the family, there exists some constant α ≥ 0 such that the "bargaining power" of a group is proportional to c α , where c is the cardinality of the group.
Single-Valued Nash Bargaining Solutions with Non-Convexity ∗
We consider two-player bargaining problems with compact star-shaped choice sets arising from a class of economic environments. We characterize single-valued solutions satisfying the Nash axioms on this class of bargaining problems. Our results show that there are exactly two Nash solutions with each being a dictatorial (in favor of one player) selection of Nash product maximizers. We also provide an extensive form for implementing these two Nash solutions.
Monotonicity and equal-opportunity equivalence in bargaining
Mathematical Social Sciences, 2005
In this paper we study two-person bargaining problems represented by a space of alternatives, a status quo point, and the agents' preference relations on the alternatives. The notion of a family of increasing sets is introduced, which reflects a particular way of gradually expanding the set of alternatives. For any given family of increasing sets, we present a solution which is Pareto optimal and monotonic with respect to this family, that is, makes each agent weakly better off if the set of alternatives is expanded within this family. The solution may be viewed as an expression of equal-opportunity equivalence as defined in Thomson [19]. It is shown to be the unique solution that, in addition to Pareto optimality and the monotonicity property mentioned above, satisfies a uniqueness axiom and unchanged contour independence. A non-cooperative bargaining procedure is provided for which the unique backward induction outcome coincides with the solution. the participants at the XV Bielefeld FoG Meeting and two anonymous referees for their valuable suggestions and comments.
A Noncooperative Solution to the Bargaining Problem
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International Journal of Game Theory, 2000
We present an alternative formulation of the two-person equal area bargaining solution based on a dynamical process describing the disagreement point set. This alternative formulation provides an interpretation of the idea of equal concessions. Furthermore, it leads to an axiomatic characterization of the solution.