Környezet – Ember – Kultúra. Az alkalmazott természettudományok és a régészet párbeszéde - Environment – Human – Culture. Dialogue between applied sciences and archaeology (original) (raw)
Content I. Palaeoecology Pál Sümegi: Long-term relationship between human and environment Introductory thoughts to the Palaeoecological Section of the Environment – Human – Culture conference Attila Barczi, Tünde Horváth, Ákos Pető, János Dani: Hajdunánás-Tedej – Lyukas-halom: archaeological assessment and scientific examination of a typical kurgan from the Great Hungarian Plain Balázs Benyhe, Tímea Kiss, György Sipos, Andrea Deák, István Knipl: Investigation of human induced surface development at an archaeolgical excavation site near Bugac (Hungary) Gergely Bóka: Changes in settlement patterns in the Late Bronze and Iron Ages in the Körös Region Hydrogeology, reliefs and settlements József Dezső, Gergely Kovaliczky, Réka Balogh, György Sipos: On loess hills and in floodplains. Preliminary report on geoarchaeological investigations near Szederkény – Kukorica-dűlő (M60 Motorway) and its floodplain in Hungary Zoltán Horváth, Zoltán Kárpáti, Endre Krolopp†, Csaba Gulyás-Kis, Zsófia Medzihradszky, Bálint Tóth: Assessment of the relationship between environmental changes and urbanization through sedimentary, soil formation, malacological and pollen analyses (Pécs – Búza tér) Gábor Ilon: The present and potential future strategy of environmental historical research in Western Hungary Gabriella Kovács: Potentials of the archaeological application of soil micromorphological thin sections at Százhalombatta-Földvár Bronze Age tell settlement Rozália Kustár, Pál Sümegi: Palaeoenvironmental changes inferred from results of excavations implemented in 2002 and 2003 near the settlement of Harta Pál Sümegi, Sándor Gulyás, Gergő Persaits: Environmental history of Hungary: long time connection between man and environment in the Carpathian Basin. An instance for Early Neolithic economy on the loess covered alluvial island (Nagykörű – Tsz Gyümölcsös site) Csaba Szalontai: The role and importance of the Maty Stream in the settlement history of Szeged neighbourhood. Preliminary results Gábor Serlegi, Szilvia Fábián, Márta Daróczi-Szabó, Gabriella Sholl-Barna, Attila Demény: Climatic and environmental changes during the Late Copper Age in the Transdanubian region II. Archaeobotany Ferenc Gyulai: Archaeobotany. Opening lecture Ferenc Gyulai: Archaeobotanical investigation of an Early Iron Age tumulus at Fehérvárcsurgó, Hungary Árpád Kenéz, Ferenc Gyulai, Ákos Pető: Archaeobotanical examination of food remains from Keszthely – Fenékpuszta Late Roman inner fortress with special focus on the consumption of cereals and the preparation of food Ákos Pető, Árpád Kenéz, Orsolya Herendi, Ferenc Gyulai: Assessment of potential plant exploitation and land use of the Late Avar period in the light of micro- and macroarchaeobotanical analyses of an archaeological site in Southeastern Hungary III. Archaeozoology László Bartosiewicz: Archaeozoology in Hungary: the anatomy of a discipline Erika Gál, Gabriella Kulcsár: Changes at the beginning of the Bronze Age. Characterizing subsistence on the basis of animal remains in southern Transdanubia, Hungary György Goldman, Júlia Szénászky: Settlement unit of the Tiszapolgár culture at Battonya – Vertán-major archaeological site Beáta Tugya, Zoltán Rózsa: Use of horn as a raw material from the Sarmatian excavation site of Szűcs Tanya in Községporta, Orosháza. Archaeological, archaeozoological and ethnographical references IV. Anthropology Ildikó Pap: Anthropology and Archaeology. A changing relationship? Orsolya László: “Long gone childhood”. Comparative analysis of children in Medieval cemeteries Brigitta Ősz, Vanda Voicsek, Csaba Vandulek, Péter Zádori: Paleopathological analysis of the human skeletal material from the cemetery at Lánycsók – Gata-Csotola (Hungary) dating to the Early Árpádian Age: a preliminary study V. Archaeometry Katalin T. Bíró: Archaeology and archaeometry: magic wand, fashion or routine? László Csedreki, Rozália Kustár, Péter Langó: Micro-PIXE analysis of gilt silver mounts from the Hungarian Conquest Period Marianna Dági: Goldsmiths and techniques of manufacture. Gold myrtle wreaths from Late Classical and Early Hellenistic Macedonia Katalin Gherdán, Tünde Horváth, Mária Tóth: Potentials in ceramic petrography research. A case study at a multi-period site (Balatonőszöd – Temetői-dűlő, M7 / S-10) János Jakucs, Judit Sándorné Kovács: Identification of Middle Neolithic ceramics paintings from nort-eastern Hungary and north-western Romania by the means of Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) Nándor Kalicz, Zsuzsanna Siklósi, Gabriella Scholl-Barna, Bernadett Bajnóczi, George H. Hourmouziadis, Fotis Ifantidis, Aikaterini Kyparissi-Apostolika, Maria Pappa, Rena Veropoulidou, Christina Ziota: Stable isotope geochemical provenance study of shell ornaments from Aszód – Papi földek Éva Kelemen, Mária Tóth, Bernadett Bajnóczi: Archaeometric analysis of Árpádian Age and Late Medieval building materials from Csongrád County Szilvia Lakatos, Zoltán May, Mária Tóth: Examination of a bronze Venus statue by archaeological and archaeometric methods Emilia Pásztor: The role and significance of astronomy in prehistoric archaeological research. Case studies from Europe and the Carpathian Basin Béla Rácz: Transcarpathian obsidians: literature data and field experience Miklós Rácz, Sándor Puszta: Comparison of the results from a ground-penetrating radar survey and an archaeological excavation in the Medieval church of Sóly György Sipos, Tünde Horváth, Zoltán May, Mária Tóth: Data to the dating of a Late Copper Age ritual human mask from Balatonőszöd – Temetői-dűlő György Szakmány, István Sajó, Eszter Harsányi: Archaeometric investigation of Pannonian imitations of the black-coated pottery from Trier Péter Pánczél, Attila Kreiter, György Szakmány: Petrographic, XRF, SEM-EDS and CL analyses of Celtic ceramics from Bátaszék – Körtvélyes-dűlő Ildikó Zsók, György Szakmány, Attila Kreiter, Tibor Marton: Archaeometric analyses of Neolithic ceramics from Balatonszárszó