High-frequency averaging in semi-classical Hartree-type equations (original) (raw)
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Semi-Classical Wave Packet Dynamics for Hartree Equations
Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 2011
We study the propagation of wave packets for nonlinear nonlocal Schrödinger equations in the semi-classical limit. When the kernel is smooth, we construct approximate solutions for the wave functions in subcritical, critical and supercritical cases (in terms of the size of the initial data). The validity of the approximation is proved up to Ehrenfest time. For homogeneous kernels, we establish similar results in subcritical and critical cases. Nonlinear superposition principle for two nonlinear wave packets is also considered.
(Semi)Classical Limit of the Hartree Equation with Harmonic Potential
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2005
Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations (NLS) of the Hartree type occur in the modeling of quantum semiconductor devices. Their "semiclassical" limit of vanishing (scaled) Planck constant is both a mathematical challenge and practically relevant when coupling quantum models to classical models. With the aim of describing the semi-classical limit of the 3D Schrödinger-Poisson system with an additional harmonic potential, we study some semi-classical limits of the Hartree equation with harmonic potential in space dimension n ≥ 2. The harmonic potential is confining, and causes focusing periodically in time. We prove asymptotics in several cases, showing different possible nonlinear phenomena according to the interplay of the size of the initial data and the power of the Hartree potential. In the case of the 3D Schrödinger-Poisson system with harmonic potential, we can only give a formal computation since the need of modified scattering operators for this long range scattering case goes beyond current theory. We also deal with the case of an additional "local" nonlinearity given by a power of the local density-a model that is relevant when incorporating the Pauli principle in the simplest model given by the "Schrödinger-Poisson-Xα equation". Further we discuss the connection of our WKB based analysis to the Wigner function approach to semiclassical limits.
On the Point-Particle (Newtonian) Limit¶of the Non-Linear Hartree Equation
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2002
We consider the nonlinear Hartree equation describing the dynamics of weakly interacting non-relativistic Bosons. We show that a nonlinear Møller wave operator describing the scattering of a soliton and a wave can be defined. We also consider the dynamics of a soliton in a slowly varying background potential W (εx). We prove that the soliton decomposes into a soliton plus a scattering wave (radiation) up to times of order ε −1. To leading order, the center of the soliton follows the trajectory of a classical particle in the potential W (εx).
With appropriate hypotheses on the nonlinearity f , we prove the existence of a ground state solution u for the problem −∆ + m 2 u + V u = (W * F (u)) f (u) in R N , where V is a bounded potential, not necessarily continuous, and F the primitive of f. We also show that any of this problem is a classical solution. Furthermore, we prove that the ground state solution has exponential decay.
Semi-classical limit for Schrödinger equations with magnetic field and Hartree-type nonlinearities
Some years ago, Penrose [26] derived a system of nonlinear equations by coupling the linear Schrödinger equation of quantum mechanics with Newton's gravitational law. Roughly speaking, a point mass interacts with a density of matter described by the square of the wave function that solves the Schrödinger equation. If m is the mass of the point, this interaction leads to the following system in R3:
On the role of quadratic oscillations in nonlinear Schrödinger equations
Journal of Functional Analysis, 2003
We consider a nonlinear semi-classical Schrödinger equation for which it is known that quadratic oscillations lead to focusing at one point, described by a nonlinear scattering operator. If the initial data is an energy bounded sequence, we prove that the nonlinear term has an effect at leading order only if the initial data have quadratic oscillations; the proof relies on a linearizability condition (which can be expressed in terms of Wigner measures). When the initial data is a sum of such quadratic oscillations, we prove that the associate solution is the superposition of the nonlinear evolution of each of them, up to a small remainder term. In an appendix, we transpose those results to the case of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with harmonic potential.
Interaction of modulated pulses in the nonlinear Schroedinger equation with periodic potential
We consider a cubic nonlinear Schroedinger equation with periodic potential. In a semiclassical scaling the nonlinear interaction of modulated pulses concentrated in one or several Bloch bands is studied. The notion of closed mode systems is introduced which allows for the rigorous derivation of a finite system of amplitude equations describing the macroscopic dynamics of these pulses.
Remarks on the semirelativistic Hartree equations
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2008
We study the global well-posedness (GWP) and small data scattering of radial solutions of the relativistic Hartree type equations with nonlocal nonlinearity F (u) = λ(| • | −γ * |u| 2)u, λ ∈ R \ {0}, 0 < γ < n, n ≥ 3. We establish a weighted L 2 Strichartz estimate applicable to non-radial functions and some fractional integral estimates for radial functions.